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Open Space Task Force Minutes 2-4-02

Meeting of February 4, 2002

Meeting Called To Order:        5:30 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned:              7:20 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Herb Asplund,  Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Mike Gantick, Carol Heffler, Sol Kerensky, Roy Normen, Karl Reichle, Jim Snow

NOT PRESENT:    Betty Osborne, Betty Warren

*       Reviewed request of owner of 286 Foster Road to have Task Force review property for possible Town acquisition. Botteron and Snow (individually) drove by the property. The Task Force agreed that, due to major site constraints (site is primarily very wet and has power transmission lines bisecting it, is small and is essentially a back yard), the property would not be suitable for Town acquisition. Transmittal of results from discussion of said property will be forwarded to the Town Manager.

*       Continued editing draft copy of guidelines for naming Town owned properties.  Town Manager requested the Task Force to draw up said guidelines at the November 5, 2001 Open Space Task Force Meeting.   This draft copy was prepared by Gantick and Normen.  Members will review a final draft of the proposed naming policy at the next regular scheduled Task Force Meeting.

*       Banach stated that materials to be sent to property owners were now available for mailing.  Before mailing, Banach would have the Town Attorney review the proposed transmittal letter.

*       Normen requested that Open Space Task Force present its concerns regarding the use of the Priest Farm for active recreation. Snow noted that this would be a good time to do so since the Park and Recreation Commission would be reviewing their Master Plan to determine how to proceed following the failure of the referendum question to fund Phase I.  Snow stated that the next meeting of  the Park and Recreation Commission will be on February 15, 2002 and he would consult with the Chairperson of  this Commission to put representation from the Open Space Task Force on this agenda. Normen volunteered to attend the meeting to present the Task Force

Next scheduled meeting is March 4, 2002 at 5:30 p.m.