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Minutes 3-22-2006 Regular Meeting

        Vice-Chairperson Murtha called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.

Members present:        Vice-Chairperson Janis Murtha, Susan Burnham, Joe Carino, Dwight Johnson, Mark Lillis, and James Murray.                

Members absent: Chairperson Anthony, Edwina Futtner, Terrie Kyc, Marilyn Morrison.      

Alternates present:     John Mitchell sitting in for Edwina Futtner and Michael Patitucci sitting in Terry Kyc.         

Alternates absent:      None    

Others Present:
Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant.
Tracey Nobil, General Manager, for the Shops at Evergreen Walk,.
Nicole Grendziszewski, Marketing Coordinator, for the Shops at Evergreen Walk.
Kerry Nowicki, Account Executive for Lamar Digital Display.
2.      ROLL CALL               


Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant.
Tracey Nobil, General Manager, for the Shops at Evergreen Walk.  Tracey gave a brief description regarding the shops coming to Evergreen Way.  Tracy discussed the contract for an electronic billboard that Evergreen walk has taken out for a year and feels this would be a good way for South Windsor to market it’s self.  There was a brief presentation regarding the electronic billboard and the sponsorship Tracy would like between Evergreen and the Town of South Windsor.   
Nicole Grendziszewski, Marketing Coordinator, for the Shops at Evergreen Walk.
Kerry Nowicki, Account Executive for Lamar for Digital Display gave a brief description of Digital Display and distributed a package regarding the electronic billboard (exhibit A) for anyone who was unable to attend the meeting.  There was a brief discussion between the EDC Members and Kerry regarding who would be advertising on the electronic billboard along with Evergreen Walk.  Vice-Chairperson Murtha would like the agenda to read that EDC would discuss the Digital Display Billboard at the next meeting.

At 8:15 PM a motion to suspend the meeting was made by Vice-Chairperson Murtha,
Commission Lillis moved the motion,
Commissioner Murray seconded the motion,
The motion was carried unanimously.
The meeting was called back to order at 8:22 PM.


A motion to approve the minutes of the February 22, 2006 Regular Meeting
was made by Commissioner Lillis.
Seconded by Commissioner Murray.
The motion was approved unanimously.


        a)      Report from Liaison - Planning & Zoning Commission
There was a brief discussion regarding the Planning & Zoning agenda from Vice-Chairperson  
Murtha and the agenda from Planning & Zoning was distributed (exhibit B & C).
            b)  Report from Liaison-Inland/Wetlands Commission

Report from Liaison Joseph Carino–Water Pollution Control Authority
There were no applicants.




Vice-Chairperson Murtha said she will be on vacation April 26, 2006 and asked someone to chair the meeting.  Commissioner Mitchell volunteered to chair the April meeting.

Report from Craig Stevenson Economic Development Commission consultant on the following

Evergreen Walk Associates are continuing to pursue their idea of developing a mixed use phase II of Evergreen Walk.  They would like to develop a town center project; they may offer some space to Town of South Windsor to lease as a community center.  Mr. Stevenson gave a brief discussion regarding the Economic Development Report Summary & Update.  This report was distributed to the members (exhibit D).
        Planning & Zoning Regulations:

Commissioner Carino stated that it was difficult to go through the list of changes in such a short period of time.  He also said that in order to be effective, you had to compare the old regulations with the proposed changes because the matrix did not provide all of the details necessary to make an informed  recommendation.

Commissioner Carino said that the parking requirements in Commercial and Industrial zones are in some cases to large.  He said the minimum parking requirements of section 6.4.3 must have been taken from some Boiler Plate requirements that apply to communities with greater vehicle traffic and different
driving habits than that in South Windsor.

He further suggested that the Town consult with the developer concerning his/her market analyses to determine what is a reasonable parking requirement for that use in that location and the estimated customer count anticipated.  I do not believe a developer will purposely build with inadequate parking.  If there is a difference of opinion, then the Town can require a section of the development to be set aside in its natural state for future parking if it is shown that additional parking is in fact required.




A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 PM,
Was made by Commissioner Mitchell,
Seconded by Commissioner Murray,
The motion was carried unanimously.

Peggy S. Holcomb
Recording Secretary