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EDC Minutes 03-23-2011

MADDEN ROOM                                                       WEDNESDAY, March 23, 2011
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                          TIME: 7:30 P.M.

PRESENT: Chairperson Louise Neary, Susan Burnham, Joseph Carino, Mark Lillis, Linda Jeski, William Jodice, Joseph Kennedy, John Mitchell and Gary Waterhouse

ABSENT: Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Marilyn Morrison and James Murray

  • Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Neary called the meeting to order at 7:35p.m.
  • Roll Call: Commissioner Jeski took attendance. Alternate Joseph Kennedy sat for James Murray and Alternate John Mitchell sat for Edwina Futtner.
3.      Public Participation: Mr. Stevenson introduced the people behind an upcoming project to build a FedEx ground transportation facility. They are in conversations with the town manager and will be requesting tax abatement. Bruce Raymond, Senior Manager of the facility in Windsor (which will be relocated to this site) introduced the project. Packages from the new location will be delivered throughout New England. Upon full expansion of this facility, it will employ 250 people handling at least 7,000 packages per day. Commissioner Jodice asked how many vehicles will be leaving the facility and Mr. Raymond indicated that the traffic will be during the early morning and late day and carry about 2,000 packages per trip on 6-8 trucks. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the rail line will be used and Mr. Raymond indicated that at this time only tractor trailers will be used. Packages coming into their facility will be through home delivery, ground delivery and smart post. Jay Ussery, JR Russo & Assoc., briefly described the site plans. The main entrance will be from Kennedy Drive and construction will take place in two stages. The building will be constructed of ground block with a standing seam roof and will look similar to the Plunkett Webster (Parksite) building on Sullivan Ave. Most of the building won’t be seen from the road and will have a berm with vegetation along Sullivan Ave. There is a small wetland area on the site. There will be detention basins around the entire site to help collect water on site which will then travel to the system on Sullivan Ave. The water will be released slowly to avoid increase in peak flow as it leaves the site and is designed for a 100 year storm. Commissioner Mitchell asked about installing a signal and Mr. Ussery stated that there is no signal at Kennedy and Sullivan at this time and according to their analysis it will not require installation at this time but will probably be reevaluated in the future depending on development in the area. The plans still need to be evaluated by the State STC. There will be turning lanes for left and right turns on Kennedy Road and turning lanes on Sullivan Ave. and widening of their intersection. Construction of the building and employee parking will be completed in phases. Commissioner Mitchell believes a light would be beneficial to the project due to the high volume of traffic on Sullivan Ave. Mr. Ussery stated that the State STC will make that determination. The property will be owned by a separate company and leased to FedEx. There are four other sites being considered for this project to serve New England and a final choice will be made in June 2011 with construction beginning in February 2012.

Mr. Stevenson handed out copies of the tax abatement request. (attached) Chairperson Neary asked if the town will be making any investment in the project and Mr. Stevenson stated that the developer will be making improvements to the infrastructure estimated to be excess of $200,000. The assessment figures may change by the time the project is finished. Commissioner Mitchell asked how the abatement figures are determined. Mr. Stevenson stated that there are several factors such as the amount of improvements to the infrastructure. Mr. Stevenson said that the maximum amount of abatement allowed by the State is 100% abatement for seven years. A decision can be made at the very latest at the April meeting. The property is currently generating under $70,000 per year and with the project there will be an increase to just under $500,000 per year. Commissioner Lillis asked about their rate of abandonment of projects in New England and Mr. Raymond stated that only one in ten years has been closed. Mr. Stevenson suggested having a special meeting to vote on this so that it can be presented to the Town Council for consideration. A special meeting will be scheduled for April 6th after checking with Town Hall staff about a meeting room.

