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EDC Minutes July 23, 2008

MINUTES                                 PAGE 1                            JULY 23, 2008
MADDEN ROOM                                                                                           TOWN HALL

Members Present: Jan Murtha, Susan Burnham, Joseph Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson and Roseann Williams

Members Absent: Mark Lillis, Marilyn Morrison, James Murray and Louise Neary

Alternates Present: John Mitchell sat for Mark Lillis, Bill Jodice sat for Marilyn Morrison and Joe Kennedy sat for James Murray

Staff Present: Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant

1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Murtha called the meeting to order at 7:32p.m.

2. Roll Call: The above mentioned present members were introduced.

3. Public Participation: None.

4. Old Business: None.

5. Committee Report:
a.) Report from Chairperson Murtha: Commissioner Burnham attended a Council Meeting and gave a tax abatement presentation with Mr. Stevenson regarding G&S Scrapmetal, Steel Tech and M&S Paving. All of the abatements were approved by the Council on July 22, 2008.
b.) Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison-Water Pollution Control Commission: Commissioner Carino had no report. The only applications heard by the WPCC were residential applications.

7. Communications and Remarks:
Report from Jan Murtha, Chairperson: Chairperson Murtha reported that she has Chamber of Commerce information. Chairperson Murtha was invited to the Hibachi grill ribbon cutting but was unable to attend because she returned from vacation too late. Commissioner Burnham reported that an acquaintance attended and that the opening received press in the Journal Inquirer.

Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant: Mr. Stevenson reviewed his report.
Commissioner Mitchell asked if the transfer of the former State DOT land to the town to facilitate Evergreen Walk satisfy's the court's directive. Mr. Stevenson confirmed that it does but that due to the parcel size it requires a referendum according to the town charter. Commissioner
Futtner asked what Atty Gerrault's issues is with this transfer. Mr. Stevenson speculates that he is looking to cash in. Atty Gerrault has had a lot of lawsuits and all were dismissed except this one. Commissioner Futtner asked what the cost of litigation  is to the town and Mr. Stevenson replied that he is unsure. Chairperson Murtha asked what the Town Manager wants to the EDC to do. Commissioner Mitchell suggested a resolution to state the EDC's support of the referendum but Commissioner Burnham pointed out that the wording for the ballot hasn't been finalized. Commissioner Mitchell stated that the error must be corrected and that the EDC should support MINUTES                                  PAGE 2                            JULY 23, 2008
MADDEN ROOM                                                                                            TOWN HALL

what it would have supported initially.
A motion was made by Commissioner Mitchell and seconded by Commissioner Futtner to support the transfer of the former Stated DOT land to Evergreen Walk and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.  Commissioner Burnham abstained.

Mr. Stevenson reported that there has been no decision by the Town Council on a marketability study. Commissioner Mitchell asked about the cost and Mr. Stevenson replied that it would be approximately $30,000-$50,000 because of the very involved process and the detail of the report.

Commissioner Mitchell asked how the stated could designate the brickyard as a conservation area. Mr. Stevenson stated that the maps were created to make generalizations about specific areas.

Mr. Stevenson reported that the Chamber of Commerce will also participate in the Hartford Publications magazine featuring South Windsor.

Mr. Stevenson reported that the EDC could have a committee to add EDC content to the town's website. Commissioner Jodice, Commissioner Burnham and Commissioner Neary will form a committee and make it a priority to make updates by the end of the year.

The First Night meeting that was scheduled for July 24, 2008 has been cancelled. It could have been because of a conflict with other meetings and a concert at Evergreen Walk.

ECHN has contacted Mr. Stevenson to request a tax abatement on their new project. Mr. Stevenson provided them with information and they could come before the EDC as early as September.

Mr. Stevenson received and inquiry from a manufacturing company from Maryland that is also interested in the tax abatement program.

8. New Business: Commissioner Carino reported that the WPCC is preparing a referendum to update a pump facility. The reasons for the upgrade are 1) the parts are wearing out, 2) the parts have become obsolete and 3) the government requirements for strict nitrogen output regulations. The town is unable to get any government help at this time to defray the cost. The work must be done, it can't wait. The WPCC explored joining MDC but it would be 21-22% more costly (according to vague estimates). The item will be on the next Town Council agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting to set a referendum date for November 2008. The current cost of updating is estimated at $44 million. The Board of Education is also planning a referendum soon. There would be an additional cost of dismantling the current plant if the WPCC decided to join MDC. A public hearing is scheduled for Monday, July 28, 2008 with the Town Council. The tax
rate won't be affected but user rates will be affected, depending on the length of the borrowing term. Commissioner Williams asked if it is possible that both referendums could be held in November. Commissioner Carino stated yes. Commissioner Williams asked what would happen if the referendum was defeated and Commissioner Carino replied that he isn't sure. Mr. Stevenson stated that the State's POCD map has been corrected and that the town needs to show initiative by passing the referendum before the State will approve and funds for assistance.   

9. General Discussion: Commissioner Jodice thanked the EDC for the fruit basket and their generosity.
MINUTES                                 PAGE 3                            JULY 23, 2008
MADDEN ROOM                                                                                           TOWN HALL

10. Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of June 25, 2008: A motion was made by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Burnham to approve the minutes of June 25, 2008 as corrected and was unanimously approved. Motion passed. Commissioner Mitchell abstained.

11. Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Williams and seconded by Commissioner Johnson  to adjourn at 8:40p.m. and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter