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EDC Minutes 02-23-2011
MINUTES                                                                           February 23, 2011
MADDEN ROOM                                                                                  TOWN HALL

PRESENT: Susan Burnham, Joseph Carino, Dwight Johnson, Alternate Gary Waterhouse, Mark Lillis, James Murray, Chairperson Louise Neary, Alternate John Mitchell and Linda Jeski (arr. 7:39p.m.)
ABSENT: Edwina Futtner, Marilyn Morrison and William Jodice
ALSO PRESENT: Craig Stevenson
1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Neary called the meeting to order at 7:37p.m.
2. Roll Call: Commissioner Burnham took attendance. Alternate John Mitchell sat for Edwina Futtner and Alternate Gary Waterhouse sat for Marilyn Morrison.
3. Public Participation: Craig Stevenson introduced Rich Lee developer of a new medical office opposite town hall. South Windsor Medical Associates have built several facilities around the state. There is an STC issue that is being resolved. Mr. Lee explained that some sub-specialties can no longer afford the rent of their current locations because of the decreased amount of reimbursements for procedures and that his project is working around this factor. The building will be 15,000 sq ft 2 story bldg that will cost about $300 per foot for a total of $3.25 million. Medical practices are coming from outside South Windsor including primary care doctors, ERN (physical therapy), lab and a radiology group (not sure of exact blend for this building) which will be primarily affiliated with Hartford Hospital and ECHN. Plans are available for commission members to review. The property is currently owned by Dick Kelly and there is one residence that will be razed in order to construct the medical facility. Mr. Stevenson reviewed the Tax Abatement application. Abatement for the first 5 years is equivalent to a request made by Evergreen Medical Associates and is valued at 3.1 million for total net revenue about $422,000 per year for the first seven years. The medical building will generate 35-40 jobs and the tenants will sign a minimum ten year lease. Abatement is passed on directly to the tenants. Commissioner Lillis complimented Mr. Lee and Mr. Stevenson on the completeness of the presentation. Commissioner Mitchell asked if this abatement request is premature because of the lack of approvals. Mr. Lee stated that they are in the process of obtaining them and have received the wetlands permit. Mr. Stevenson said there is no penalty for applying early-only if the application is late. Mr. Lee is planning to break ground in April.
A motion was made by Commissioner Lillis and seconded by Commissioner Burnham to approve the following resolution: Whereas, South Windsor Medical Associates, LLC has proposed an investment of $3.25 million to construct a 15,800 square foot medical office building. The South Windsor EDC does hereby recommend to the Town Manager and Town Council that South Windsor Medical Associates, LLC be offered a five year 50% abatement of taxes on real property improvements and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
4. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Jeski to approve minutes of November 17, 2010 and was approved. Commissioner Mitchell abstained. Motion passed.  
5. Old Business
        CT Studios Update: Mr. Stevenson stated that the project is prepared to start site work but the weather has not cooperated. Ocean Capital will be financing the project and the Town Council approved the TIF agreement. There was concern by some members of the town council on the sale of the bonds. Appraisals of the property are being done by a third party. An appraisal is also being done on the business model by a man from California who is familiar with this type of project. Hopefully the sale of the bonds will be done by the end of March. Last night, a special tax district was created to pay for things that the town would ordinarily pay for. This is to help secure the TIF and is something the investors want to see.  It will only affect this area of town and no other. Mr. Stevenson has a plan for redevelopment for the I-291 plan and it was updated in November to include CT Studios but the information was incorrect and will be corrected at the next town council meeting. A plan for building and completion dates will be developed in association with the TIF. The State’s Film Production tax credits, intention limit the credit for location shooting only not use of sound stages. Chapter 207 tax status companies would have access to 100% of tax credit. More information is needed to understand the proposal and the state is working with CT Studios to ensure that the credit remains.
6. Committee Report
Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison-Water Pollution Control Authority-Commissioner Carino stated that the WPCA didn’t meet in January for lack of business.
Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham-Discover South Windsor: Commissioner Burnham attended a meeting last week. The group has changed the look of the home page and pictures have been added. The group is working on a community link with the Chamber of Commerce. A community calendar will also be linked. The trivia contest is going strong and several winners have been awarded prizes. The trivia contest consists of 20 questions. The group is also looking to add the Park & Rec department calendar also.
Report from Mark Lillis-Liaison to Planning and Zoning: Commissioner Lillis met last week with P&Z members. The new development at Evergreen Walk of combined development isn’t working for financing at this point and more information is needed to see what the best combination of development would be for that area such as making it a town center. The next meeting will be next week and will continue to be held on the first Tuesday of the month. P&Z would like to make sure that any change in zoning is done in the best possible way.
7. Communications and Remarks:
Report from Louise Neary, Chairperson: Chairperson Neary informed commission members about the business expansion awards dinner with the Chamber and that invitations will be coming March 29th.
Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant: Mr. Stevenson reviewed his report. (Attached)
Nu-Way has done a great job with their project. Mr. Stevenson suggested taking a field trip to see what companies have done with the investments through tax abatement that the town has made. Chairperson Neary agrees this would be worthwhile. Mr. Stevenson will work to arrange something when there is better weather.
Chairperson Neary asked for information on a magnet school interested in property on Chapel Road. Mr. Stevenson stated that it is close to Rte 5 and near the entrance to I-291 and that there is a group working with the owner.
Commission Burnham asked about apartment/condos to be built across from the fire station. Mr. Stevenson stated that they are seeking a federal grant and that they are still interested in the project.
8. New Business
Committee Selection to Meet with Liaisons from Planning and Zoning: Discussed under item 7.
9. General Discussion:  Commissioner Lillis asked about the building that fell down in Windsor and if it was competition for CT Studios. Mr. Stevenson stated that they were a different kind of studio. Mr. Stevenson stated that the best thing for the project at CT Studios would be for another studio to be built here.
Chairperson Neary introduced the new alternate Gary Waterhouse.
10. Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Mitchell to adjourn at 8:50p.m. and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Catherine Potter

Approved 3/23/2011 with corrections:  
Page 2: Item 5. “Last night, on February 22 a public hearing was held on…”, “…credits, intention is to limit the credit for location shooting only and not the use of…” Item 6: Report from Louise Neary… eliminate last “also” and Report from Mark Lillis “…meeting will be Tuesday, March 1, 2011 and will…” Item 7: “…invitations will be coming  for a dinner held March 29th