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EDC Meeting 9-26-07
Members present:        Chairperson Jan Murtha, Joseph Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Mark Lillis, Krista Marchesseault, Sue Burnham

Alternates present:     Louise Neary sat for Marilyn Morrison
        John Mitchell sat for Mark Lillis
        Roseann Williams sat for Jim Murray
Staff Present:  Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant

Chairman Murtha called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.

Craig Stevenson stated that one of the items that did not make the agenda was Wentworth Park and would like to bring it up for discussion.  Stevenson stated that they would like to continue to offer the same tax abatement on the new building as they are on the other three buildings in Wentworth Park.  Jeff Sawyer, President of Generation II came before the Commission and gave a presentation.  Sawyer stated that there will be one more building and the building will look very similar and the same materials will be used.  The actual structure will be different from the existing building.  The building will have its own entrance and its own signage.  There will be six more office condos and are trying for four more medical condos.  Sawyer stated that offering tax abatement was a great way to get out-of-town businesses to come to South Windsor.  Sawyer stated that he was asking for the same tax abatement for six more units.  

Stevenson came before the Commission and stated that Generation II asked if they could pass the abatement to the unit owners as opposed to taking the abatement themselves.  Stevenson stated that normally they would not be granted abatement for purchasing existing property.  However, after checking with the Town's Attorney, it was found that because the unit owners are occupying and causing the units to be built, Generation II would be able to pass the abatement through to the unit owners.  Stevenson stated that the applicants would have to meet the requirements under the Tax Partnership Program.  

Stevenson stated that the units will generate approximately $23,235- $26,358 per year in annual property taxes and that the Assessor would cut the assessed value in half for three years.  Then the unit owners would only be paying half the taxes for the first three years on those units and would get a savings of about $11,619-$12,879.  The town would also make that amount of money.  Stevenson presented a proposed resolution and spreadsheet.  
Stevenson stated that he asks for the support of the Commission.  Stevenson stated that if the Commission were to act on Wentworth Park tonight, the Commission would have to vote to put it in the agenda under new business.  

Lillis stated that this has been a great project and supports the next phase of the project.  

Williams asked if the contaminated soil would affect the target date.  Sawyer stated that they are asking Exxon to act within the next couple of months to get the contaminated soil cleaned up and doesn't feel that it will affect the schedule.  Sawyer stated that there is some contamination in the brook and the association is on the verge of hiring an environmental lawyer to handle the issues.  Sawyer stated that they have given Exxon permission to put three testing wells on Wentworth Park site to test for contamination and they will be monitored for the next five years.  Sawyer stated that they will receive all reports and will have the ability to act on those reports if needed.

Chairperson Murtha appointed Mitchell to sit for Carino because Lillis arrived.

A motion was made to accept the minutes of May 23, 2007 as corrected.  

Motion was made by: Commissioner Mitchell
Seconded by: Commissioner Futtner
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Mitchell withdrew his motion because the minutes were corrected by Craig Stevenson

A motion was made to accept the minutes of May 23, 2007 as corrected.

Motion was made by: Commissioner Mitchell
Seconded by: Commissioner Futtner
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

A motion was made to accept the minutes of June 27, 2007 as corrected.

Motion was made by: Commissioner Burnham
Seconded by: Commissioner Neary
The motion carried
The vote was all in favor with John Mitchell abstaining from the vote because he did not attend the meeting on June 27, 2007.

A motion was made to accept the minutes of July 25, 2007 as corrected.

Motion was made by: Commissioner Mitchell
Seconded by: Commissioner Neary
The motion carried
The vote was all in favor with Commissioners Marchesseault, Futtner, Burnham and Lillis abstaining because they did not attend the meeting.



Report from Chairperson Murtha
Chairperson Murtha gave a report on the Chamber Annual Dinner and Business Person of the Year Award and stated that she contacted all of the Commission members and it was agreed that the Commission would present Peter DeMallie (Business Person of the Year) with a plaque as a way to say thank you for his dedication to the Commission.  

Murtha also stated that she received an invitation to the Booming Business Expo which will be held November 1, 2007 at Maneeley's Banquet.  Murtha asked Stevenson if there was a booth there for the Commission.  Stevenson stated that he spoke with Kate at the Chamber and she said that they do not have a booth available but they do have a sponsorship opportunity available that would allow the Commission to partially sponsor the event and to have a piece of literature included in the packet that is given to the businesses.  Stevenson stated that the membership is about $250 or possibly less since there isn't a booth available.

Murtha also handed out an invitation from the Chamber to celebrate their 40th year.  The First Friday Forum is October 5th at 7:30 AM.

Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Commission
Stevenson stated that there are some detail items that need to be addressed.  Stevenson said that there was a question regarding the relocation of utility poles which is about a $10,000.00 cost per utility pole relocation.  Stevenson stated that if it is a municipal project then there is no charge.  Therefore the case would be made that because the municipality is funding part of it and the State is funding the rest through the municipality, there shouldn't be a charge.  Stevenson stated that they are working with the utility companies regarding the situation.  Another issue is that due to the design issues, an additional easement will need to be obtained from the Patria Family who own the driving range at the intersection of Sullivan Ave and Rye St.  There will be a small amount of their property used for the improvement s to the intersection.  Stevenson stated that he and Mr. Galligan will meet with the family next week.  

