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EDC Meeting 10-24-07
Members present:        Sue Burnham, Joseph Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Krista Marchesseault, Marilyn Morrison

Alternates present:             Roseann Williams sat for Jim Murray
Staff Present:          Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant

Chairperson Marchesseault called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

Peter DeMallie came before the Commission and thanked the EDC for the commemorative plaque recognizing him as business person of the year.  

DeMallie introduced representatives for Metro Realty, Peter Dunn, Geoff Sager, Christine Nassau, and Sean Hagearty.  DeMallie stated that Metro Realty has partnered with the South Windsor Housing Authority to bring developments for 62 and older developments into town.  

Motion to move the new business to public Participation
Was made by: Commissioner Marchesseault
Seconded by: Commissioner Futtner
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

DeMallie stated that Metro Realty has an agreement to purchase property 9 ½ acres on Gerber Road and Kelly Road.  DeMallie stated that they are proposing to use the property as a transitional development of the elderly apartments and it will be called the Hillstead.  

DeMallie stated that there will be four buildings of 22 units each.  It will pay full taxes.  DeMallie stated that there will be screening all the way around it and there will be a larger berm area between the site and the commercial to the south.  DeMallie stated that the property line is being moved to the south to allow the town to widen the road.  The entrance will be off of Gerber Road East.  

Sean Hagearty, a commercial real estate appraiser and analyst came before the Commission and handed out a report (Attachment A).  Hagearty stated that he was asked to conduct a study on the property about the tax revenues that the property would generate with the type of development being proposed and also to analyze the property assuming it would be developed under the industrial zone.  The second part of the analysis is to provide demographic background and overview.  

Hagearty stated that on page 2 of the hand out there is a spread sheet and went over the highlights of the report.  Hagearty stated that the projected taxes based on the tax burdens that are currently being generated by the other properties (Watson Farm and Berry Patch) yield about $1,140.00 per year in taxes.  There are about 88 units proposed which is approximately $1,150.00 per unit.  Therefore the estimated annual taxes that would generate are about $101,200.00.  The question of what the town would be giving up by allowing this site to be developed for an elderly apartment complex as opposed to having it be developed under the industrial zone is to determine what might be built there and the amount of taxes that it could generate.  Hagearty stated that he studied the most recent sites and found that based on the amount of taxes per acre, the elderly apartments would generate approximately 1,500 more dollars or 24% more than the likely average of an industrial zoned area per acre.

Commissioner Futtner came before the Commission and expressed concern about the amount of parking for the units because there is only one parking spot per unit.  Another concern that Futtner had was the cost per month.  Christine Nassau of Metro Realty stated that the amount is the market rate unit if the income restriction is exceeded and only 20% of the units are market rate units.  The other 30% of the units are income restricted units and hot water is included in all units.  The average two bedroom cost is about $800.00 per month.

Geoff Sager, Developer came before the Commission and stated that the reason for the market rate unit is that 20% of the units are deeply skewed and five of the units rent for as little as $300.00 per month.  The average rent is about $780.00 per month.  

Marchesseault asked if anybody could be on the waiting list or if it is strictly for South Windsor residents.  Nassau stated that anybody can be on the waiting list but what has been found is that it is an alternative for people in town who are selling homes and have had to move out of town.  

Marchesseault asked if the zone would have to change and is it the best use for the land.  Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Coordinator came before the Commission and stated that we have a floating zone and it is a special permit to allow this use in the industrial zone.  Stevenson stated that it requires determination as to whether a special permit should be granted.  Metro Realty is looking for the Commission's endorsement regarding if it is a good use of land.  Stevenson asked a question regarding the comparison to this project verses an industrial project.  Another concern is the topic of useable land.  Geoff Sager asked the Commission if he could return at the next meeting in November to answer the questions of Stevenson.  The Commission agreed.  




Report from Craig Stevenson
Aldi Project- There is a question about who is going to pay for the utility poles.  They are trying to substantiate the fact that this is a public project with the funds coming to the town and then out to the private developer.  Stevenson stated that they told Aldi that they need to execute their assistance agreement with the State because the town does not have documentation.

I-291 Project-Stevenson stated that the residents near the Long Hill Road side of the 291 project expressed deep concern during a public hearing for the SEPA about the development in that area.  Stevenson stated that the State said that that particular area cannot benefit from connecting to the infrastructure and installations in that area such as, water , sewer or any other infrastructure that is installed with State funds.

Downeast Associates-Stevenson stated that the project is moving ahead and they have decreased the amount of square footage to less than 280,000 square feet which will allow them to put in more landscaping and buffer.  

Rear Lot, John Fitch Boulevard & Chapel Road-There has been a high-end office developer looking at the parcel this week.  

425 Sullivan Avenue (old Gerber building)-Stevenson stated that it is a nice area, 70,000 square feet and possibly as much as 20 acres of developable land behind it.  Stevenson has been working with various resources to help market the property.  

Evergreen Walk Associates-Tamarack Ave-Stevenson stated that the revision to their master plan was granted.  It includes residential and a reduction in the amount of office space offered.  It was passed with standard terms and conditions.  There has been concern about the traffic on Tamarack Avenue and the dangerous conditions there.  Evergreen Walk is required to address traffic calming and the completion of that road before a certificate of occupancy is issued.  

Metro Realty-Stevenson stated that one thing that needs to be looked at is that the senior projects are not always the solution.  Stevenson feels that the questions that were asked earlier in the meeting will need to be addressed and stated that he doesn't want to endorse the project to Planning and Zoning until those questions have been answered.  

David Brown's Property (corner of Nutmeg & Governor's Highway)-Company is interested in building a 30,000 square foot industrial facility.  Stevenson stated that this project is large enough that it would allow Mr. Brown to finance the entire infrastructure for the remainder of the park.  

Stevenson stated that he is working with another assisted living company that is interested in coming to South Windsor.  

CGI Communications-Stevenson stated that he spoke with CGI and they have sent him a contract to prepare six movies about South Windsor to go on the website or a new entity.  

Stevenson stated that he spoke with the Town Manager and he told Stevenson that EDC does not have its own budget but allowed the use of $250.00 to sponsor the Booming Business Expo on November 1, 2007.

New Business items were discussed during the report from Craig Stevenson and will be continued to the next meeting of the Economic Development Commission.

Carino stated that he is concerned because he has seen a change in Planning and Zoning and does not feel that it is for the good of South Windsor.  Carino stated that the concept of separating industrial and commercial from residential was to go from industrial to commercial to low density housing.  Carino stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission have approved two family houses next to the industrial zone.  Carino stated that he felt that was not the right direction to go.  Carino stated that a developer came in with a senior housing development and the Planning and Zoning Commission turned it down because they thought it would be too loud for the seniors.  Carino stated that he feels that Planning and Zoning is changing all of their rules for the benefit of the developer.  

Motion to: Adjourn at 9:05 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Marchesseault
Seconded by Commissioner Burnham
The motion carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

        Respectfully Submitted,

Katherine J. Middleton
Recording Secretary