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EDC Meeting 11-28-07
Members present:        Jan Murtha, Sue Burnham, Joseph Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Krista Marchesseault, and Jim Murray

Members Absent: Marilyn Morrison. Mark Lillis

Alternates present:     John Mitchell sat for Mark Lillis
        Louise Neary sat for Marilyn Morrison
        Roseann Williams
Staff Present:          Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant

Chairperson Marchesseault called the meeting to order at 7:39 p.m.



Motion to approve the minutes of October 24, 2007 as corrected

Was made by: Commissioner Futtner
Seconded by: Commissioner Burnham
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Motion to add the minutes of September 26, 2007 to the agenda

Was made by: Commissioner Neary
Seconded by: Commissioner Carino
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Motion to approve the minutes of September 26, 2007 as corrected

Was made by: Commissioner Futtner
Seconded by: Commissioner Neary
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous


Report from Joe Carino, WPCA

Carino stated that a proposal for an elderly housing development on Kelly Road (Metro Realty).  Carino stated that the WPCA gave conceptual approval because the applicant had not been in front of the Planning and Zoning Commission.  The only question that needs to be resolved is where the sewer line would go. The sewer could go to a private line that is presently on the premises and into the South Windsor sewer system or if it will go to Vernon. Carino stated that the applicant did not have a final study done to determine the location of the sewer and therefore a conceptual approval was given.  There was a question raised about whether or not it made a difference which sewer the applicant connects into.  Carino stated that there is a small financial difference.  Stevenson elaborated stating that the issue is that the sewer line does not come all the way down the road toward Vernon so it easier for the developer to hook up into the Vernon line than into the South Windsor line.  

Report from Jan Murtha

Murtha stated that she received an email stating that on November 30th there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony and open house at the Jennifer and Eve's, owner and agent of Crystal Financial Insurance.  

Murtha stated that she attended the opening of Soft Surroundings.  Commissioners Futtner and Burnham also attended the ribbon cutting ceremony.  Murtha also stated that the Leadership Roundtable meeting is scheduled to take place on December 13, 2007 in the Friend's Room at the South Windsor Public Library from 7-9 PM.  Murtha stated that resignation was received from Michael Patitucci as an alternate for the EDC.  Murtha informed members the Annual Holiday Social will be held at the Mill on The River on December 3, 2007.  Murtha stated that she has a calendar of upcoming Chamber events if anyone is interested in looking at it.

Report from Craig Stevenson (attached)

Stevenson gave an update on the Aldi project and stated that there has been confirmation that Aldi accepted the State financial assistance offer.  DECD has prepared an agreement that the Town will accept one million dollars to fund road improvements. This is part of the State incentive package offered to Aldi.  These funds will come to the Town to be administered and paid out to Aldi as the work is completed.

Stevenson stated that with regard to the cost of relocation of utility poles; as a municipal project there should be no charge - the above-mentioned agreement is evidence of the public nature of the project and will be submitted to the various utility companies.

I-291 Project
Stevenson stated that various development opportunities are present, but none have expanded beyond the investigatory stage. An ROD, Record of Decision has been finalized with the Town's comments.  Stevenson stated that the SEPA CT Environmental Policy Act Study of the I-291 area.  This examines the potential development and its impacts and makes sure that none of the impacts are going to violate any State policies of any kind.  Some of the issues that came up was the area near Long Hill Road at the more easterly end of the project site and will be limited to residential development if the developer seeks to connect to state funded infrastructure. In addition, Stevenson stated that there are a couple of other areas in that I-291 area that needs to be preserved.  This represents the final step in the regulatory process that is required as part of the $1 million dollar grant from the state to develop the I-291 Gateway.

