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Open Space Task Force 9-8-2003
                                    OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE MINUTES

Meeting of September 8, 2003

Meeting Called To Order:  5:30 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned:            7:03 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron, Carol Heffler, Roy Normen,
                                         Betty Osborne, Karl Reichle, Jim Snow, Betty Warren

MEMBERS ABSENT:    Herb Asplund, Louise Evans, Mike Gantick

GUEST PRESENT:         Tim Shepard, Matthew Galligan, Town Manager

·       Minutes from the June 7, 2003 Open Space Task Force Meeting were unanimously accepted.

·       Tim Shepard addressed the Task Force.  His family owns approximately 100 acres of land located in the vicinity of Main St. and Pleasant Valley Road.  He had approached the Town Manager with request that the Town consider this property for purchase of development rights.  Several members of the Task Force were not aware of this proposition.

Town Manager Matt Galligan, said that the Town Council is not interested in purchasing development rights under any circumstances, as addressed publicly by the Town Council.

It was also pointed out by Galligan that Shepard brought in plans for a housing subdivision for stated property.  Banach spoke up stating she reviewed this subdivision plan.  She noted the plan was overly ambitious, and the number of homes shown in the plan was overstated.

Shepard pointed out that he felt the Town should again pursue purchasing the
development rights of the Foster Farm, as well as for other privately owned lands.   He also felt the Task Force should be more creative in pursuing land for conservation and possibly going to referendum for more open space monies.

Galligan noted that tax incentives (the Task Force had given Galligan this information some time ago) were an option.

Botteron spoke up saying that the Task Force had indeed secured $600,000 DEP grant monies.

Botteron noted that in another instance, the Task Force had referred a piece of property the Town was not interested in acquiring to the State for conservation. The State subsequently purchased the property.

Botteron had spoken with Mayor Aman, in the spring of 2003, about going to referendum for more open space monies.  Botteron was told, by Aman, that this was not a good year to go to referendum.  Reasons given were:  the slow economy, large property tax increases due to property reassessment, recreation plans for ball fields had just recently failed to pass.
·       It was noted, by the Town Manager, that the Task Force is not notified of every property that is offered to the Town for possible purchase. This was a fact that some members were unaware of as it was assumed that all properties sent to the Town Manager/Council were then reviewed by the Task Force.   

Some members felt the Task Force should be notified of all properties that are offered to the Town regardless of location, (i.e.:  if the property does/does not appear on the Master Plan) or methods for potentially acquiring the property(s)  (i.e.:  development rights) were offered.

Botteron was requested, by some members, to draft a letter to the Town Manager and Council requesting that all properties offered for possible Town acquisition be brought before the Task Force.  Botteron stated that she would do so and the communication will be discussed with all members before being transmitted.

·       Warren stated that she would go before the Town Council as a representative of SWALPAC (South Windsor Agriculture Land Preservation Advisory Committee).  Warren would request the Town Council to consider evaluating every property offered for development rights purchase on an individual basis.

·       Galligan asked if he should continue pursuing properties for possible Town acquisition as shown on the Master Plan.  This was discussed with him at the  December 2002 OSTF meeting.  The response from members was of a positive nature.

·       Galligan said that if a referendum for more open space monies was put on this November’s ballot, it might pass.  However, he suggested that the Task Force consider going to the Council requesting $300,000 from the general budget be put aside every year toward purchase of potential open space properties.  This will be brought up at a later OSTF meeting.

·       Galligan updated the Task Force that the DEP grant monies have not been released to the Town as of yet.  This matter is still pending with the State Attorney General’s Office.  

·       Galligan updated the Task Force that he was still in negotiations with the owners of the Ferry Lane Property, which was reviewed September 2002 by the Task Force.  

·       Banach and Botteron presented potential signage options for current Town owned properties.  Banach had drawings of signage prototypes that were done several years ago by an independent company.  Botteron has taken photos of signs with maps imposed on them and will present the drawings and photos to Councilor Delnicki for review with the Council’s subcommittee on naming Town owned lands.

·       Rating sheet scale will be discussed at the October 2003 OSTF meeting.

*Next meeting is scheduled for October 6, 2003 at 5:30 p.m.