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Open Space Task Force 06-03-02

Meeting of  June 3,  2002

Meeting Called To Order:  5:32 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned:           7:14 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT:  Herb Asplund, Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron, Louise Evans,                                                                                  
                                        Mike Gantick, Carol Heffler, Sol Kerensky, Roy Normen,
                                       Betty Osborne, Karl Reichle, Jim Snow, Betty Warren        
GUEST PRESENT:        Josephine DeMaio, Parks and Recereation Commission

   *   Botteron updated Task Force that the Resolution from the Town Council to accept 8.34 acres of Town owned subdivision open space on the proposed Vintage Hills subdivision located on Barber Hill Road passed.  Also, the Resolution permitting the Town Manager to close out the DEP grant funding for the Kelley, Waldron, Willard and  Donnelly Properties (formerly known as the Mitchell Property) was approved.  

*       Guest Josephine Demaio and Task Force member Jim Snow presented and answered questions regarding the revised Park and Recreation Master Plan.  

*       Banach reviewed status of the information packets to be sent to property owners.  Materials will present alternatives for conservation/preservation of land.  It was discussed whether a packet should be sent to the Collins family (owners of the Collins sledding hill).  It was noted that the Task Force sent a memo to the Town Manger on February 11, 1998 to discuss such with the Collins family.  The Town Manager verbally reported back to the Task Force that the Collins family did not wish to sell their property to the town.  A motion was made by  Gantick and seconded by Warren to send the material to the Collins family.   The motion carried with the vote as follows:  Aye:  Banach, Gantick, Normen, Kerensky, Evans, Warrren, Snow, Osborne, Asplund,  Nay:  Reichle, Heffler:  Abstained:  Botteron

It was also discussed whether an information packet should be sent to the Foster Family considering the recent ending of negotations between the Foster Family and the Town.  .  The motion is for Banach to proceed, with due diligence. as to whether or not the Foster Family should receive the information packet.  A motion was made by Kerensky and seconded by Asplund.  The motion carried with the vote as follows:  Aye:  Banach, Gantick, Asplund, Heffler, Kerensky, Evans, Snow, Osborne, Normen.  Nay:  Reichle, Warren.   Abstained:  Botteron

A discussion followed not to meet during the months of July and August.  Everyone was in agreement that no regularly scheduled meetings would be held unless urgent business warrants.
                     *Next regular meeting is September 9, 2002 at 5:30 p.m.