Downeast Associates
Stevenson reported that Downeast associates, (also known as the Simon Property) the owner of properties at 22 Wheeler Road, R002 and R007 Smith Street have come forward with a proposal to develop their property under the Designed Commercial Zoning regulations.  The project involves over 300k square feet of retail development.  Talks have continued with staff and the Town Manager.  Stevenson stated that the site plan that looks somewhat like Evergreen Walk.  The proposal now conceptualizes a groundbreaking facility that will set new industry standards for design while provides options for future infrastructure improvements and linkages with existing development projects.  This project is moving forward and plans should be submitted to P & Z very soon.  The overall amount of square footage has been reduced to just less than 280k.  The plan now contemplates two national retailers co-locating on the site in pedestrian oriented design similar to Evergreen Walk.

R014 John Fitch Blvd.
Stevenson stated that a realtor representing the owner of the above property 64+ acres of industrial land has come forward to request assistance in marketing the property.  Owner is interested in the physical constraints such as wetlands and topography as well as the Town's vision for this industrial land.  Planning Department is assisting with mapping and planning.  Two prospects are currently considering this facility. Stevenson stated that there are some active leads; however, no one has come forward at this time.

425 Sullivan Avenue (Gerber Building).
Stevenson stated that there is a potential end user that might be interested in occupying as much as 40,000 square feet of that site.  It is owned and leased out by the Hurley Group, this former Gerber property offers over 70k square feet of space and as much as 20 acres of developable land.  Economic development has been working with a commercial real estate agent to recruit a substantial user to this site; the lead involves 40k square foot occupancy of this site, 30 employees.  The prospect is a lower tech manufacturer.

In addition there is someone interested in starting a start-up company.  It would be a crude manufacturing endeavor on the site.

P & Z Issues:
Stevenson made the following comments:
a.      Metro Realty filed their application for a special exception and it was heard on November 27, 2008.  Stevenson stated that he was asked to comment on whether or not this would be a loss for the Town.  Stevenson stated that it is a difficult question to answer because there are a lot of different uses to be had with industrial land.  Stevenson stated that he spoke with Charlie Dana, tax Assessor and they came up with a typical industrial property.  It was determined that $41.00 per square foot is what would be assessed property on the Grand List. Economic Development submitted the attached comments.  Stevenson stated that if there is a potential loss it will occur in personal property.  Stevenson stated that a typical manufacturing property located in the industrial zone would generate a significantly higher number of assessed value per square foot ($73.00 per sq. ft).  Stevenson stated that there are industrial and commercial uses that generate nothing in commercial property; therefore, they don't have the capacity to figure out an average without an extensive review of the records.  Stevenson sent a letter to Planning and Zoning stating that there was not a significant financial loss. (see attached)

There was a lengthy discussion regarding Metro Realty not appearing at the EDC meeting.  
Stevenson stated that the action of the Planning and Zoning was for a special exemption and is not an approval for a site plan approval.  Stevenson stated that Metro Realty would be willing to come back at the next meeting in December.  Williams stated that there were a lot of questions raised about Metro Realty and asked Stevenson if any of these questions were answered.  Craig stated that those questions were answered but not by Metro, by Stevenson himself.  Williams asked Stevenson if he was okay with Metro not coming before EDC and addressing the issues.  Stevenson stated that he was not okay with that and stated that the questions that were raised at the P & Z meeting were not questions that pertained to economic development.  Most of the issues involved the way that Metro's manner in which they carry out their services and the way they run their business and stated that he has no business speaking for that.  Stevenson stated that he was asked to provide feedback as to whether or not it would be a revenue loss to the town to lose that industrial land.   Marchesseault stated that we need to look at the bigger picture as to what it is brought into a particular property and whether the people who are running that property have integrity.  Mitchell suggested that the Commission communicate with Metro by writing a letter expressing the reservation of changing zone by way of special exemption to residential.  Murtha stated that she feels it could be communicated that way if that is the Commission's decision but feels that if nothing is done and the Commission does not endorse the project that would speak in itself.  

Stevenson stated that there is still a need to have a joint meeting with Planning and Zoning regarding the I-291 Zone.  There is an opportunity to get some of the industrial land back within the 291 Corridor back from I-291 Gateway to industrial land.

