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EDC Minutes 10-16-2013

SPRENKEL ROOM                                                  WEDNESDAY, October 16, 2013
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                          TIME: 7:30 P.M.

PRESENT: Chairperson Susan Burnham, James Murray, Edwina Futtner, William Jodice, Louise Neary, Dwight Johnson, Wayne Kilburn, Alternate John Mitchell (arr. 7:37pm) sat for Mark Lillis

ABSENT: Joseph Kennedy, Linda Jeski, Mark Lillis and Alternates Paul Burnham and Gary Waterhouse

ALSO PRESENT: ED Coordinator Shari Fiveash and Council Liaison Cindy Beaulieu

  1.    Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:31p.m.

 2.    Roll Call: The above-mentioned members were introduced.

  3.    Approval of Minutes

Minutes from Regular Meeting on 9/25/2013:
A motion was made by Commissioner Jodice and seconded by Commissioner Murray to approve the minutes of September 25, 2013 with the following corrections:
  • The attendance record should reflect the presence of Alternate Paul Burnham.
  • The attendance record should reflect the absence of Wayne Kilburn.
  • Item 2. Roll Call should state that Alternate John Mitchell sat for Edwina Futtner.
  • Item 3. Public Participation should state ‘…allowing shoppers to patronize adjacent businesses on Sullivan Avenue.’ and ‘…intersection between Rockville Bank and Valvoline.’
  • Item 6. Committee Report should state that ‘Chairperson Burnham attended the meeting…’
  • Item 7. Communications and Remarks should state ‘…so that the entire community can view it and donate.’,  ‘…decision of the Governor of CT and will be fuel cells.’ and ‘Cambria Suites at Evergreen Walk will soon be under construction…’
The motion was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
 4.    General Discussion

  • South Windsor Marketing Strategies:
Commission members provided feedback on the two proposals for marketing plans presented in a memo from Town Manager Matthew Galligan. The two proposals are for JGSC Group (a national company) and TonSha (a local company). Commissioners voiced the following concerns and requested that Chairperson Burnham follow up with the Town Manager for more information before deciding a preference between companies.
  • Cost of services from JGSC Group ($15,000)
  • Lack of selection of providers (both locally and nationally)
  • Narrow focus of TonSha and their use of mainly statistical information
  • JGSC Group’s website has not been updated although a message on the site has been in place since at least August.
  • Commissioners would like information about other companies (if any) that have already been weeded out of the selection process.
  • Lack of information about JGSC Groups’ reputation and success rates
  • Narrow focus of attracting only retail businesses (look at insurance companies)
Commissioners expressed positive reactions and brainstormed the following:
  • Possibilities provided by a national company with contacts nationwide
  • Focus on the quality of life in town
  • Updating the community videos produced a few years ago and using them as a tool to illustrate the quality of life in town
  • Desire to work with a local business
  • Scope of the proposal by JGSC Group
  • Cost of a marketing plan could be paid for by the attraction of a single business to town
Ms. Fiveash stated that the South Windsor site will be reworked in-house and, among other improvements, problems with linking to the town’s Parks & Rec. calendar will be addressed.

Chairperson Burnham extended congratulations to Ms. Fiveash on the success of the EXPO event held on September 10th at the former Highland Park Market.

The next regularly scheduled EDC meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 20th. This meeting will include the election of officers.

5.      Adjournment

        A motion to adjourn at 8:08pm was made by Commissioner Mitchell and seconded by Commissioner Murray and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter

Approved as amended:  November 20, 2013