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Historic District Commission 1-10-06 (regular meeting)


Chairperson Macro called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

2.      ROLL CALL

Members present:        Chairperson Macro, Commissioner Futtner, Commissioner Pitcock and Commissioner Burnham

Members absent: Commissioner Fitzpatrick

Alternates present:     Commissioner Klein

Alternates absent:      Commissioner Oates and Commissioner Jennings

The Chair appointed Alternate Commissioner Klein to serve as a Full Commissioner for this meeting, to replace Commissioner Burnham.




Motion to:      approve the minutes of December 6, 2005

Was made by Commissioner Pitcock
Seconded by Commissioner Futtner
The motion passed unanimously


Discussion of the Burnham application

The Commission recommended having an expert in slate look at the roof and attic beam damage. The Burnham’s would like to be present to show slate, board and beam damage and rot.  Historic District Commission members were invited to inspect roof and attic in person. The Consensus of the Commission was to table a decision until the inspection of the roof was completed. Chairperson Macro will contact a slate contractor listed in the Restoration Resource Directory.


Chairperson Macro asked Commissioners to discuss their thoughts regarding the future configuration of Main Street in light of the request from the Planning and Zoning members of the joint sub-committee looking at possible alteration to new P & Z regulations. The Historic District Commission would like to deny Interior Lot and Multi-dwelling (Active Adult) development within the Historic District and restrict Interior Lot development from the rest of Main Street. It was suggested that only development entering from side streets (such as Governor’s Highway) be allowed but that they require a substantial buffer zone and perhaps a berm to protect the visual aspect of the historic and Scenic Road

Commissioners were asked to list any structures or areas they would like to be included in the Historic Resources Survey due to pressure from development.

Threatened buildings or areas:

1.      Sadd Memorial Library
2.      Across from Mill on the River
3.      The area around Clark Street at the intersection of Ellington Road to Pierce Road.
4.      The east side of Buckland Road from the Manchester line to Four Corners.
5.      Foster Farm on Foster Street.
6.      Woodcock Law Office – Deming and Buckland road.
7.      Increase Clapp House – Sullivan Avenue at Route 5.



Motion to:      adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m.

        Was made by Commissioner Pitcock
        Seconded by Chairperson Futtner
        The motion carried unanimously

Deborah Reid
Recording Secretary