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EDC Minutes 11-17-2010
MINUTES                                                                      NOVEMBER 17, 2010
MADDEN ROOM                                                                            TOWN HALL

PRESENT: Chairperson Louise Neary, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Joseph Carino, Sue Burnham, James Murray, Joseph Kennedy, William Jodice, Mark Lillis (arr. 7:33p.m.)
ABSENT: Linda Jeski and John Mitchell
ALSO PRESENT: Craig Stevenson (arr. 7:36p.m.)
1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Neary called the meeting to order at 7:31p.m.
2. Roll Call: The above-mentioned members were introduced.
3. Public Participation:
        Alan Lamson: Evergreen Walk Associates: Mr. Lamson displayed the plans as they were approved in October 2007 and what has been completed, currently under construction and not yet developed. Some of the original plans for hotel, commercial and housing portions are undergoing changes due to the market and the current vacancies in the current retail space. There is some interest from hotels to locate where a portion of the planned residential space was originally. There is also some interest in a community type space within the ‘town square’ area. One concern in developing this area is the lack of interest in developing more commercial space. Elevating the residential space would add to the cost of the development. If placed on the ground floor, space could be created for residents for a terrace type space so that they aren’t directly on the sidewalk. Sidewalks could be installed to allow residents to walk to current retail and restaurant space in Evergreen Walk. The residential units would be one or two bedrooms. Monthly rental would be approximately $1,700 to $2,200 a month which would be higher than local rental costs but equivalent to those at Blue Back Square. This project would be competitive with a project in Vernon. Chairperson Neary asked if the community space would be open to the general public or only the residents and Mr. Lamson responded that it would be open to all. Mr. Stevenson stated that the plan is to bring in services such as a satellite of the library or a spa, etc… Mr. Lamson stated that the residential area would be all private with private infrastructure creating positive income for the town. The distance from the residential area to the current shops is about an eighth of a mile and will be made into more of a promenade. Chairman Neary asked if the companies that are being considered will keep and maintain the properties and Mr. Lamson confirmed that all three companies do currently build and maintain their properties for a long period of time. Parking would be located within the square and behind the residential space would have additional parking for the residents for a total for about 1,000 spaces but if the residential is on the ground floor there would be slightly fewer spaces. The hotel is planned to be four stories with about 100 units. Cambria Suites is currently interested in developing this site. Mr. Stevenson explained that currently there is no project or application pending but that there is a developer interested in building residential space differently than originally approved. Mr. Stevenson stated that based on the cost and space of the units it is unlikely that it will attract families but is more geared toward older adults and that the future success of Evergreen Walk a residential portion needs to be included. Planning and Zoning is concerned about the quality of stand-alone apartments and the loss of mixed use development. Commissioner Lillis commented that mixed use areas are very vibrant. Commissioner Carino believes that there should be support for the second phase (residential mixed use) of Evergreen Walk with the valid argument that the economy won’t support more commercial development at this time. Chairperson Neary asked if commissioners would be able to attend a joint meeting with Planning and Zoning next Tuesday evening to discuss this project. Mr. Lamson believes that the town square area could be built in about thirty months once construction begins. Commissioner Johnson asked if plans have been formally denied by P&Z and Mr. Lamson stated that they have been approached informally twice but no application has been filed. Mr. Stevenson believes that the town should come up with a plan that can be followed by developers in order for projects to be presented more successfully. Commissioner Carino asked if an argument could be made for bringing in residential units to spur retail success and Mr. Stevenson agrees that it could be made. Mr. Stevenson also believes the businesses at Evergreen Walk should be a part of the discussions for developing retail space. Commissioner Carino if units could be rented successfully and Mr. Lamson stated that all three companies believe that within the building timeframe the units would be rented to capacity and that one complex would be built at a time.
Commissioners discussed the viability of building the apartments.
4. Approval of Minutes:
        Minutes from 10/27/10: A motion was made by Commissioner Carino and seconded by Commissioner Burnham to approve the minutes of October 27, 2010 with the following corrections: James Murray and Linda Jeski should be listed as absent, “…meeting to order at 7:30pm.”, public comments were made by Bob Ignagni, 307 Sandstone Drive (last name should be corrected wherever it appears) and on the last page “Sullivan Avenue” not road and were unanimously approved. Motion passed.
5. Old Business:
        CT Studios Update: Mr. Stevenson stated that the project construction is moving forward. There is work on a project labor agreement to make sure that union employees are included in the project. Demolition and clearing needs to take place first and then utilities need to be brought in. The studio has Home Loan Investment Bank of Rhode Island as their banker. The president of the bank came and walked the property because he was highly interested in the project. Mr. Stevenson reminded the commission that the only thing that the town is considering paying is the infrastructure improvements such as roads, sewer, water and electricity that will be covered by the TIF. The failure rate is two percent or less for the purchase of the TIF bonds. The Redevelopment Agency will be voting on their updated plan after the public has had a chance to comment. A public hearing will be held on December 6 on the
TIF bonds and Mr. Stevenson encouraged commission members to attend the meeting to show their support. Commissioner Jodice asked how much the bank loan is and Mr. Stevenson stated it is $5 million. Commissioner Kennedy thought the town council meeting was negative in nature and thought they should express more positive views. Mr. Stevenson believes that the majority of the council is supportive of the project and the TIF bonds. There will be a substantial amount of taxes collected by the real property.
6. Committee Report:
        Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison-Water Pollution Control Authority:  No report.
        Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham-Discover South Windsor:  Commissioner Burnham reported that the next meeting is tomorrow, November 18, 2010 at 10a.m. but that she can’t attend. Chairperson Neary will try and attend the meeting.
7. Communications and Reports:
        Report from Louise Neary, Chairperson: There is a Chamber event on December 7th at Mill on the River and Commissioners Futtner, Lillis, Burnham and Johnson and Chairperson Neary and Mr. Stevenson will try to attend.
        Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant: Mr. Stevenson reviewed his report. (Attached) Gerber Scientific has leased the ‘Coburn’ building and are looking for a tenant for the larger building.
8. New Business: None.
9. General Discussion: None
10. Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Futtner to adjourn at 9:11p.m. and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Potter

Approved:  February 23, 2011