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EDC Minutes 07-22-2009

MINUTES                                                                 JULY 22, 2009
MADDEN ROOM                                                             TOWN HALL

PRESENT: Vice Chairperson Louise Neary, Susan Burnham (arrived at 7:33 p.m.), Joseph Carino, Dwight Johnson, Marilyn Morrison (arrived at 7:46 p.m.), Roseann Williams and Alternates John Mitchell, William Jodice and Joseph Kennedy

ABSENT: Chairperson Janis Murtha, Edwina Futtner, James Murray, Mark Lillis and Alternate Linda Jeski

ALSO PRESENT: Economic Development Consultant Craig Stevenson

1. Call Meeting to Order: Vice Chairperson Neary called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.

2. Roll Call: The above-mentioned members were introduced.

3. Public Participation: Jim Sutton, South Windsor resident, stated that he lives in town and is interested in the commission.

4. Old Business:
        CT Studios Update: Mr. Stevenson reported that the project is progressing smoothly and that they are moving forward with the TIF financing. Meetings are held regularly and they hope to be ready for the Town Council to make action on this in September. Mr. Stevenson has met with the CT Recovery Group (a CT state department) about using Recovery Bonds to help finance the project. This would shorten the term of the financing from about 20 years to 12 to 13 years. An independent economic impact study needs to be conducted and can be paid for by a State grant. CERC will be conducting the study. Site plans should be filed in August and the property acquisitions are almost complete. The development will be concentrated near Rte. 5 and Ellington Road. Due to an error, the land under the power lines wasn’t transferred to the town from the state. The town has asked for legislation for the transfer to be included in the 2009 Land Transfer Act. This Act was passed but then vetoed by the Governor. South Windsor’s part of the Act is widely supported (including by the Governor) and will be addressed when the budget is passed. Commissioner Neary asked if the town will have to pay for the land in order to help the state’s budget and Mr. Stevenson stated that the town will not have to pay for the land and that it is worthless except to the abutting land owners. Commissioner Burnham asked about the status of the vernal pool and Mr. Stevenson stated that a request to reduce the project has been submitted and the new plan will not include the vernal pool. Commissioner Morrison stated that she heard compliments from Rotary members about Mr. Stevenson’s handling of the Land Transfer Act issue. Mr. Stevenson reported that the tiger beetles have been moved and that the Barton property on Troy Road is being prepared for the second relocation to take place in October. Mr. Stevenson has talked to a film production company that expressed interest in becoming the first to film at CT Studios. The project would have a budget of approximately $100 million. The State’s film production tax credits were included in the budget sent to the Governor and changes included those that were recommended by CT Studios and others in the business. Commissioner Mitchell asked if the subcontractors on the project have to be union and Mr. Stevenson stated that the studio has to be built using union labor but that the other buildings aren’t required to. Mr. Stevenson elaborated by stating that anytime state funds are used on a project, union labor must be used and that in total the split for labor will be about one half union  and one half not.

5. Committee Report:
        Report from Chairperson Murtha: (was not in attendance to give a report)
        Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison-Water Pollution Control Authority: Commissioner Carino stated that the digging has started at the sewer facility and that there was no meeting in July. Commissioner Neary reported that she had asked about the sewer bills at the town hall and they weren’t out yet. Commissioner Carino stated that the bills are set and that they will be $340 which is an increase from about $320. The bills should now be in the mail.

6. Communications and Remarks:
        Report from Jan Murtha, Chairperson: Commissioner Neary didn’t receive a report from Chairperson Murtha to share.

        Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant: Mr. Stevenson reported that he is continuing to work on the solar farm project and has shown several sites in town. The developer is looking for a site without trees or land that doesn’t need clearing. There is a possibility that land recently acquired by the town for the firehouse could be purchased.
Mr. Leonard’s zone changes from residential to commercial were approved by P&Z for his project on Buckland Road. Mr. Leonard will now be developing a site plan which may be difficult because of the slope of the land.
Mr. Sylvestri’s stone and nursery project will come before P&Z next week.
The Town Council authorized American Tax Financing to take of the Hi-G building. Commissioner Neary asked about redevelopment of the site being included with a STEAP grant and Mr. Stevenson replied that the State didn’t approve it. The cost of the environmental clean up of the site is now less than $50,000. Some mitigation has already been done. $200,000 of federal money has already been spent in the cost of clean up.

7. New Business: Commissioner Burnham asked if anyone attended the Chamber event and Commissioner Neary replied that she had. It was held at Constitution Baptist Church and that it was a monthly ‘business after hours’ event. Commissioner Burnham reported that she attended the ‘Discover South Windsor’ web site launch recently held at the library and said that it was very nice and included refreshments. There were laptops set up to show businesses how they could get involved.
8. General Discussions: None.

9. Approval of Minutes:
        Minutes of 06-24-09: A motion was made by Commissioner Carino and seconded by Commissioner Williams to accept the minutes of June 24, 2009 and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

10. Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Morrison to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter

Approved:  September 23, 2009