Stevenson stated that there is an end-user who is interested in being the first project in David Brown's Industrial Park (now called Executive Business Park) located at the corner of North Nutmeg and Governor's Highway.  The project would be a 40,000 sq. ft. lot and would be an existing South Windsor Company.  Stevenson stated that it is likely that this company will be attending the next EDC meeting to request tax abatement.  

Stevenson stated that he has been talking to someone who is interested in opening up an assisted living facility in the Buckland Gateway area.  They are also interested in tax abatement.  Stevenson stated that in talking with the Town Manager it is his understanding that when abatements were granted for two previous assisted living projects, it was discovered that these facilities were a larger user of town services then was characterized.  Stevenson stated that the Town Manager would like to revaluate the policy of giving tax abatements.  

Stevenson stated that he is working with a couple of local South Windsor residents who are interested in opening a food service manufacturer business to help them find a spot in town.  

Stevenson stated that he is waiting for Hartford Publications to work on the insert for the South Windsor section.  

Stevenson stated that CGI Communications has sent him a couple of scripts for review to create 6 Internet based flash movies promoting South Windsor.  Contracts have been received and executed and shooting is scheduled to begin in the spring.  Stevenson stated that another question that has come up is whether or not the EDC would like to have a stand-alone economic development website for the purposes of promoting the town.  One of the issues that was brought up is the way the videos are going to be done raises the question of whether it is appropriate to have them on the Town's website because they are very promotional.  Stevenson stated that the Planning department attended training and mentioned that EDC should an economic development website.  Stevenson stated that if there are members of the Commission that would be interested in forming a sub-committee to work with him to let him know.  There was a question about who would run the website.  Stevenson stated that he would maintain it for the Commission under their supervision.  Stevenson mentioned that there may be an initial cost involved.  Murtha stated that Stevenson should come back to the Commission with a figure. Neary asked if it were to be initiated, would that be where CGI Communications would put their information.  Stevenson stated that it would be an option and stated that CGI would be on its own server and put a link to view the videos if the town allowed it.  

Murtha asked if it was the decision of the Commission to have Metro come before them to answer questions or send a letter to the P & Z stating that the EDC has questions for Metro.

A motion was made to send a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commission informing them of their request to have Metro Realty attend a meeting of the Economic Development Commission to answer questions.

Motion was made by: Commissioner Marchesseault
Seconded by: Commissioner Burnham
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Murtha expressed dissatisfaction with the way the secretarial position for the Commission is being handled and stated that it is difficult to take notes and run a meeting at the same time.  Murtha stated that she spoke to the Town Manager about the situation.  Mitchell asked if this short-term or long-term.  Murtha stated that it is long term.  

Election of Officers
Murtha stated that the bylaws were changed to state that every other year would alternate between Democrat and Republican when a Chairperson serves a term.  Murtha stated that she has not served a term because she took over for Marge Anthony.  Murtha stated that if it is the pleasure of the Commission that she continues to serve, she would be happy to do so and if not she fully understands.  

A motion was made to elect Jan Murtha as Chairperson of the Economic Development Commission.

Motion was made by: Commissioner Mitchell
Seconded by: Commissioner Neary
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

A motion was made to elect Krista Marchesseault as Vice-Chairperson of the Economic Development Commission.

Motion was made by: Commissioner Futtner
Seconded by: Commissioner Burnham
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Motion was made to elect Sue Burnham as Secretary of the Economic Development Commission.

Motion was made by: Commissioner Marchesseault
Seconded by: Commissioner Murray
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

No discussion due to non-attendance of items listed for new business.
Stevenson gave a brief explanation of why G & S Scrapmetal has not come in from t of the Commission.  Stevenson stated that G & S Scrapmetal are the people considering going into Dave Brown's Industrial Park.  Stevenson stated that the issue is that there have been some State Traffic Commission issues that have come up and they are asking for a great number of improvements to be done.  This has complicating issues that need to be worked out.  There will be a meeting next week to discuss what those improvements are and how they can be addressed.  


Motion to: Adjourn at 9:12 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Mitchell
Seconded by Commissioner Carino
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

        Respectfully Submitted,

Katherine J. Middleton
Recording Secretary