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Open Space Task Force 4-14-03

Meeting of  April 14, 2003 (note:  regular scheduled meeting of April 7, 2003 was canceled because of inclement weather)

Meeting Called To Order:  5:37 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned:           7:06 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Herb Asplund, Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron, Louise Evans,                                   Mike Gantick, Carol Heffler, Roy Normen, Jim Snow,                                              Betty Warren
NOT PRESENT:             Betty Osborne, Karl Reichle                                

*       Minutes from the March 3, 2003 Open Space Task Force were unanimously accepted.

*       Members discussed the matter of the Town not  receiving grant monies from the Department of Environmental Protection Grants for the Donnelly and Podunk Park properties.  

A motion was made by Heffler and seconded by Warren for the Open Space Task Force to send a memo to the Town Council inquiring about the DEP grant fund status pertaining to the Donnelly and Podunk Park Properties and what steps need to be taken for the completion of said grants.  This matter has been pending for a number of years.  A representative of the Open Space Task Force will be present at the Town Council Meeting when this matter is brought forth (this should occur at the April 21st Town Council Meeting).

The motion carried with a vote as follows:  Aye:  Asplund, Banach, Evans, Gantick, Heffler, Normen, Warren,:    Nay:  Snow     Abstained:  Botteron  

*       Botteron noted that on the agenda of the Town Council’s April 7th meeting (which had to be canceled because of the inclement weather) an agenda item appeared regarding the expiration of the lease for Junkis Nursery located on the Donnelly Property.  Members agreed this is not an issue in which the Open Space Task Force should be involved.

*       Gantick noted that the  Town Council’s  subcommittee formed to name Town owned properties will be meeting on Thursday, April 21, 2003 at 6:30 p.m.  One of the agenda items for discussion at their meeting will be names for the Kelley, Waldron, and Willard Properties.

The Open Space Task Force has in the past suggested to the Council that the Kelley, Waldron and Willard properties could be named Podunk Park.

*       Banach asked the Open Space Task Force for monies to update the GIS parcel-base maps.  A motion was made by Evans and seconded by Warren to allocate $800.00 from the Open Space Task Force budget for updating parcel-based maps.  The motion carried unanimously.

*       From the March 3, 2003 meeting three new properties were added to the Prospective Properties for Conservation/Preservation map (located in the Open Space Master Plan).  The properties were:   Paquette Property located on Avery Street:   Carino Property located on Ellington Road:   Jones Property located on Avery Street.  These property owners will be notified,  by letter along with a copy of the Open Space Master Plan, that their properties will appear on the newly revised map.

*       Set date and time for property walk to review and rate the Lee Property located on Niederwerfer Road, for Monday, April 28.

*       Botteron asked the Task Force members if it would be beneficial to public education about open space by having a booth at the Strawberry Festival.  The festival is to be held on June 7th.  All were in favor of doing so.  Asplund, who serves on the Strawberry Festival Committee, will inquire if the Task Force can utilize space for such a project.  Asplund will report back to the Task Force if this will be feasible. Banach and Gantick will prepare the exhibit materials.

*       Next scheduled meeting will be on May 5, 2003 at 5:30 p.m.