I-291 Project
Stevenson stated that he is continuing to work with the development opportunity that was discussed earlier (the training facility).  In addition, the preferred developer also has a project for the property that may also be to the advantage to the community.  

Downeast Associates
Stevenson stated that Downeast Associates has come to the town looking to develop the property behind Jo-Ann fabrics for a retail opportunity.  They have asked to develop it under the current zoning.  Stevenson stated that Planning and Zoning was looking to change the zone on that property to Buckland Gateway Zone and in doing that they would restrict the square footage that could be constructed on the site.  Stevenson stated that Downeast has come in with a very worthy project and the aesthetic value is extremely high.  Stevenson stated that this is a well-known box retailer.  Stevenson stated that the town has negotiated with Downeast that they would leave the ability for the town to link the property to the Evergreen Walk Development in the future.  Discussion ensued among Commission members regarding the location of the roadway going through the development to Evergreen Walk.  

Stevenson stated that he has been working on the Boticello property which is off chapel Road.  There have been a couple of people that have been interested in doing an industrial project on that property.  

To update on the Planning and Zoning policy recommendations that were made by the Commission, Stevenson stated that the amendment to increase the height of a building in the industrial zone was approved by P & Z on August 21, 2007.  The Mill on the River was approved.  Evergreen Walk is before the Planning and Zoning Commission to amend their master plan to include 725k square feet of retail, 550k square feet of office and 75k sq. ft. of recreation, 250 hotel room and 200 residential units.  The major change is the residential units and a change in the square footage of office and retail of about 100k sq. ft.  Mitchell asked if residential component was approved.  Stevenson stated that he believed that the zoning was changed to allow it in that area and stated that there hasn't been a project approved at this time.  

DPI Amendments
"       Zone change from Industrial to Restricted Commercial- currently South Windsor Tobacco Farm building on the northwest corner of Governor's Highway and Route 5 which is being developed by Bob Urso has been approved.
"       Zone change from RR to General Commercial- vacant land at 45 John Fitch Boulevard has been approved
"       Zone change for Corneau in I-291 zone- This item is pending a special meeting between EDC and P & Z.

Stevenson stated that there is a high technology manufacturer looking for a large amount of industrial land to build a 169k sq. ft industrial campus to include labs, office space, warehouse, and process buildings.  

Stevenson also stated that there is also a company who is looking to locate a power generator facility (peaker facility).  Stevenson stated that the only information that he has about this facility is what the land requirements and what he knows about the potential impact.  Stevenson stated that he asked if there would be emissions from the facility, and the noise levels.  

Stevenson also stated that he met with a business that is looking to open a third assisted living facility in town.  

Stevenson stated that he has been working with a company called Hartford Publications.  They have a magazine that comes out on a monthly basis and it features communities.  Stevenson stated that they would develop a promotional magazine about South Windsor.  This is a service that is of no cost to the town.  Stevenson stated that the project is funded by ads placed by businesses in town.

Stevenson stated that he spoke to another company that does public/private partnerships.  They are wiling to provide six internet based flash movies about the Town of South Windsor that focuses on areas such as economic development, education, historic cultural assets, and available real estate.  The company would like a letter from the Commission stating that the company is working with the town and then they would use that letter to silicate businesses that would like movies made to advertise their own business.

Motion to enter into an arrangement with Hartford Publications and CGI Communications and to make a recommendation to the Town Manager to allocate $250.00 for the sponsorship of the Chamber Business Expo.
Was made by: Commissioner Mitchell
Seconded by: Commissioner Futtner
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Commissioner Marchesseault asked if the Commission has received approval from the Town to allow a link to be put on the town's site.  Stevenson stated that it has not been investigated at this point.  Marchesseault recommended that the motion be amended to reflect having the town's approval prior to entering into an agreement.  

Commissioner Mitchell made a motion to amend the motion to reflect that town approval be received before entering into agreement with Hartford Publications or CGI Communications.  Marchesseault seconded the motion.

Motion to add Generation II to the agenda
Was made by: Commissioner Mitchell
Seconded by: Commissioner Neary
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous
Commissioner Marchesseault abstained - conflict

Motion: Whereas Generation II Inc. Wentworth Park has a relative investment in excess of 1,400,000.00 to construct an 8,100 square foot professional office condominium facility to create significant employment opportunities and enhance the economic development of the town.  The South Windsor EDC does hereby recommend to the Town Manager and the Town Council that owner of units qualifying under the Town Tax Partnership Policy be offered a three year, 50% abatement of taxes on real property improvements.
Was made by Commissioner Futtner
Seconded by: Commissioner Mitchell
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous


Motion to: Adjourn at 9:02 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Lillis
Seconded by Commissioner Marchesseault
The motion carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

        Respectfully Submitted,

Katherine J. Middleton
Recording Secretary