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EDC Minutes 01-22-2014

MADDEN ROOM                                                   WEDNESDAY, January 22, 2014
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                          TIME: 7:30 P.M.

PRESENT: Vice Chairperson Susan Burnham, Mark Lillis, William Jodice, James Murray, Dwight Johnson, Wayne Kilburn, Edwina Futtner (left at 8:35pm), Linda Jeski, Alternate Paul Burnham and Alternate John Mitchell (arr. 7:32pm)

ABSENT: Chairperson Louise Neary, Joseph Kennedy and Alternate Gary Waterhouse

ALSO PRESENT: Mayor Saud Anwar, ED Coordinator Shari Fiveash

 1.    Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.

  • Roll Call: The above mentioned members were introduced.
  • Mayor Anwar: Mayor Anwar gave a presentation with current statistics for South Windsor with relation to the state and other nearby towns. Some of the figures include:
  • There will be a decline in the growth of homes in the future
  • $260,000 is South Windsor’s median home sale price
  • 66% of the town’s budget is allocated to the Board of Education
  • The jobs available in town have an average annual wage of $48,916
  • The average household income is $90,000
  • South Windsor has a lower unemployment rate than the state
  • CT is behind other states in job creation
  • Everyday 6,484 people leave town to work and 4,698 people come to town to work
  • According to a recent survey 20% of respondents believe job creation is the highest priority
  • On the horizon is the improved transportation infrastructure with New Haven-Hartford-Springfield rail
  • CT is #3 in rankings of innovation metrics is sending smart people away from state to look for jobs
  • South Windsor needs to look at ourselves together with our neighbors for a more regional view of doing business and creating jobs
Mayor Anwar concluded his presentation by introducing the creation of an Economic Development Advisory Committee comprised of economic development experts with regional insights. The members will offer branding and policy suggestions, provide leads and evaluate the economic climate. The members either have an understanding of the region or live in town and are members of town commissions (P&Z, IT, EDC, Chamber of Commerce, etc…). Members with an understanding of the region are members of the Hartford Metro-Alliance, DECD and other influential groups. The committee will create sub-committees to focus on infrastructure needs, the business climate and developing the South Windsor brand. Mayor Anwar would like the EDC to host a conference on economic development in the spring. At this point, Mayor Anwar opened up the floor to questions from commission members.

Commissioner Jodice asked how partnering with other towns will benefit the town if the development is occurring in other towns once the town has run out of land. Mayor Anwar responded that other states have already formed such partnerships which allow the towns to share resources and tax benefits. This is known as regionalism which is a concept that the Mayor believes should be explored.

Vice Chairperson S. Burnham asked for clarification of the residency of the committee members and when their meetings will take place. Mayor Anwar confirmed that not all members live in town but that they are willing to help the town. The committee will schedule a round table meeting open to the public. This will allow the opportunity to take advantage of the group’s collective wisdom and create a sharing mechanism between groups. The committee will then look at deliverables: education (training, lectures and discussion). A meeting schedule hasn’t been developed yet but the Mayor anticipates that two meetings will be held in February and one in March

Commissioner Jodice asked if the committee will be short term. Mayor Anwar explained that per the resolution this is a two year commitment. Once established, the network created by the committee members would continue to exist even as meeting regularity decreases.

Commissioner Jodice asked if Mayor Anwar anticipates a change to the current practice of matters pertaining to the EDC being sent straight to the Town Council instead of to the EDC for consideration. Mayor Anwar will work to rectify this issue to ensure that due diligence is done. The Mayor is aware that other departments/commissions are experiencing the same issue.

Commissioner P. Burnham asked if the committee members will help the conversations with businesses the town may be interested in courting. Mayor Anwar responded that Lindy Gold of the DECD is working to create a network.

Commissioner Futtner stated that she hopes that those in power will make decisions objectively and not subjectively. Mayor Anwar agreed that there is a need to address deep seated issues in order to work together for the common good of South Windsor.

Mayor Anwar asked the commission about hosting a conference. He envisions that other town commissions will attend along with members of the public. The conference would be recorded and shown on local access television to broaden the viewership.
A motion was made by Commissioner Futtner and seconded by Commissioner Johnson to host a conference in the spring and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Commissioner Mitchell feels that the committee is an ambitious undertaking and commends the Mayor. Commissioner Mitchell also cautions the Mayor to stay focused on a specific goal of achievement. Mayor Anwar thanked him for his suggestion.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jeski and seconded by Commissioner Lillis to move Item 9: Tax Abatement Request-Folsom Construction to Item 4 and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

