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EDC Minutes 02-26-2014

MADDEN ROOM                                                  WEDNESDAY, February 26, 2014
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                          TIME: 7:30 P.M.

PRESENT: Chairperson Louise Neary, Susan Burnham, Linda Jeski, Mark Lillis, Joseph Kennedy, Dwight Johnson, Edwina Futtner, James Murray, Alternate Paul Burnham (sat for Commissioner Jodice) and Gary Waterhouse

ABSENT: William Jodice, Wayne Kilburn and Alternate John Mitchell

ALSO PRESENT: ED Coordinator Shari Fiveash and Mayor Anwar

 1.    Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Neary called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.

  • Roll Call: The above-mentioned members were introduced.
  • Public Participation: None.
  • Approval of Minutes
Minutes from Regular Meeting on 1/22/2014: A motion was made by Commissioner Lillis and seconded by Commissioner Waterhouse to approve the minutes of January 22, 2014 with the following corrections: Item 6. Should read ‘…were approximately 30,000 unique visits to the site…’ The motion was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
  • Old Business:
Commissioner S. Burnham shared articles about CT Studios which stated that the project is moving forward in a positive manner. Clear Edge will be building the fuel cells to power the project. Another article reported on the town’s pursuit of regional projects to improve economic development.

  6.    Committee Report

Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham - Discover South Windsor: Commissioner S. Burnham attended the meeting on February 20th at which discussion occurred regarding a ‘hot button’ to be added to the site that will link visitors to the town’s Parks and Recreation department. As of January 31, 2014 there were 4,000 unique visits to the site, an increase of 1,500 more than last year at the same time. Through mid-February, there have been more than 2,500 unique visits to the site. The next meeting will be held on March 20th at 11 am at Design Professionals.

 7.    Communications and Remarks

Report from Sue Burnham, Vice Chairperson: Commissioner S. Burnham made her comments under Old Business.

Report from Shari Fiveash, Economic Development Coordinator: Ms. Fiveash reported on the following:
  • The owner of Nassau’s will be leasing space in the building. The new occupants will be making upgrades to the space. They are a wire company and will use the space as a warehouse with office space and will occupy a majority of the building. Ownership of the building will be retained by the current owner.
  • Garbanzos Mediterranean Grill will be holding a ribbon cutting on March 18th. The restaurant will be located in the space formerly occupied by Ice Imports.
  • Four breweries have inquired about coming to South Windsor. Each brewery has a different business plan and is interested in occupying either existing buildings or constructing new buildings. There are some zoning issues that will need to be addressed.
  • In spite of recent events, Folsom construction will be requesting abatement from the Town Council.
  • UTC and Pratt & Whitney are planning a $500 million dollar upgrade to R&D over the next five years.
  • Ms. Fiveash conducted ten business visits in January and twelve in February. The goal is to try and surpass one hundred visits this year. During visits, the owner is interviewed and then made aware of assistance programs and grant opportunities from the town and the State.
Chairperson Neary asked if Joey Garlics will be opening a new location in town but Ms. Fiveash was unable to confirm the rumor.

Commissioner P. Burnham discovered on a recent visit to Nomads that they are building a ropes course/zip line on their property which will expand their entertainment opportunities.

Commissioner P. Burnham stated that McDonald’s on Rt. 5 is now under new ownership and suggested that Ms. Fiveash try to visit them.

A motion was made by Commissioner Futtner and seconded by Commissioner Lillis to switch the order of Items 8 & 10 and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

8. Mayor Anwar:  Mayor Anwar gave an update on the upcoming conference. The mayor passed out a draft agenda and noted that some of the speakers are tentatively scheduled and have not been confirmed. The intended audience for the conference is members of the community but the event has gained the attention and interest of other mayors in the region who are interested in attending as a learning opportunity. Commissioner S. Burnham asked for clarification of the commission’s responsibility during the conference. Mayor Anwar asked that commissioners attend and act as ambassadors at the event by welcoming and greeting guests. Chairperson Neary suggested contacting Asnuntuck Community College to attend and offer their insight. Chairperson Neary asked how the town/state could compete financially with states such as New York that are offering no taxes for 10 years for businesses coming to their state. Mayor Anwar believes that in order to succeed, states need to work together by looking beyond their own borders and creating partnerships regionally.
In closing, Mayor Anwar informed commissioners that he is accessible and invites commission members to share their ideas and concerns with him.

 9.    General Discussion: Chairperson Neary attended the first meeting of the Economic Development Advisory Committee. The next meeting of the members identified by Mayor Anwar will be held on March 21st at 9:30a.m. The committee’s meetings are held monthly and are moderated by Mayor Anwar.
Commissioner Kennedy asked about the development rights for farmland and Ms. Fiveash replied that the Open Space Task Force is working on them.

10.     New Business: Commissioner S. Burnham reminded commission members to vote at the March 25th referendum.
On March 7th, there will be a coffee & conversation event with the South Windsor Board of Education at Webster Bank on Ellington Road beginning at 8 a.m.

11.     Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy to adjourn at 8:08p.m. and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Potter

Approved as amended:  March 26, 2014