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Human Relations Commission Minutes 3-21-2013
Human Relations Commission
March 21, 2013
7:00 - 8:00 PM
Present: Charlie Margolis, Nilofer Haider, Karen Patterson
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Generations Report                                           The Generations program was initiated by SWHS student Dan Bettigole.The first meeting was extremely 
                                                                             successful. Future sessions are planned.
4. HRC Foreign Film Festival                                The HRC Foreign Film Festival was held on three consecutive Sundays, at the library. Attendance average 25 
                                                                            persons, per screening. We were very pleased with the attendance. Facilitated discussion followed each film. 
                                                                            Audience members requested that the  program be offered, again.
5. HRC Student Community Service Award          Dr Anwar will contact Dr Carter with the proposal
6. New Projects                                                    It was agreed that we should offer another film festival, next winter
                                                                            Nilofer suggested a cultural program be offered to bring together urban/suburban children
                                                                            Nilofer suggested sponsoring author Shanaz Ramiz, who wrote the Pakistani cuisine cookbook,
                                                                            Food Prints, be sponsored for a cross-cultural experience. Charlie will be contacted by Shanaz
7. Meeting Ajourned