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Historic District Commission Minutes 1-4-2011
                    January 4, 2011

Minutes         Caucus Room
Chairperson Macro called the meeting to order at 7:41 pm

Members present:        Chairperson Macro, Commissioner FitzPatrick, Commissioner Pitcock,
Members absent: Commissioner Jennings, Commissioner Klein
Alternates present:     Commissioner Evans, Commissioner Foley
Alternates absent:      Commissioner Taylor

Commissioner Evans was appointed to sit for Commissioner Klein and Commissioner Foley was appointed to sit for Commissioner Jennings.


Motion by Commissioner Pitcock, seconded by Commissioner Evans to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on December 7, 2010 and the minutes of the Public Hearing held on December 7, 2010. The motion carried unanimously.


  • The Town Council approved the Demolition Delay Ordinance with changes:  the minimum age for significant buildings changed from 50 yrs to 75 yrs; removed the $1,000 fine (second penalty); added an appeal process by the Zoning Board of Appeals; eliminated a sentence the Council felt implied that the Historic Review Committee could extend the 180 day delay.  In addition, the HDC believes the process should be re-written to eliminate duties assigned to the Building Official and make the applicant responsible for notifying owners of adjacent properties. Chairperson Macro will check how this could be most efficiently accomplished.
  • Reviewed Historic Resources Inventory forms verified by HDC Commissioners and verified the list of properties reviewed.

Commissioner Foley moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:47 pm; seconded by Commissioner Evans. The motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary                                     Approved:  March 1, 2011


18.~~~~~Passage of Ordinance

A.~~~~~~Resolution Adopting a Proposed ordinance, a “Demolition Delay Ordinance”

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby adopts an Ordinance, a “Demolition Delay Ordinance”.

Was made by Councillor Yagaloff
Seconded by Mayor Pelkey

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)



Councillor Yagaloff made a motion to amend the Ordinance by striking out (on page 10), “Any persons failing to abide by the provisions of this chapter or Connecticut General Statutes Sections 29-401 through 29-415 shall be fined $1,000 or imprisoned not more than six months, or both, per day, as each day constitutes a separate violation, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-254a. ~All fines imposed shall be collected and made payable to the Town of South Windsor.” ~Councillor McCann seconded the amendment; and it was approved, unanimously.

Councillor Yagaloff made a motion to amend the Ordinance to change 50 years to 75 years throughout the Ordinance. ~Mayor Pelkey seconded the amendment; and it was approved unanimously.

Mayor Pelkey made a motion to amend the Ordinance on page 7, first paragraph, after the word application, put a period and strike out the remainder of the paragraph. ~Councillor McCann seconded the amendment; and it was approved, unanimously.

The paragraph to read as follows:

Upon notification by the Committee that the building or structure is Preferably Preserved, the Building Office shall delay the issuance of a demolition permit for no more than 180 days from the date of application.

Councillor McCann made a motion to page 6, after the bullet points and before the next paragraph to insert a new paragraph that will read? ~Upon notification that the building has been determined by the Historic Review Committee as a Preferably Preferred structure, the applicant shall have the right to appeal the decision within 30 days to the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Mayor Pelkey seconded the amendment; and it passed unanimously.

Mayor Pelkey called for a vote on the Amended Resolution. ~It passed unanimously, as shown in attached Exhibit A.