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EDC Minutes 05-26-2010
MINUTES                                                                                  May 26, 2010
MADDEN ROOM                                                                        TOWN HALL

Present: Chairperson Louise Neary, Joseph Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Linda Jeski, Sue Burnham Mark Lillis and James Murray

Absent: Marilyn Morrison, John Mitchell, Roseann Williams, Joseph Kennedy and Bill Jodice

Also Present: EDC Consultant Craig Stevenson

1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Neary called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.

2. Roll Call: The above-mentioned members were introduced.

3. Public Participation:

Evergreen Medical Associates Building #2: Mr. Stevenson introduced David Sessions, developer, whose client is Evergreen Medical Associates and is looking for tax assistance. Mr. Sessions has been involved in other projects such as ECHN. Mr. Stevenson handed out a tax partnership application for review by members of the commission. Mr. Sessions stated that the building is on Tamarack Blvd and is the third building to be built and the site plan has been approved. Prospective tenant is a large OB/GYN practice and other services oriented towards women. Mr. Sessions stated that upstairs there will be a five physician OB/GYN practice and downstairs other women’s services will be located. Seven to nine thousand square feet has not been spoken for yet and they are looking for community input for what would be beneficial. The request for assistance is based on the fact that building #2 is not fully occupied yet and that there is competition from Glastonbury and surrounding towns to lure doctors. Mr. Stevenson stated that this assistance would make South Windsor more competitive. The abatement is for fifty percent for the first five years. The costs are passed through to the physicians and tenants who rent space. This building will probably be a little higher because it is being built later than the first building when costs were lower. Mr. Sessions doesn’t anticipate any significant vacancies because of the movement of women’s services to this new building. Mr. Stevenson stated that Mr. Sessions has come in earlier in the process than the last time and hopes that this incentive will fill up the buildings sooner than later. Permission has already been granted to tie into the WPCA services.
A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Futtner to approve the tax abatement application for Evergreen Medical Associates Building #2 and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

4. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of March 24, 2010 were not included for approval at this meeting. The approval of these minutes was tabled until verification could be made on the report regarding the WPCA. Mr. Stevenson stated that he reported that the application for CT Studios was approved by the WPCA.
A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Futtner to approve the minutes of March 24, 2010 with the clarification by Mr. Stevenson and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Minutes of 04-21-2010: Commissioner Burnham had the following corrections p.2 should state: “… for the most reviews…”, remove “ad”, “coupon button on the website available for certain businesses…”.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jeski and seconded by Commissioner Burnham to approve the minutes of April 21, 2010 with corrections and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

5. Old Business:

        CT Studios Update: Mr. Stevenson stated that the private funding has been finalized and a letter of intent has been sent to the Town Council. A tax abatement will be pursued but there needs to be a change in State law to allow for a town to give a larger tax abatement than legislature worked to change the law to allow for tax abatements up to fourteen years if it is more than $30 million. The legislative session ended in May but a special session will be held in June and hopefully it will be passed at that time. Several groups have been asked to send letters of support for the legislation change. The developers are prepared to wait until the next session if it isn’t passed in the special session. Mr. Stevenson talked about the changes to the tax credits for filming in CT. Mr. Stevenson explained that CT Studios will be making changes to their buildings due to the results of test borings indicating that the ground is made up of clay and adjustments have to be made with the addition of topsoil before building.

6. Committee Report:

        Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison-Water Pollution Control Authority: Commissioner Carino stated that very little progress has been made. Commissioner Carino stated that the WPCA has asked for a definition of capital project and hasn’t gotten an answer yet. Both the town attorney and the bond counsel were invited to a meeting and Commissioner Carino feels that the bond counsel has more knowledge on what the WPCA can and cannot do. A public hearing is scheduled for next Tuesday to get public input on the WPCA’s proposal. The town council feels that paying for upgrades should be shared by all even though not everyone gets service. The public hearing pertains to a reduction in the fee amount. Chairperson Neary asked if the WPCA will be able to maintain services with a fee reduction and Commissioner Carino confirmed that they would.

        Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham-Discover South Windsor: Commissioner Burnham attended the last meeting and reported that website visitations are continuing to rise to about 600 per month. Ads have been running in the J.I. and that the Discover South Windsor cards are being revised. The Chamber staff member is continuing to receive training. The meeting will be June 17, 2010 in Peter DeMaillie’s office.

7. Communications and Remarks:

        Report from Louise Neary, Chairperson:  Chairperson Neary has no report this month.

        Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant: Mr. Stevenson has been working with Mr. Sylvestri for over a year and currently started a stone and landscaping business. They have resumed interest in their tax abatement application. Mr. Stevenson handed out copies of the request to the commission for their review. Mr. Stevenson is not sure how far this would go because they have already completed the project and the town council isn’t interested in granting abatements after the fact.

The council did enter into an agreement with American Tax Financing to rehabilitate the Hi-G building. An application has been filed to enter into a Brownfield assessment program. The building is currently full of mold.  Hopefully in the next twelve to twenty-four months a new tenant will be there. The manufacturing section is on the second floor.

A group-Helenic charitable foundation, is interested in building a senior housing complex on the corner of West Road and Sullivan Ave. This will be affordable housing and they have another complex in Wethersfield. Residents are a little older and a social worker is on site at all times.

Bob Urso has proposed Nutmeg Commons, a single family condo complex, but has received a lot of opposition from area residents and businesses. The project had received support from the Town Manager and town staff. Commission members felt that maybe residents would complain because it would be located in an industrial area and there could be complaints of noise from trucks at late hours. Mr. Stevenson feels that maybe the concerns came from the residential traffic in the industrial area.

McDonald’s has come in with a plan on Governor’s Highway to put in a McDonald’s Café. Commissioner Jeski asked about preserving the barn that is on that land since it is the last barn that is still standing in good condition.

8. New Business: None.

9. General Discussion:

10. Adjournment:  A motion was made by Commissioner Jeski and seconded by Commissioner Futtner to adjourn at 8:55p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter

Approved:  7/28/2010