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Open Space Task Force 5-7-01
May 7, 2001

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Mike Gantick, Louise Evans, Carol Heffler, Betty Warren, Herb Asplund, Betty Osborne, Roy Normen, Marcia Banach

MEMBERS ABSENT: Pat Botteron, Sol Kerensky, Viney Wilson, Karl Reichle


Meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. Banach noted that the Task Force had started meeting two times per month in an effort to complete the Master Plan. At the time, there were numerous requests for property reviews for potential acquisitions. Now that the Master Plan is complete, Banach suggested that the Task Force revert to the original one meeting per month. Special meetings can be scheduled if needed. There was a consensus to meet once a month.

The 35-acre Pudim property on Barber Hill Road was discussed. The property has again been offered to the Town for purchase as open space. The Task Force reviewed this property in 1997 for possible Town acquisition. At that time the property received a fairly low Task Force rating for acquisition. It was noted that this property is not included as a desired property in the Master Plan, and that the $750,000 asking price far exceeds the price paid for other recent open space purchases (such as the Priest farm and Mitchell property). After discussion, it was agreed that Normen would talk to the Town Manager about inquiring of the realtor whether the price is negotiable. Members noted that the price would have to be substantially reduced for the property to be attractive for purchase. This item will be included on the June agenda for further discussion.

The draft revised property rating sheets were tested by rating two previously-rated properties, the Charbonneau/Lanza property on Foster Rd and the Kelley/Waldron/Willard property on Clark St/Ellington Rd. The former property scored low on the existing rating scale; the latter property scored high. The draft rating sheet returned a low score of 34 and a high score of 87 (out of a possible 113), respectively, for these two properties.

The next meeting will be on June 4, 2001, 5:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Banach, AICP, Director of Planning