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HDC 12/02/2003
Members present:        Members Virginia Macro, Walter Fitzpatrick, and Dr. Bruce Burnham

Members absent: Chairperson Kathleen Brady, Sherman Tarr

Alternates present:     Edwina Futtner, Peter Jennings, and Gary Pitcock

Alternates absent:


Vice-Chairperson Macro called the meeting to order at 7:34 PM.


Completed.  Vice-Chair, Macro appointed Alternates, Edwina Futtner and Gary Pitcock to serve as Members of the Commission for this meeting.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bellizzi, Mr. Neary, Candida Ryan, Johanna Boddington, Patricia Porter, Doris Burgdorf, and Deborah Cella.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bellizzi presented the modified plans explaining that the house was repositioned due to the discovery of water at five feet of depth. The house now stands where the garage stood and the garage has been moved from the west side of the house to the east side. The main part of the house is now more visible from the street.

C. Ryan of 1555 Main, J. Boddington of 1544 Main Street, P. Porter of 1533 Main Street, three neighbors of the new house, spoke and stated that they now see a high structure that is different than the plan that was approved.

Public participation ended at 8:25 PM.


A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham to approve the minutes of the November 4, 2003 Regular Meeting, seconded by Commissioner Fitzpatrick and approved unanimously.




Vice-Chairperson Macro read letter to Town Attorney Guliano on enforcement of the Historic District Commission requirements.  The Planning Enforcement Agent or the Building Inspector is the Enforcement Agent for the Historic District Commission.

Vice-Chairperson Macro stated that a letter would be sent to Mr. and Mrs. Bellizzi, requesting a copy of plans as soon as possible.  The West Facade will be submitted to the Historic District Commission Consultant for potential modifications.

Commissioner Burnham reported that the propane tank installed by Mr. J Golden was for temporary heating.


Edward Sunderland was not able to attend the meeting.

Commissioner Fitzpatrick stated that the existing Historic District Commission Officers continue in their positions for one to two months until the Commission member changes are finalized.  Elections will be postponed for that time frame; Commissioner Pitcock seconded and approved unanimously.

It was agreed that the Historic District agendas and approved minutes would be displayed in the Virtual Town Hall on the South Windsor Town web site.

The next Historic District Commission meeting will be held the 2nd Tuesday, January 13, 2004, vs. the first Tuesday, January 6, 2004.


A motion to adjourn was made at 10:08 PM by Commissioner Futtner, seconded by Commissioner Fitzpatrick and approved unanimously.

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary