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EDC Minutes 06-25-2014

MADDEN ROOM                                                         WEDNESDAY, June 25, 2014
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                          TIME: 7:30 P.M.

PRESENT: Chairperson Louise Neary, Linda Jeski (arr. 7:35pm), Joseph Kennedy, Alternate Paul Burnham, Dwight Johnson, Wayne Kilburn, James Murray, Alternate Mohammad Quraishi (sat for Edwina Futtner) and William Jodice (arr. 7:35pm)

ABSENT:  Alternate John Mitchell, Vice Chairperson Susan Burnham, Mark Lillis, Edwina Futtner

ALSO PRESENT: ED Coordinator Shari Fiveash and Town Council liaison Carolyn Mirek

 1.    Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Neary called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.

  • Roll Call: The above-mentioned members were introduced.
  • Public Participation: None.
  • Approval of Minutes
Minutes from Regular Meeting on 5/28/2014: A motion was made by Commissioner Jeski and seconded by Commissioner Murray to approve the minutes of May 28, 2014 with the following corrections:
P.1 Item 3: ‘…could write a letter of support for increased economic development in town.’
P.2 Item 5: ‘Commissioner P. Burnham noticed that not many ED commissioners attended.’
P.1 Item 3: ‘Mr. Scavone explained that he needs to prove to the ZBA that…’

The motion was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
 5.    Old Business: Commissioner P. Burnham asked about the packet he suggested last month. Ms. Fiveash directed Commission members to the Chamber website under the tab ‘Business Center’. This tab has printable forms and information pertaining to businesses that is helpful to share with businesses expressing interest in South Windsor.  

  6.    Committee Report

Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham - Discover South Windsor: Chairperson Neary didn’t attend the meeting and has no information to share.

  7.    Communications and Remarks

Report from Louise Neary, Chairperson: Chairperson Neary stated that she attended the most recent P&Z meeting and a regulation regarding the retail sale of gasoline passed.
Report from Shari Fiveash, Economic Development Coordinator: Ms. Fiveash reported that as of the end of May 2014, 47 different connections with businesses have been made. After making another attempt, Ms. Fiveash still has not connected with Plasti-Tech. Sullivan Place is close to acquiring their Certificate of Occupancy. The sale of land to a brewery is close to completion and a second brewery is looking at an existing building.
Ms. Fiveash announced that this is her last meeting since her contract ends June 30, 2014 and has not been renewed or extended. The position has not been publicized. Ms. Fiveash stated that it has been a pleasure working with the EDC and thanked the commission.
Chairperson Neary asked if the building formerly occupied by Clear Edge is vacant. Ms. Fiveash replied that a warehouse will occupy a small portion in the rear.
Nassau building-whole building will be rented by company selling wire coils
Ms. Mirek stated that in the Town Manager’s report, the CT Studios project has different players and they will be getting funding by First Niagara.  

  8.    New Business: None.
 9.    General Discussion: Commissioner Kennedy reported that an addition by All-Phase was passed by ZBA by a 4-1 vote. The application still needs to go before P&Z.
Commissioner P. Burnham inquired about the meeting held on May 30 with economic development group. Chairperson Neary stated that there was discussion on next steps for the group and the scheduling of another meeting. Mayor Anwar is planning on holding a Mayor’s meeting and is requesting specific department heads for area towns to meet (town planners, I.T., Economic Development). By having department heads from area towns meet he is hoping that by working together the towns will be able to save money. In most other states, towns work together as a county.
Ms. Fiveash shared that Drew Guild (IT) has the foundation for a stand-alone EDC website but she’s not sure if funding was retained in the 2014-2015 budget.
Commissioner Jodice thanked Ms. Fiveash for all of her time and effort for the EDC Commission and the rest of the Commissioners shared their appreciation.
Ms. Mirek informed commissioners that the first summer series concert will be this Thursday, June 26th.

10.     Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Kilburn and seconded by Commissioner P. Burnham to adjourn at 8:05pm and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Potter

Approved:  July 23, 2014