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Open Space Task Force Minutes10-7-02

Meeting of  October 7, 2002

Meeting Called To Order:  5:33 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned:           7:17 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Herb Asplund, Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron,                                                                                 
                                        Louise Evans, Mike Gantick, Roy Normen, Karl Reichle,
                                       Betty Warren
NOT PRESENT:             Carol Heffler, Sol Kerensky, Betty Osborne, Jim Snow

*       Botteron brought up the Leadership Round Table Meeting scheduled for November 13, 2002 at 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at the Fire Station Headquarters on Ellington Road.  Botteron, Gantick and Warren will be in attendance.

*       Warren and Normen discussed and asked the Task Force for their input on naming the pasture on the Kelley, Waldron, Willard Property after the late Sam Waldron.  Mr. Waldron was very involved in community affairs and agriculture in particular.  The consensus of the Task Force supports Warren and  Normen on the above mentioned matter.

*       Reichle and Gantick discussed and detailed two subdivision open space properties which desire changes to the current non-mowing practices as stated in the Open Space Subdivision Maintenance Ordinance #136.  The Task Force discussed the procedures, already in place, for modification of subdivision open space and Gantick will address this issue with the Town Attorney.  

        A individual resident wishes to mow the subdivision open space behind his house.  This matter was also discussed and the procedure for request to modify subdivision open space will also be discussed by Gantick with the Town Attorney.

*       Banach updated the members that the appraisal on the Ferry Lane property has been given to the Town for review.  This property was rated at the Task Force
*       Next scheduled meeting will be November 4, 2002 at 5:30 p.m.