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Historic District Commission 4-4-06


Chairperson Macro called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.

2.      ROLL CALL

Members present:        Chairperson Macro, and Commissioner Fitzpatrick, Commissioner Futtner, Commissioner Pitcock and Commissioner Burnham

Alternates absent:      Commissioner Oates, Commissioner Jennings and Commissioner Klein




Motion to:      approve the minutes of March 7, 2006 as revised

Was made by Commissioner Futtner
Seconded by Commissioner Macro
The motion:  carried and passed unanimously


Chairperson Macro reported that the bus stop signs that have been installed on Main Street and in the Historic District in particular, need to obtain a permit from the Town Planning Department.  This has not been done.  Commissioner Futtner will research what entity has put the signs up.

Chairperson Macro noted that Kasheta Farms, in the spring and summer, takes one to two large grass rollers, full of water, on Main Street from Governors Highway to Ferry Lane.  The weight of the rollers causes tremendous shaking of the foundations of the historic houses.  Commissioners agreed that a letter should be sent to Mr. Kasheta.


A draft of the Historic Context Essay for the Historic Resources Survey by Stacey Vairo was distributed to the Commissioners for review and comments.  Commissioner Futtner volunteered to make extra copies for each of the members.  Chairperson Macro requested that the review be completed in two weeks.

The State Historic Commission has stated that they will not be able to grant additional funds for the eleven threatened properties as was requested in a letter to Mary Donohue.  The Historic District Commission felt that if possible, eight of the properties should be incorporated into this year’s Phase I Survey and the remainder should be added to the Phase II Survey of the rest of the Town.  Chairperson Macro will communicate with Ms. Vairo to see what the status of her current work is.  A final decision was left in Chairperson Macro’s hands.

In further discussions about the joint meeting between the Historic District Commission and Planning and Zoning Main Street Committee, Commissioners felt we should also state that we are opposed to ANY interior lot development in the Historic District and that we also oppose active adult housing development on the whole length of Main Street.




Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

        Was made by Commissioner Futtner
        Seconded by Chairperson Fitzpatrick
        The motion carried and passed unanimously

Deborah Reid
Acting as Recording Secretary