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EDC Minutes 2-28-2007 (unapproved)
Members present:        Chairperson Murtha, Susan Burnham, Joseph Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Mark Lillis, Krista Marchesseault, Donald Mercure, and James Murray

Members absent: Marilyn Morrison

Alternates present:     John Mitchell, Louise Neary and Roseann Williams sitting for Marilyn Morrison

Others Present: Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant


Chairperson Murtha called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

2.      ROLL CALL



Presentation regarding Aldi Regional Distribution Center on Rye Street

Mr. Bruce Pierson who is Vice President of the Northeast Division for Aldi Regional Distribution Center came before the Commission.  Mr. Pierson explained that this is a international grocery store owned by a family in Germany.  There are presently four store throughout Connecticut.  The grocery stores range in size from approximately 17,000 square feet to 18,000 square feet.  Employees are paid  higher than average wages and full benefits are given to employees who work 20 hours or more.  Mr. Pierson stated that quality is very important to Aldi’s.

Mr. Brian King from AM King Construction came before the Commission.  Mr. King explained that the facilities being constructed for Alid’s is called a 99-year building.  The architectural and landscaping designs for the site are very impressive.  The facility is a distribution center and does not have any external pollutants associated with the business.  South Windsor has met all of the criteria that Aldi takes into consideration when choosing a site for their development.  As part of the construction of this site, Rye Street will need to be reconstructed as well as the Rye Street/Sullivan Avenue intersection.  The road work will cost approximately $3-3.5 million dollars and there will not be any cost to the Town of South Windsor.  The cost to construct this warehouse on this site is estimated to be $47,000.00.  Ninety percent of the work will be done by local sub-contractors.
Mr. Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Coordinator explained to the Commission that the cost for overall site improvements will be $4 million dollars.  The site consists of 105 acres and has been marketed since the mid 1980’s.  It is felt that because of the conditions on site and the road improvements necessary, the property is more suited toward one large facility.  

Commission comments

Answering questions from the Commission, Mr. Stevenson explained that the vehicles will be taxed by the Town of South Windsor.  There will be a cost of approximately $3,000,000.00 towards improvements to Rye Street.  Total cost of the project is approximately $57-63 million dollars.  The Town will collect $1 million dollars/year in taxes.  Aldi’s have been offered 100% tax abatement for seven years.  The facility will employ 75 people.  Mr. Stevenson reviewed the equipment that will be used at this site.

Commission members discussed at length the offer to Aldi regarding the extension on payment of local building permit fees.  Some Commission members felt this would be setting precedence and the building permit fees should be paid in the usual way.  Other Commission members stated that this would not be setting precedence because the size of this project is so large and the amount Adli’s Distribution Center is paying for road improvements are also large.

Answering questions from the Commission, Mr. Stevenson explained that the only town services that this project will have impact on is the police and fire departments and that will be very little impact.  This warehouse will probably be larger than any other building in South Windsor, but it will not be taller.  The main hours of operation will be from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm, but the facility will function 24 hours.  There may be an occasional truck that will come to the facility early in the morning.

Commission members discussed trucks taking a left onto Sullivan Avenue.  The intersection will be redesigned, but it is still felt that most of the truck traffic will take a right onto Sullivan Avenue which heads towards the interstate highway.

Commissioner Lillis and Murphy both voiced their disappointment that more information regarding this project was not forwarded to the Commission.


Mr. Tim Sullivan, an individual with the carpenters union came before the Commission.  He stated that there are a lot of carpenters in town and they would like to see more local contractors be used for projects in South Windsor.  There is also a concern regarding the large abatement/incentive being offered.
4.      Approval of Minutes

Motion to:      approve the minutes of the January 16,  2007 Special Meeting.

Was made by Commissioner Carino
Seconded by Commissioner Murray
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

5.      Old Business


6.      Committee Report

Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison – Water Pollution Control Authority

Commissioner Joseph Carino told the Economic Development Commission members that the Water Pollution Control Authority approved the sanitary sewer system for firehouse #3.  The building is very nice and stated he felt the town will be proud of this facility.

7.      Communications and Remarks

Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant

Kennedy Road/Sullivan Avenue – The company that has expressed interest in this property is proposing  to construct a 250,000 square foot facility on the site.  The company manufactures industrial freezer products.

I-291 Gateway Corridor zone – A private company is interested in constructing a national training facility in the I-291 Gateway Corridor zone.

8.      New Business

Aldi Distribution Center tax abatement application/possible decision

It was the general consensus of the Commission to vote on this item.

Motion to:      approve the tax abatement for Aldi Distribution Center as presented.
Was made by Commissioner Johnson
Seconded by Commissioner Futtner
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:        6 to 4 with Commissioners Burnham, Carino, Futtner, Johnson, Marchesseault and Murtha voting in favor of approved and Commissioners Lillis, Mercure, Murray and Williams voting in opposition of approval.

9.      General Discussion

Councillor Pelkey came before the Commission to suggest that a list of contractors in town be compiled.  The list would be used by developers that are not from Connecticut, they could use the list of local contractors when developing property in town.

10.     Adjournment

Motion to:      adjourn the meeting at 9:47 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Lillis
Seconded by Commissioner Murray
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Deborah W. Reid, Recording Secretary