  • Tax Abatement Request – Folsom Construction:
Ms. Fiveash stated that the requested abatement is for both buildings. Peter DeMaillie described the project. There will be two lots, Lot One is at 595 Nutmeg Road North and is the larger lot. Lot Two is at 591 Nutmeg Road North and is the smaller lot. They plan to build an 18,000 sq. ft. building on Lot One. The single story building will contain 4,000 sq. ft. of office space, 3,000 sq. ft. of warehouse space and 10,000 sq. ft. of industrial space. The two story building on Lot Two will be 8,000 sq. ft. The buildings will be constructed of steel tech masonry and metal siding with the HVAC unit hidden inside. The first building will allow trucks to drive through for maintenance and cleaning. Applications & plans have been submitted and a meeting for Wetlands and P&Z is scheduled for February and WPCA in March. Commissioner Lillis asked when the groundbreaking is anticipated to be scheduled. Attorney Wayne Gerlt responded that it will take place in the spring. The abatement approval will allow his client to retain competitive advantage. Tax benefits to town would be the equipment the company owns. Folsom Property Management doesn’t own the property yet but after considering other locations, this is the best site.
Commissioner P. Burnham asked if the buildings will be visible from street. Mr. DeMaillie replied that during winter they will be visible but most of the year they won’t. The building on Lot One is in the exact location as the original Waldo Brothers building which includes the potential to expand in the future. The property goes back all the way to the railroad tracks and Stoughton Brook is in between the properties.

A motion was made by Commissioner Lillis and seconded by Commissioner Murray to accept the abatement request as presented. Motion passed by majority vote. Commissioner Mitchell and Commissioner Jodice abstain. Commissioner P. Burnham sat for Commissioner Futtner and Commissioner Mitchell sat for Commissioner Neary.

Ms. Fiveash stated that according to the State Statutes, there is a ten year limit to construct the second building.

  • Public Participation: none
  • Approval of Minutes
Minutes from Regular Meeting on 11/20/2013:
A motion was made by Commissioner P. Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Jeski to approve the minutes of November 20, 2013 with the following corrections:
  • Item 8: should read ‘…150,000 sq. ft.…’
  • Item 7: Ms. Fiveash’s remarks on page two, second bullet: ‘…land near Sullivan Avenue.’
        Motion was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
 7.    Old Business: None

 8.    Committee Report

Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham - Discover South Windsor: Vice Chairperson S. Burnham reported that meetings will be held at 11 am on February 20, March 20 and April 17 at Design Professionals. There are three new platinum sponsors. The long term goal of adding a third companion website on the same platform with a landing page designed similarly to the Chamber’s is being explored. The group is looking for a grant to underwrite the development costs. Mr. DeMaillie commented that the Chamber has been working on a site that would focus on the retention, expansion and attraction of businesses to town which could be the third companion website. Ms. Fiveash and Mr. Guild (Town IT) are working on the Economic Development website and will work in conjunction with Mr. DeMaillie. Vice Chairperson S. Burnham reported that the unique visits to the site are up over the 2012 number by 50% for a total of 2,500 per month. There were approximately 30,000 unique visits to the site for 2013. The group is looking to upgrade to a mobile site platform.

  9.    Communications and Remarks

Report from Sue Burnham, Vice Chairperson: Vice Chairperson S. Burnham reported on the following:
  • The hotel near Evergreen Walk is now under construction.
  • Mr. DeMaillie addressed the P&Z commission on a zoning change from residential to commercial regarding the relocation of Phoenix All-Stars, a cheering and tumbling facility, which conflicts with the POCD.
  • Oxford performance materials received Federal aid three years ago for its 3-D imaging technology. They have grown to employ sixty-six people. Oxford gained FDA approval for medical use of its technology and have received a new loan from the State to buy new machinery and upgrade its facility.
  • The Town Council meeting on Monday, January 27th will consider the deadline for CT Studios to begin building. The previously established deadline was not met. Commission members expressed concern over the amount of money and staff hours spent in an effort to make this project happen.
  • Charles Schwab will host a ribbon cutting at 5:30pm on Thursday, January 23rd at their new location in Evergreen Walk near LL Bean.
  • The Chamber’s Business After Hours will be on February 4th at First Niagara Bank from 5-7p.m.
  • The EDC will be hosting a conference in April with the help of the Mayor and other key people to further economic initiatives in town. Vice Chairperson S. Burnham is unsure of the role the commission will play in the planning and execution of the conference but anticipates that she and Chairperson Neary will need help from other commission members.  
Report from Shari Fiveash, Economic Development Coordinator
Ms. Fiveash reported on the following:
  • Thirty inquiries into businesses locating to town were explored
  • 133 contacts (visits) with businesses within the community were made
  • Ms. Fiveash is currently working on three other abatement requests
 10.   New Business: None.
 11.   General Discussion:
Commissioner Lillis stated that he knows of a space connected to a yoga studio that is looking for a massage therapist if anyone knows someone interested.
Commissioner P. Burnham requested that information on tax abatements be sent with the agenda to allow for more careful review. Ms. Fiveash replied that that is the intention but that there was additional info concerning tonight’s request that needed to be clarified.
12.     Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Lillis and seconded by Commissioner Jodice to adjourn at 9:34pm and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Potter

Approved with modification:  February 26, 2014