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Historic District Commission Minutes 10-02-2012
                    October 2, 2012
Minutes                     Caucus Room

CALL MEETING TO ORDER:  Chairperson Macro called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm

Members present:        Chairperson Macro, Commissioner FitzPatrick
Members absent: Commissioner Jennings, Commissioner Pitcock, Commissioner Klein
Alternates present:     Commissioner Evans, Commissioner Foley
Alternates absent:      Commissioner Taylor

Commissioner Evans was appointed to sit for Commissioner Jennings and Commissioner Foley was appointed to sit for Commissioner Pitcock.  

  • Wayne McKinney, Historical Society, as an observer.
  • Motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner FitzPatrick was made to approve the minutes of the Public Hearing held on July 10, 2012.  The motion carried unanimously.
  • Motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner FitzPatrick was made to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on July 10, 2012 as amended to include the specifications outlined in the COA for Constance Jones at 1760 Main Street: Changes to the exterior of the structure include:  a replacement casement window for the  kitchen on the southern exposure, small overhangs to main gable ends and dormer roofs, roof replacement  with architectural shingles, the pitch of the roof of the rear addition will be raised and blended with the existing roof pitch, replacement of existing windows, vinyl with six over six dividers with new, taller windows in the dormers, a wood door with 3/2 mullions and vinyl window will be added to the addition, and the chimney will be rebuilt and extended and topped with a blue stone cap.  The motion carried unanimously.
  • Discussed potential demolition of 512 and 530 Buckland Road.  HDC was not opposed to demolition of either property, but recommends that these properties be formally submitted according to the revised Demolition Delay Ordinance.
  • The Phase III Report is ready to be printed.  One editorial comment has been recommended on the overview, page 21.  Spell Check is needed on the forms.
  • Chairperson Macro will ask Mr. LaFlamme to submit a request for the sign installed near the flag pole at the corner of Main and Ferry Road.
  • The Demolition Delay Ordinance was passed.  Chairperson Macro will help in setting up the committee and its procedures.  HDC needs to nominate two committee members; Mr. FitzPatrick has agreed.
  • Incomplete modification to the D’Aiello’s house (1648 Main Street) includes not installing window dividers.  Chairperson Macro will inquire by letter regarding schedule.
  • Chairperson Macro will inquire why the fence at Evergreen Lodge extends further than requested by HDC.
Commissioner Evans moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 pm; seconded by Commissioner FitzPatrick.  The motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary

Approved:  December 4, 2012