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EDC Minutes 11-19-08

MINUTES                                                          NOVEMBER 19, 2008
SPRENKEL ROOM                                                             TOWN HALL

1.      Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Murtha called the meeting to order at 8:34p.m.
2.      Roll Call:
Present: Chairperson Janis Murtha, Susan Burnham, Joseph Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson and Louise Neary
Absent: Mark Lillis, Marilyn Morrison, James Murray and Joseph Kennedy
Alternates: John J. Mitchell sat for Mark Lillis and Linda Jeski sat for James Murray
Also Present: Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant
3.      Public Participation: None.
4.      Old Business:
Report on Tourism Website from Bill Jodice, Sue Burnham & Louise Neary: Commissioner Neary reported that the committee is currently making picture selections and populating the site with business information. MaryEllen St. Onge will also be working on the site. The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 21, 2008 at 9am at Laubacher Multimedia. The website will include a community calendar. The town Democratic and Republican parties have agreed to include their events but no advertising or campaigning will be allowed.
5.      Committee Report:
Report from Chairperson Murtha: Chairperson Murtha informed commissioners that a meeting on Roberts Rules of Order will take place on Monday, November 24, 2008 from 6-7pm in council chambers. Town Attorney Duncan Forsyth will be the presenter. Commissioners Futtner, Burnham, Carino, Mitchell, Neary and Chairperson Murtha plan on attending.
Chairperson Murtha sent an email to commissioners on open houses and ribbon cuttings that members have been invited to attend.
The Chamber of Commerce social will be held on December 8, 2008 at Mill on the River. Chairperson Murtha is waiting to hear if the town will pay for members to attend and will contact everyone when she knows.
Chairperson Murtha and Commissioners Burnham and Neary attended a website meeting. There were several businesses in town that reported being approached by a company stating they were representing the town. Mr. Stevenson clarified that they represented CGI, Inc., the Internet video company that was filming locations in town. The free Internet videos were to be linked from the town’s website and paid for by businesses advertising through the link.  Mr. Stevenson explained that other towns in Connecticut have made these videos and that the EDC had approved the concept and the only issue was how the link would be placed. At this time the EDC thought maybe the best way was to establish their own site. After meeting with the town manager, there will be a link placed on the town website for these videos. The salesman for CGI has been informed that he cannot say that he has been sent by the town and that the site is going to be a link from the town site, not its own site. Mr. Stevenson will contact the businesses that have already contracted with CGI and offer information and support. Chairperson Murtha is worried that the link will be competing with the Chamber opportunities for advertising on the joint website. Mr. Stevenson commented that the cost of advertising with CGI ($5,000) is comparable to the Yellow Pages but is a new venue for the businesses.
Report from Joseph Carino-Water Pollution Control Authority: Commissioner Carino reported that there are no new applications.
6.      Communications and Remarks:
Report from Jan Murtha, Chairperson: Discussed earlier.
Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant: Mr. Stevenson reported that a new business to the state is interested in the I291 corridor. The parcel is bordered by John Fitch Blvd, Chapel Street, I291 and Long Hill Road. There are two parts to the project; the first is to install infrastructure but an archaeological study needs to be conducted before the utilities can be installed. The survey is being conducted at this time. The seconded part is the discovery of three different endangered/special concern species; the grasshopper sparrow, brown thrasher and the target beetle. The hope is that these can be moved to other preserve areas in town. There will be a meeting with UCONN representatives to look and the habitat of the target beetle and formulate a plan. An application has been filed for an additional $500,000 to pay for infrastructure costs. The applicant is a movie studio interested in developing the area and would be a union supported project. They may be asking for Tax Incremental Financing. Mr. Stevenson then explained the concept. The Town will be contracting with the National Development Council to help with the process. The town will need to sell a parcel for the development to occur.
Mr. Stevenson talked with the developer of Evergreen Walk about the hotel and conference center project. A feasibility study will need to be completed. The developer may be interested in a tax abatement.
Mr. Stevenson reported that Hartford Publications' South Windsor glossy magazine should be ready by the end of this year.
Mr. Stevenson stated that First Night South Windsor is being planned for New Years Eve 2009.
Mr. Stevenson and other members attended the Business EXPO.
Mr. Stevenson let the commission know that even in these times, he continues to get phone calls from companies interested in South Windsor.   
7.      New Business:
FOI requirements for Board and Commission meetings: Chairperson Murtha reviewed the new FOI requirements that were included in the agenda packet.
8.      General Discussion: None.
9.      Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of 10-22-2008: A motion was made by Commissioner Futtner and seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve the minutes with the following corrections: Item 5. '...event on December 1 or 8, 2008', Item 8 should read '...Commissioner Carino suggests asking...' and was unanimously approved. Motion passed. Chairperson Murtha and Commissioners Burnham and Mitchell abstained.
10.     Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Jeski and seconded by Commissioner Mitchell to adjourn at 9:00p.m. and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter
Catherine Potter