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EDC Minutes 04-22-2009

MINUTES                                                                         APRIL 22, 2009
MADDEN ROOM                                                                       TOWN HALL

PRESENT: Chairperson Janis Murtha, Roseann Williams, Susan Burnham, Joseph Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Louise Neary, James Murray and Alternates John Mitchell, William Jodice and Joseph Kennedy

ABSENT: Marilyn Morrison and Alternate Linda Jeski

ALSO PRESENT: Economic Development Consultant Craig Stevenson

1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Murtha called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.

2. Roll Call: The above-mentioned members were introduced.

3. Public Participation: Marty Laing, an East Windsor resident, spoke in favor of CT Studios. Mr. Laing is in the film industry and is currently a film professor at Quinnipiac University.
4. Old Business:
        Bylaws: The bylaws in the agenda packet were incorrectly drafted and will be redone.
A motion was made by Commissioner Futtner and seconded by Commissioner Burnham to add the review date of the bylaws and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

5. Committee Report:
        Report from Chairperson Murtha: Chairperson Murtha attended the grand opening of M&R Liquor. The building will be multi-functional with the retail on the lower level and the upper level used for wine tasting parties, etc . . .  The entrance to the site will change upon the completion of the second building.
Chairperson Murtha extended an invitation to the EDC from ECHN. Their ribbon cutting will be held on Thursday, May 7 from 5-7 p.m. at 2400 Tamarac Avenue.
Chairperson Murtha stated that she received a copy of the new town report in the mail and commission members should be receiving theirs.
Chairperson Murtha encouraged commission members to promote the new Discover South Windsor website at 

        Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison-Water Pollution Control Authority: Commissioner Carino stated that the bidding was opened and CH Nicholson of Torrington was the lowest bidder at approximately $30 million. All of the bids still need to be evaluated and scrutinized. The town’s own consulting engineer estimated the cost to be about $37 million.

6. Communications and Remarks:
        Report from Jan Murtha, Chairperson: (above)

        Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant: (below)

7. New Business:
        CT Studios, LLC Discussion and Possible Action: Mr. Stevenson stated that the next step in the CT Studios project is for the Town Council to act on the project. The Redevelopment Agency has already authorized the Town Manager to act on the project. Mr. Stevenson gave a recap of the presentation that was given in March. Commissioner Lillis asked about the TIF and Mr. Stevenson reviewed the data he handed out at the meeting. Commissioner Kennedy asked about the State tax credits and Mr. Stevenson explained that CT Studios can use a broker to sell the tax credits and make a profit. Commissioner Neary asked if the hotel is guaranteed to be built and Mr. Stevenson stated that it is possible that it won’t be built but based on the need for one at the Albuquerque studios, the company will most likely build it. Commissioner Johnson asked about the paving of the road for access to the studio and Mr. Stevenson stated that the internal road will be part of the construction costs for the studio and that any public infrastructure will be paid for with the TIF. Mr. Stevenson shared the document for the conveyance of the twenty acres of town land. This document has already been reviewed by the town attorney. The town will take care of relocating within South Windsor both the grasshopper sparrow and the tiger beetles on the site. This plan has been approved by the DEP, although a relocation site hasn’t been determined yet, collection will begin next week and continue until June with a follow up in the fall. P&Z will need to grant their approval for the project and the permits will have to be secured before the land transfer will be completed. Commissioner Lillis asked about the sign that is included in the document and Mr. Stevenson explained that it will most likely be a ‘Future Home of CT Studios’ type sign. Construction of the project must begin within eight years or the property will revert back to the town. Commissioner Mitchell asked if the company owns any of the land yet and Mr. Stevenson replied that they have options on the properties but they need the town owned land to start. A presentation will be made at Monday’s town council meeting. Construction on the project could start as early as August and they plan to start filming movies fall of 2010.
A motion was made by Commissioner Neary and seconded by Commissioner Williams that the EDC moves to suggest that the Town Council authorize the Town Manager to move forward with the purchase agreement and was approved. Commissioner Murray abstained. Commission Mitchell didn’t vote because he wasn’t seated. Motion passed.

Commissioner Neary stated that she had read an article about the film program at MxCC, MCC and Quinnipiac colleges. Commissioner Lillis suggested that the wording be changed in the paperwork for the TIF agreement regarding the hotel and Mr. Stevenson stated that the financing may need to include the hotel portion, depending on the market. Commissioner Lillis suggested including this information in the revenue projections.

Mr. Stevenson stated that New York state has already reached the cap in their tax credits and that a film production studio that had been in the state has moved to Canada. Massachusetts has four proposed movie studio projects.
Mr. Laing informed the commission that he was part of the group that helped develop a movie production program for students to learn about different jobs within the film industry and that more information can be found at 

Mr. Stevenson previewed the South Windsor videos that are in the final stages of production and will be a link from the website. Commissioners asked for the following corrections: changing the UTC picture to something other than a wind turbine, ECHN is Eastern Connecticut (not community) Health Network and the pronunciation of ‘promenade’.

8. General Discussions:

9. Approval of Minutes:
        Minutes of 03-25-09: A motion was made by Commissioner Futtner and seconded by Commissioner Burnham to approve the minutes of March 25, 2009 with the following corrections: page 1 item 3. ‘...but this site in South Windsor is shovel ready.’, page 2 item 3. ‘Commissioner Murray (not Murphy) asked who..., page 3 item 3. Mayor Prague (not Sprague) (twice) and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

10. Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Lillis and seconded by Commissioner Neary to adjourn at 9:08 p.m. and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter

Approved May 27, 2009