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Open Space Task Force Minutes 11-5-01

Meeting :                       November 5, 2001

Meeting Called To Order:                        5:30 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned:                      7:10 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Herb Asplund, Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Mike Gantick, Carol Heffler, Sol Kerensky, Roy Normen, Karl Reichle, Betty Warren

NOT PRESENT:    Betty Osborne, Jim Snow

GUEST PRESENT:  Matthew Galligan, Town Manager

*Town manager discussed the following pending items with the Open Space Task Force:

Naming of current Town owned Open Space properties, beginning with the Mitchell Property, Sullivan Avenue; Kelley-Waldron-Willard property, Clark Street.  These properties need signage as required by the Department of Environmental Protection Open Space Grant Program which provided grant monies for purchase of stated properties.  Normen and Gantick will form a subcommittee reporting back to the Task Force with guidelines and sign designs.  After Task Force makes selection of recommended names and sign designs they will be presented to the Town Council.  

A dirt road, referred to as Old Kings Road, that runs through the Vibert property along the CT River is still being investigated as to the rights/ownership of such road.  This property was walked in January 2001 by the Task Force for evaluation of possible procurement by the Town.  

Status of the possible purchase of farm development rights that was started in November, 2000.  This matter is still being pursued by the owner, his attorney and the Town.   All avenues are being investigated, including possible use of State funding.

Reference was made regarding a telephone conversation that Botteron received on October 2, 2001 from Janet Krawski Martocchio.  Martocchio is the sister of Helen Krawski Gallavant who is the owner of the Krawski property located on Foster Street.  Martocchio is interested in preserving/conserving her parents property.  Botteron told her that she had already spoken with Gallavant, invited her to the Task Force Property Owner The Town Manager noted that he also had a conversation with Martocchio.

Information to property owners as to the various options for conserving/preserving property is still in process by the subcommittee of Asplund, Evans, Banach. Informational packets will be presented to the Task Force at the next meeting.

Recommendation by the Task Force to the Town Manager in November, 2000 to have set aside 3/4 of 1% of the annual budget for open space acquisition beginning in the budget year 2002-2003 was discussed.  This proposal can also be found in Section IV: Implementation Plan of the Open Space Master Plan.  The Town Manager felt the Task Force should bring this subject up at the Strategic Planning Leadership Roundtable Meeting.

The Strategic Planning Leadership Roundtable Meeting will be held on November 29, 2001.  Evans, Botteron will attend, Asplund is the alternate.

*       Informed group that Botteron contacted State Representative Nancy Kerensky
*       The Task Force is to review budget requirement for fiscal year 2002/2003.  Thiswill be discussed at the next regular meeting.

*       Members were given the Town
*       Next scheduled meeting is December 3. 2001 at 5:30 p.m.

***  NOTE:  Sol Kerensky was not present during the discussion of the Vibert Property.