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EDC Minutes 2-25-2009

MINUTES                                                                   FEBRUARY 25, 2009
MADDEN ROOM                                                                       TOWN HALL

1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Murtha called the meeting to order at 7:32p.m.

2. Roll Call:
Present: Chairperson Janis Murtha, Vice-Chairperson Louise Neary, Roseann Williams (arr. 7:42pm), Susan Burnham, Joseph Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Marilyn Morrison and James Murray
Absent: Mark Lillis and Alternate Joseph Kennedy
Alternates: William Jodice sat for Mark Lillis, Linda Jeski sat for Roseann Williams (until her arrival) and John Mitchell (arr. 7:42pm)

3. Public Participation: None.

4. Old Business:
        Report on Tourism Website from Bill Jodice, Sue Burnham & Louise Neary: Commissioner Burnham reported that two platinum sponsors signed up; Mill on the River and Nomads. There was a meeting scheduled for today and a grand unveiling is scheduled for next month. Commissioner Neary stated that the meeting is for Thursday and that there is a meeting in March for nonprofit agencies interested in the site but that she’s not sure about the unveiling. Commissioner Jodice concurred with their reports. Chairperson Murtha added that subcommittees have been formed for different areas of the site.

        By-Laws: Chairperson Murtha located a copy of the edited and approved By-Laws that were passed on March 28, 2007. Commission members then reviewed them. Commissioner Burnham asked Commissioner Murray to print out final copies (without edit marks) for easier reading. Chairperson Murtha will check with town hall to see if they are still valid to be officially filed. Commissioner Williams suggested adding the revision date to the bottom of the page for future reference.

5. Committee Report:
        Report from Chairperson Murtha: Chairperson Murtha stated that there is a new town hall secretary, Donna Thompson, who will be handling EDC agendas etc . . .  Chairperson Murtha stated that the South Windsor public schools are looking for a nomination for the Eugene Paccelli Award and that she also received information on the school’s mentor program. Chairperson Murtha also shared articles that have been published recently that pertain to the EDC. Chairperson Murtha received an invitation to attend the ribbon cutting for DST Output, mailing center, and explained that there were too many other invitations for the entire EDC to attend.  

        Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison-Water Pollution Control Authority: Commissioner Carino reported that there were no applications, there have been no new buildings or problems and that their last meeting was cancelled. Commissioner Jodice asked about the status of the sewer upgrade. Commissioner Carino stated that the WPCA is working on funding the project.

6. Communications and Remarks:
        Report from Jan Murtha, Chairperson: Reported under Committee Report.

        Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant: Absent.

7. New Business:
        ECHN: ECHN is in the process of constructing a new building that is almost completed and they are interested in applying for tax abatement but the paperwork isn’t finalized.

Mr. Stevenson and South Windsor town officials are currently in Albuquerque, New Mexico meeting with local town officials to gather more information for a movie studio company’s expansion as reported in the Journal Inquirer on February 19, 2009.

8. General Discussion: Commissioner Futtner asked about the property where the proposed movie studio would be built. The town owns about twenty acres and the rest is currently privately owned.

9. Approval of Minutes:
        Minutes of 11-19-2008: A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Futtner to approve the minutes with the following corrections: item 1. ‘...meeting called to order at 7:34p.m.’, item 2. mark Roseann Williams and William Jodice absent and item 4. ‘...Marietta St. Onge’ and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

10. Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Morrison to adjourn at 8:10p.m. and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter