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EDC Minutes 09-28-2011

MADDEN ROOM                                               WEDNESDAY, September 28, 2011
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                          TIME: 7:30 P.M.

PRESENT: Chairperson Louise Neary, Susan Burnham, Joseph Carino, Edwina Futtner, Mark Lillis, James Murray, William Jodice, Dwight Johnson and Alternates Joseph Kennedy and Gary Waterhouse, John Mitchell (arrived at 7:35p.m.)

ABSENT: Linda Jeski

ALSO PRESENT: EDC Coordinator Craig Stevenson (arrived at 7:42p.m.)

1.      Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Neary called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.

  • Roll Call: Chairperson Neary read the roll call.
  • Public Participation: None.
  • New Business
Carla’s Pasta: Chairperson Neary stated that Carla’s Pasta isn’t ready to make a presentation.
Metals Testing: Peter DeMallie gave a presentation representing Metals Testing Company owned by Robert Delisle. Mr. DeMallie handed out copies of a letter addressed to Mr. Stevenson with information for a request for tax abatement (attached). Mr. DeMallie started by giving an oral history of the company. There are currently 54 full-time employees currently working at the company. There are four major parts of the operation in testing aircraft parts for flaws before they are used for assembly. Mr. Delisle is continuously being solicited by other towns, states and countries to move his business there. Applications will need to be approved by P&Z and Inland Wetlands. Mr. DeMallie explained that they are still looking to make sure that this is the best plan financially for the company. In addition to the costs for the new building and improvements to the current building, there will be approximately another $150,000 for the connector building.
Chairperson Neary asked what is meant by making a decision in ‘the very near term’ and Mr. DeMallie explained that each week a decision is delayed causes problems for Mr. Delisle. Commissioner Lillis stated that this is a fantastic opportunity to retain and expand jobs here in CT and the personal property tax far exceeds the real property tax. Applications will be heard by P&Z October 11 and Inland Wetlands October 5. There is also a Design Review meeting and an application will need to be filed with WPCA. Mr. Stevenson stated they the company is financially strong but if any member would like to review the financial documents a meeting can be set up with the Town Manager. Construction could begin as early as this fall with completion in about six months. Mr. Stevenson reviewed the details of the proposed tax abatement. Chairperson Neary confirmed that the abatement is for 50% for 3 years. The building will be prefabricated. Commissioner Lillis commented that the abatement doesn’t seem that generous considering the amount of money being invested. Commissioner Jodice stated that he believes this is a good investment. Mr. Stevenson stated that Mr. Delisle has doubled his workforce since 2004. Commissioner Murray asked what Mr. Delisle’s preference would be on the abatement and he responded that 4 years at 50% abatement.
A motion was made by Commissioner Lillis and seconded by Commissioner Jodice: Whereas, Delisle Inc DBA Metals Testing Company has proposed an investment of $1.4 million to construct a 12,500 square foot industrial building. The South Windsor EDC does hereby recommend to the Town Manager and Town Council that Delisle Inc. DBA Metals Testing Company be offered a four year 50% abatement of taxes on real property improvements. The motion was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Mr. DeMallie made the commission aware that if they think the project is beneficial they can write a letter of support to the P&Z commission or attend the meeting to show support.

5.      Approval of Minutes

Minutes from Regular Meeting on 7/27/2011: A motion was made by Commissioner Futtner and seconded by Commissioner Burnham to approve the minutes of July 27, 2011 with the following correction on Page 2 item 9 should read “farmer’s market next to the Wood Memorial Library…” and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
6.      Old Business

CT Studios Update: Mr. Stevenson reported that the project continues to move forward and that currently there are plans in the Town Planner’s office. The site plan is complete and should be forwarded to P&Z within the next month. A master plan will be submitted shortly. A decision on which hotel will be built will be made soon. There are additional industrial or commercial plans for the rest of the site but Mr. Stevenson is unable to comment on them at this time other than that they are beneficial to the project. Commissioner Burnham asked about an article in the JI about a mortgage that needs to be paid off before the project moves forward. Mr. Stevenson doesn’t think this is deceptive and that the town was within their rights to do so in the transfer of property to CT Studios. Over the last three years the project has evolved, including the size of the project.

7.      Committee Reports

Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison - Water Pollution Control Authority: Commissioner Carino stated that he had nothing to report.

Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham - Discover South Windsor: Commissioner Burnham attended the meeting on July 28, 2011 at Fox Computers about redoing the website to make it more “user friendly”. There is no meeting in September but the next meeting will be on Thursday, October 20th, 2011.

Report from Mark Lillis, Liaison - Joint EDC and Planning & Zoning Commission: Chairperson Neary will request that this item be deleted from the agenda.

          8.    Communications and Remarks

Report from Louise Neary, Chairperson: Chairperson Neary thanked the commission members for their care and concern while she was ill.

         9.    General Discussion:
EDC Mr. Stevenson stated that there is no commercial development planned for the studio site at this time-when the economy improves that may change. Commissioner Mitchell asked about the solar installation but Mr. Stevenson could not provide any information about it. Commissioner Lillis asked when construction will begin and Mr. Stevenson stated that the bonds still need to be sold but that it could begin next spring.

Mr. Stevenson reviewed his report (attached). The senior housing by the Hellenic Association is being held up because they are waiting for news on a federal grant.

Commissioner Mitchell asked about Mr. Stevenson’s last day and he reported that tonight is his last meeting and his last day with the town will be on Friday. Chairperson Neary thanked Mr. Stevenson for his work and the detail to which he presented information to the commission. Mr. Stevenson thanked the commission for their volunteer service to the community and hopes that they will continue. Chairperson Neary asked if Mr. Stevenson had any advice for continuing to fill vacant buildings and other projects without overstepping their bounds. Mr. Stevenson suggests contacting businesses currently located in town to make them aware of incentive programs, do visitations and continue to work with the Chamber, etc…  Commissioner Futtner was disappointed that the commission wasn’t consulted about the removal of Mr. Stevenson.

A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Futtner for Mr. Stevenson to draft a letter in support of the abatement for Metals Testing Inc and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Commissioner Futtner said that of all the EDC Coordinators that she has had contact with, Mr. Stevenson has by far been the best.

10.     Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Mitchell to adjourn at 9pm and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter

Approved:  October 26, 2011