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EDC Minutes 10-22-08

MINUTES                                 PAGE 1                  OCTOBER 22, 2008
MADDEN ROOM                                                                       TOWN HALL

1. Call Meeting to Order: Commissioner Neary called the meeting to order at 7:32p.m.

2. Roll Call:
        Present: Joseph Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Louise Neary, Mark Lillis, James Murray and Roseann Williams
        Absent: Susan Burnham, Marilyn Morrison, Janis Murtha and Joseph Kennedy
        Alternates: William Jodice sat for Janis Murtha

3. Public Participation: None.

4. Old Business:
        Report on Tourism Website from Bill Jodice, Sue Burnham & Louise Neary: The group met last Friday and have set up the tabs and are now working on the drop down menus. Photos and current business information will be imported and links will be created. For a preview visit: Commissioner Williams, a member of the Ambulance Company’s Board of Directors, asked how much it will cost to link to the site. Commissioner Jodice replied that there will be no cost for volunteer organizations. Commissioner Williams will have the Ambulance Company contact the Chamber for more information.

5. Committee Report:
        Report from Chairperson Murtha: None. In the mail there was an invitation to a Chamber social event on December 1, 2008 at the Mill on the River.
        Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison-Water Pollution Control Authority: Commissioner Carino had nothing to report.

6. Communications and Remarks:
        Report from Jan Murtha, Chairperson: None.
        Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant: None.

7. New Business: None.

8. General Discussion: Commissioner Futtner asked if anyone knows about the high income apartments that are to be built in town. Commissioner Neary replied that the site plan has been filed and that they gave a presentation at Nomads. The apartments will be similar to the layout of Somerset Square in Glastonbury, with a gazebo at the center, retail on the first floor and apartments above.

Commissioner Williams asked for information on the WPCA referendum and what will happen if it doesn’t pass. Commissioner Carino stated that if it doesn’t pass, it will be dealt with at that
MINUTES                                 PAGE 2                  OCTOBER 22, 2008
MADDEN ROOM                                                                       TOWN HALL
time. The mandated State requirements will still have to be met. Commissioner Carino suggested that the town could look for other towns not using all of their nitrogen credits and commented that with the school and sewer referendums on the ballot at the same time, it makes passing them difficult.

Commissioner Carino stated that there had been discussions in 2007 about the revised by-laws and that the commission talked about the changes and notes were made on the current by-laws. Commissioner Carino asked that members comment on the notes and a decision could be made in November. Commissioner Carino stated that he looked for, but couldn’t locate any information in past meeting minutes regarding the approval of the revised by-laws. Commissioner Williams recalled that the revisions were made two years ago and that the revisions were approved. Commissioner Carino stated that the most recent comments were made in pencil on the originals and need to be finalized. Commissioner Neary will have Chairperson Murtha add the item to next month’s agenda and notify her of the change in the November meeting.

Commissioner Carino stated that there is a conflict with the state and the town on the Conservation and Development Plan. The State’s plan isn’t up to date and many areas have buildings on them. A meeting was held with the state to try and get the issue resolved. The plan discrepancy becomes a problem when the town wants to apply for grant money. Commissioner Carino suggests asked Mr. Stevenson for a presentation on the issue.

9. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Commissioner Carino and seconded by Commissioner Murray to have the approval for July’s minutes be placed on tonight’s agenda and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
        Minutes of 9-24-2008: A motion was made by Commissioner Carino and seconded by Commissioner Murray to approve the September 24, 2008 minutes with the following corrections: remove Linda Jeski’s name from the roll call, and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
        Minutes of 7-23-2008: A motion was made by Commissioner Carino and seconded by Commissioner Futtner to approve the July 23, 2008 minutes with the following corrections: Item 5: should read WPCA; Water Pollution Control Authority not Commission, Mr. Stevenson’s comments on Evergreen Walk should be corrected that it was not the size of the property but the value of the property that required a referendum, the correction of Atty. Gerlt’s name and on page 2 Item 8 the update is to the sewer facility not the pump facility and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.  

10. Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Futtner and seconded by Commissioner Lillis to adjourn at 8:02p.m. and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,         

Catherine Potter