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Open Space Task Force 10-6-03
                                    OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE MINUTES

Meeting of October 6, 2003

Meeting Called To Order:  5:36 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned:            7:02

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Herb Asplund, Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Mike Gantick, Carol Heffler, Roy Normen, Betty Osborne, Karl Reichle, Jim Snow, Betty Warren

·       Minutes from the September 8, 2003 Open Space Task Force Meeting to reflect correction as follows:  Minutes from the June 2, 2003 (not June 7) Open Space Task Force Meeting were unanimously accepted.  

·       Warren requested that Shepard property of approximately 100 acres, located in the vicinity of Main Street and Pleasant Valley Road, be walked and evaluated by the Open Space Task Force.  This had not been done prior to the reply issued by the Town Manager.  Discussion ensued.  

*       A motion was initiated by Warren and seconded by Heffler to submit a memo to the Town Manager requesting property owner(s) permission for the Open Space Task Force to walk and evaluate the property(s) brought to our attention by Tim Shepard at the OSTF September 8, 2003 meeting:  The motion carried with the vote as follows:  Aye:  Heffler, Asplund, Evans, Warren, Osborne, Normen;    Nay:  Gantick, Reichle, Snow:  Abstained:  Banach, Botteron

·       A draft of a memorandum, prepared by Botteron, requesting the Town Manager to inform the Task Force of all properties being offered to the Town for open space was edited.  The final copy will be done by Banach and forwarded to the Town Manager.

·       Normen announced that at the upcoming October 7, 2003 Town Council Meeting an agenda item references discussion regarding the naming of the Kelley, Waldron, and Willard properties.  

*Next regular meeting is November 3, 2004