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EDC Minutes 09-22-2010
MINUTES                                                                      SEPTEMBER 22, 2010 MADDEN ROOM                                                                             TOWN HALL

PRESENT: Chairperson Louise Neary, Joseph Carino, Dwight Johnson, Joseph Kennedy, Linda Jeski, William Jodice, Susan Burnham (arr. 7:33pm), John Mitchell (arr. 7:33pm), Edwina Futtner (arr. 7:33pm), Mark Lillis (arr. 7:40pm)

ABSENT: Marilyn Morrison and James Murray

ALSO PRESENT: EDC Consultant Craig Stevenson

1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Neary called the meeting to order at 7:32p.m.

2. Roll Call: The above-mentioned members were introduced.

3. Public Participation: None.

4. Approval of Minutes:
Minutes from 7/28/2010: A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Futtner to approve the minutes of 7/28/2010 with the following correction: on p. 2 first sentence should read: “…they will only provide their expertise…” and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

5. Old Business:
CT Studios Update: Mr. Stevenson stated that a revision of site plan due to the soil conditions should be turned in to town hall within the next few days.  An STC certificate was obtained on Aug 17. CT Studios may need to go before P&Z to review the changes and to keep them informed. There were no radical changes just rearrangement of buildings due to sandy soil. The financing resources have been identified and the two final entities are the town and a private financial institution. CT Studios need to finalize their numbers. Bonds could be paid off as early as 12 years. Municipal bonds have come back into desirability for investors. The town council has final approval and the Bond Council suggests that an update be made to the redevelopment plan to include specific information about CT Studios. This would require a public hearing and town council would then have to approve it. The legal work for the TIF is being done and a resolution needs to be drafted for town council. A public hearing will need to be held and then a vote taken. (Commissioner Lillis arrived 7:40pm). Mr. Stevenson has no prediction for the ground breaking date, it has changed several times. Chairperson Neary asked for a time frame for TIF. Mr. Stevenson has no time frame yet. MuniCap will be sending out prospectuses prior to Thanksgiving. It takes time for institutional investors to complete the paperwork because the legal process is lengthy and that’s why it would take this long. Commissioner Mitchell asked if they are 12 year bonds. Mr. Stevenson explained that the proposed term of the bond is 29 years and that 80% of taxes will be collected for the first 12 years. A surplus will result and the town can then decide what to be done with it. The town is allowing future taxes to be used as collateral. Commissioner Mitchell asked who is ultimately responsible for payment of the bonds. Mr. Stevenson stated that the funds will be used for public purposes storm drains, utilities and roads. Commissioner Mitchell asked what towns have done this and Mr. Stevenson gave examples of Stamford and West Hartford (Blue Back Square). Mr. Stevenson stated that this is the most common type of development bond. Commissioner Mitchell is nervous about this type of investment and doesn’t like that it is taking so long because everyone has supported the project both locally and statewide. Mr. Stevenson stated that the delay is because of due diligence that will make sure everything is in line and that it’s not that different than a tax abatement. The ALDI project took 2 years to put together during good times. Commissioner Lillis asked who pays the bonds if the business goes out of business and Mr. Stevenson stated that the money would come from the sale of the land and that the taxes have to be paid before the bonds are paid. The town is only pledging 80% of the capital improvements and that the risk is on the developer and the bond purchasers. Any required permits will be paid as they are obtained.

6. Committee Report
Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison-Water Pollution Control Authority:  Commissioner Carino had nothing to report because it was slow and the last meeting was a discussion of a two home subdivision.

Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham-Discover South Windsor:
Chairperson Neary hasn’t received notice of any meetings and therefore hasn’t attended any. Commissioner Burnham received notice of a meeting but people couldn’t attend and it was cancelled. Normally the meetings are on the third Thursday of the month. Commissioner Burnham showed an ad for site that was in the Parks and Rec. bulletin and an article was in the Journal Inquirer about the upcoming trivia contest.  

7. Communications and Remarks:
Report from Louise Neary, Chairperson:  Chairperson Neary asked if everyone received their invitation for the dinner on September 28 and if they haven’t responded they need to contact Donna Thompson in town hall.

Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant:  Mr. Stevenson reported that the abatement application for Evergreen Medical Associates, that the EDC recommended, has been rejected by the town council. Mr. Stevenson is shocked that it was rejected. The town manager is working with the town council on the amount of the abatement request and plans to resubmit it for approval.
Evergreen Walk LLC is working on recruiting a hotel for the town square project. Mr. Stevenson has spent time with the developers and has taken them to businesses in town to show need. The economy plays a strong role in this development. The town square is mixed use- residential and commercial. There would be municipal/public use and hotel space. Chairperson Neary stated that she heard they came with a plan that didn’t have commercial on the first level. Mr. Stevenson replied that a suggestion was made to P&Z to change zoning regulations to allow this type of development. Commissioner Carino heard that the P&Z felt that the type of housing being offered is close to being low income housing. Mr. Stevenson stated that there was no formal application but that the town manager was working with the P&Z on a matter of public policy. Evergreen Walk is not just the Promenade walk and that stand alone retail development doesn’t last as long. A problem lies with how mixed use development and the residential portion are defined. The marketability of the mixed use type of development with a residential portion is higher priced rental property. Commissioner Futtner stated that P&Z has a problem with apartments and are under the impression that they wreck a town. The apartment complex across from Buckland Hills has had no trouble and P&Z is delaying development by rejecting apartments. New residents and the elderly want apartments, not condos. What can EDC do? Mr. Stevenson confirmed that the town mgr has obtained police records about the apartments by Buckland Hills and they support the fact that there aren’t problems there. P&Z is a regulatory and policy making board and if residents feel that the apartments should be built then they need to let P&Z know. Chairperson Neary agrees that the EDC needs to let them know that the commission supports the building of apartments. Mr. Stevenson agrees that the EDC needs to lobby P&Z. The position is there was no vote that night but the feeling was that they weren’t supportive of apartments. Commissioner Carino asked if it is it possible to find a similar situation to show that it can be successful. Mr. Stevenson can point to many examples: Mashpee, MA, West Hartford-Blue Back SQ and others all over the country. Case studies have been provided and he is still trying to figure out how to provide more information. Commissioner Mitchell asked if there is consensus would it help to send a letter from EDC to P&Z for support of this type of housing.  Mr. Stevenson stated that the commission has historically done this. Chairperson Neary explains it as a catch-22 and that the EDC needs to start somewhere to get a base to build upon. Mr. Stevenson stated that there are many opportunities in Evergreen Walk.
124 Sullivan Ave-is the site of the currently operating fire house. The new fire house is almost finished and it has been suggested to rezone the old firehouse from industrial to commercial to facilitate reuse. P&Z responded positively to this suggestion. No date set for ribbon cutting of the firehouse but the move from location to the other can be done over one weekend.

625 Sullivan Ave-is the site of the fire house. The town is looking at the property lines and will do a subdivision. Information will be made avail through an RFP for private sector development. There is interest. Commissioner Lillis asked if the subdivision approval went to referendum. Mr. Stevenson replied that last November it was approved. Commissioner Mitchell is not sure that there is approval for sale of surplus land from the subdivision. Commissioner Jodice asked if the town have any input on who purchases the land and how it’s developed. Mr. Stevenson is confident that it will be something economically beneficial to town and that it could do a short term lease.

Gerber Scientific-there was an article in the spring about their reorganization and possible relocation. Mr. Stevenson has spoken with officials and discovered that no decision has been made. He is working with them to determine what the most beneficial use is for the property.

A refrigerator warehouse company has been shown several locations and they are still evaluating their data.

Property owned by Andre Charbonneau (Kennedy Road/Sullivan Road) has an end user interested in the property. The national company is in development stages for the project.

68 Nutmeg Road-Tyler Machine Company has purchased this property and is undergoing renovations.  They are currently located on Jeffery Drive. They sell manufacturing equipment to manufacturers and will be expanding into the larger space and leasing some of the space (10,000 sq ft) to another user. Mr. Stevenson has been making them aware of beneficial programs.
Corner of West St/Sullivan Ave-property has been optioned by a housing agency. HEPA, a Greek non-profit that builds market rate housing for the elderly, is developing this site. They fund developments with a federal program. Mr. Stevenson has a meeting tomorrow at 2pm about the project. Commissioner Mitchell asked if this site is zoned commercial. Mr. Stevenson stated that the site is mostly commercial and that the residential portion will be in the rear with no front on Sullivan Ave. A zone change may be necessary. Commissioner Mitchell is concerned about losing commercial property. Mr. Stevenson stated that the commercial portion would not be built on-so it would remain commercial. He will have more information at the October meeting. Mr. Stevenson believes this is a high quality project with beautiful residential units and a full time social worker and nurse. The median age 76 years old.

85 Nutmeg-the former Hi-G building has had the overgrowth cut down. An environmental assessment is being done and will hopefully lead to help from the federal government to pay for cleanup. There was a spill many years ago and it is known where it is on the property. The ownership has been transferred to 85 Nutmeg LLC. It is a badly neglected site caused by the former owners which included a roof drain that was draining into the building and had a highly damaged roof. This has now been repaired has been shown to prospective end users. Chairperson Neary asked if parking will be an issue. Mr. Stevenson replied yes but that there is a resolution. When the new building was built, land was leased from a neighbor to satisfy parking requirements (lease was never paid). Purchase of the leased land to meet requirements could be done but the back taxes still need to be paid. Sale of the original site would cover back taxes payment.

8. None.

9. General Discussion:
Commissioner Carino asked if any organization, town or state, is looking at how Sullivan Ave can be improved. It is inadequate at times-especially during rush hour, and wonders if there is enough available land to expand the width. Mr. Stevenson stated that it is a state road and any major projects along it will prompt the state to look at it. He is not sure how proactive the STC is but that they have more of a triage plan.
Commissioner Neary asked if there will be a strobe light so that when fire trucks go out, traffic will stop. Mr. Stevenson will find out.
Commissioner Mitchell stated that he wrote a letter 25 years ago as Mayor of South Windsor about the traffic issues on Sullivan Ave and requested a study by the state based on its growth potential. He doubts it was ever done. The width for rights of way and drainage would all need to be done and it is much needed. Chairperson Neary asked if EDC can request a study in order to promote economic development here in town. Mr. Stevenson suggests also looking at the types of zoning along rte 5 and Sullivan Ave.
Commissioner Mitchell reported that he saw Commissioner Morrison at a meeting and that she sent her regards.

10. A motion was made by Commissioner Jeski and seconded by Commissioner Burnham to adjourn at 8:43p.m. and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter
Clerk                                                                   Approved:  October 27, 2010