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Open Space Task Force Minutes 05/05/03

Meeting of May 5, 2003

Meeting Called To Order:  5:38 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned:           6:42 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT:   Herb Asplund,  Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron, Louise Evans,                                                                                  
                                        Mike Gantick, Carol Heffler, Roy Normen,
                                       Jim Snow, Betty Warren        
MEMBERS ABSENT:     Betty Osborne, Karl Reichle

        Minutes from the April 14, 2003 Open Space Task Force Meeting were unanimously accepted.

Warren updated members as to the status of the Juknis Farm Stand from information presented at the April 21, 2003 Town Council Meeting.  

Botteron distributed the timetable regarding the Department of Environmental Protection Watershed Grant Monies that was presented and discussed at the Town Council April 21, 2003 meeting.

Asplund informed the group that an informational booth for Town Owned Open Space would be available to the Open Space Task Force during the Strawberry Festival on June 7, 2003.  

Discussed and rated the 14.8 acre Lee property located at 588 Niederwerfer Road.  This property rated at 29 points of a possible 113 points, thus rating it unfavorable for Town acquisition.  Transmittal of such will be forwarded to the Town Manager.

Asplund reported on the status of the subdivision open space located in the Deming Hills Estate, Deming Road.  The South Windsor Land Trust owns this open space and is gaining the cooperation of the residents to oversee its care.

A motion was made by Warren and second by Evans for the Open Space Task Force to send a memo to the Town Manager that the Open Space Task Force is still interested in the Ferry Lane Property.  We are requesting that the Town Manager contact the owners (in writing) to let them know of our continued interest in this property.

Gantick reported the witch hazel trees, planted on the Priest Property, did not fare well.   There will be a replanting.

Scout troops are incorporating projects, such as walking trails, on the Donnelly Property.  

The Barton property forest management project is faring well with the thinning of trees thus adding habitat for new wildlife.

Banach stated that the article on Town Owned Open Space will appear in the next issue of the Podunk Press rather than the current issue about to be published.

Next scheduled meeting will be June 2, 2003 at 5:30 p.m.