4.      Approval of Minutes

Minutes from 2/23/2011: A motion was made by Commissioner Lillis and seconded by Commissioner Burnham to approve the minutes of February 23, 2011 with the following corrections:
Page 2: item 5. “Last night, on February 22 a public hearing was held on…”, “…credits, intention is to limit the credit for location shooting only and not the use of…”
Item 6: Report from Louise Neary… eliminate last “also” and Report from Mark Lillis “…meeting will be Tuesday, March 1, 2011 and will…”
Item 7: “…invitations will be coming for a dinner held March 29th
Motion was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
5.      Old Business

CT Studios Update: Mr. Stevenson reported that an update was given to the Town Council and due diligence is under way for the TIF agreement. The public hearing is still open to allow for all parties involved to be able to give their input. A feasibility study has been completed and has been reviewed by the Town Manager and Dan Marsh, another EDC consultant. A final copy will be submitted to the Council. There will be some announcements coming. An existing building has been purchased which will provide rental space for ancillary companies providing services. The TIF bonds should be done by the end of May. Hal Katersky will be in town on March 30th and will speak to the Chamber about ways for local businesses to interact and benefit from the upcoming project. Construction will probably begin in June. A community labor agreement was made that guarantees work for unions and South Windsor residents. Construction of the infrastructure may start earlier. Commissioner Waterhouse stated that a labor agreement typically guarantees competing wages and benefits. Commissioner Lillis believes that it’s the choice of the studio to work with unions.

6.      Committee Report

Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison - Water Pollution Control Authority: Commissioner Carino stated that FedEx presented an application and that the WPCA is pleased with the proposed process for the oil and water separation. Commissioner Carino stated that the application was presented without FedEx being on board yet but the application was approved with the assumption that they would be.
The medical building on the corner of Community Road and Sullivan also submitted an application. They will be tying in to existing service at the rear of their property thereby avoiding digging up Sullivan Avenue.
There was a portion of sewer pipe that was dug up due to deterioration and the department will be looking to see if other sections of this type of pipe exist in town.

Commissioner Mitchell commended Commissioner Carino for his service as Chairman of WPCA-recently Commissioner Carino stepped down as Chairman. A meeting will be held with the town council and the WPCA on Thursday, March 24 on the upgrade to the sewer plant and how it will be financed. Commissioner Mitchell asked if there is the possibility of a class action law suit for residents being billed to finance the improvements if they are not using the system. There is a commitment by the WPCA to make a payment on bonds that were approved but a source of funding hasn’t been approved yet.

Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham - Discover South Windsor-Commissioner Burnham stated that a meeting was held on March 17th. There are new photos on the site and the prize for the trivia contest is doubled to $50. There was discussion of a photo contest instead of the trivia contest. New visits to the site were up by 7%. A poster board about the site will be moved to the library. The group is working closely with the Chamber and the Parks & Rec calendar will be linked shortly.
         Report from Craig Stevenson-Subcommittee with Planning & Zoning-Mr. Stevenson stated that there was a meeting to bring positive residential development to the Evergreen Walk/Buckland gateway area. Some new regulations will be drafted for review during the next meeting. Commissioner Carino asked what will happen to luxury apartments that have to be downgraded due to a change in the economy and why is it so important for a residential component to this area. Mr. Stevenson stated that a mixed use area lasts longer and appeals to outside companies looking for housing for their employees. It is important to have a stable residential component. Commissioner Carino stated that it is important to let residents know the importance of this. The next meeting is Tuesday, April 5th.

7.      Communications and Remarks

Report from Louise Neary, Chairperson-Chairperson Neary reported that Commissioner Morrison has had surgery. Chairperson Neary will send a card and flowers on the EDC’s behalf.

Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant-Mr. Stevenson reported that the town is working with a substantial end user for the Gerber Scientific HQ building. They may make a request for an abatement of personal equipment.

The developer of 85 Nutmeg is in the process of completing a Phase II environmental assessment.

South Windsor Medical Associates presented their application to the Town Council and expect a response in April.

8.      New Business-Commissioner Jodice asked about the bids for the old firehouse and Mr. Stevenson stated that he doesn’t think that any of the bids met the minimum. They may be going out to bid again. There is discussion of moving the dog pound to this location.

9.      General Discussion-None.

10.     Adjournment- A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Jodice to adjourn at 9:22p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter

Approved:  April 27, 2011