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HDC Minutes 10-4-05


Commissioner Pitcock called meeting to order at 8:06p.m.

2.      ROLL CALL

Members present:        Chairperson Macro, Commissioner Pitcock, and Commissioner Tarr, and Commissioner Burnham

Members absent: Commissioner Fitzpatrick

Alternates present:     Commissioner Futtner, Commissioner Jennings

Alternates absent:      Commissioner Klein

Chairperson Macro appointed Commissioner Pitcock to serve as Chair for this meeting since a decision regarding the Macro residence was pending before the Commission. Also appointed to serve as Regular Members were Commissioner Futtner for Macro and Commissioner Jennings for Fitzpatrick.  




Motion to approve the minutes of September 6, 2005

Commissioner Futtner moved to approve as corrected.  Seconded by Commissioner Burnham. The motion passed unanimously


a.      Commissioner Futtner moved to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for Anthony and Virginia Macro, at 1828 Main Street, for a wooden storm door. Seconded by Commissioner Pitcock.  The motion passed unanimously.
b.      Commissioner Tarr moved that Mr Bellizzi’s (1540 Main Street) applications be tabled until the material requested – a photo of the fence from the street, a photo of the driveway signs, and an indication of the location of the photograph submitted with the application – completes the application. Seconded by Commissioner Futtner. Vote:  Five for, Commissioner Jennings nay because he wanted to vote on Mr. Bellizzi’s application as presented.

c.      After referring to an earlier picture of 1624 Main Street, it was the consensus of the Commission to request an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness from Janel Gordon because of the change in design of the fence.  

a.  Commissioner Macro read a letter from Joy O’Connor regarding the continuing  violations at the Lindquist property.
b.      A Request for Proposals will be published for a historian or architectural historian to conduct the Historic Resources Survey of South Windsor. The first phase of the survey will include approximately 155 properties and will include the Historic District and Main Street
c.      Meeting with Planning and Zoning regarding Senior Housing and Interior lots on Main Street; what are the options?  (Louise Evans and Sue Larsen on study group) Commissioners were asked to consider what their vision is for Main Street. To be discussed at future meetings.



Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:47 p.m.

        Was made by Commissioner Burnham
        Seconded by Chairperson Futtner
        The motion carried unanimously

Valerie Preli
Recording Secretary