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EDC Meeting 6-27-07
Members present:        Chairperson Jan Murtha, Susan Burnham, Joseph Carino, Dwight Johnson, Mark Lillis, Krista Marchesseault, and James Murray

Alternates present:     Louise Neary sitting for Marilyn Morrison
Staff Present:  Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant


Chairman Murtha called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.


Jared Lewis of 681 Chapel Road came before the Commission to discuss the Environmental Impact Study done by the State of Connecticut for the I-291 Corridor.  Lewis stated that he was interested in knowing about the plans for the area.  

Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant stated that there was a study done on the I-291 Corridor.  Stevenson said that the State completed its due diligence which is a comprehensive environmental policy act study of the area that the Town plans to develop with grant funds.  Stevenson stated that the town received two grants for $500,000 each.  The purpose of the funds is to install a sewer line down Ellington Road from Chapel Road to the central area of the I-291 development project.

Stevenson stated that the Economic Development Commission is involved but the property is controlled by the Redevelopment Agency.  

Stevenson stated that the town controls 23 acres of property near the exit of I-291 to Route 5.  

Lewis stated that the property of concern is on Long Hill Road (property at the eastern most end of I-291 gateway).  

        Stevenson stated that there is an end user that would be interested in developing the I-291 area.  If they develop that property, it will be residential.

Commissioner Lillis stated that when the application was presented, there was negative feedback about a curb-cut on Long Hill Road.     


        Act on the Minutes at the next meeting.



Report from Chairperson Murtha- PZC, ZBA, IWA/CC
Murtha handed out minutes from previous Inland Wetland, Planning & Zoning and Zoning Board of Appeals meetings to the Commission members.  There was question about getting the minutes sent via email before the meeting.  Murtha said that she would look into arranging it.  

Murtha handed out information from the Chamber of Commerce and also handed out booklets from the Economic Development of America.  

Murtha met with Cate Evans from the Chamber of Commerce and Maureen Laughety of L.L. Bean's personnel department.

Report from Joseph Carino- Water Pollution Control

Carino stated that there are three applications to report on.

1.  ECHN- they were going to build a second building south of the existing building on the corner of Deming Street and Buckland Road.  The application has since been changed to reflect two smaller buildings instead of one.  

2. Wheel Design Group- located at 571 Nutmeg Road.  The company finishes automobile wheels.  The process that the company uses is a cooling and lubricating fluid.  They are required to obtain a special permit for the monitoring and screening of the fluid to be sure that metal chips are not put into the sewer system.  Applicant received approval from the Commission with provisions that they meet Town and State approval.

3.  Unitex Company- located at 145 South Satellite Road.  This is a laundry business that launders hospital linens.  They were limited to 70,000 gallons of water per day.  The Commission gave the approval for a system that monitors the PH of the water being put into the system.  

Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant

I-291 Corridor
Stevenson stated that the consultants will evaluate the input that they received at the public hearing regarding the I-291 corridor and if there are any changes to the CEPA (Connecticut Environmental Policy Study) document due to any corrections or new information, they will update accordingly.  When it is complete, it will be published and the town will be free to pursue the preferred development plan.  

Stevenson stated that as long as we stay within the confines of the development plan, the town can begin installing the sewer main down Ellington Road.  

Stevenson said that the study was a very expansive one and used approximately $200,000.00 to complete.  There is approximately $800,000.00 left in State grant funds.  Fred Shaw is preparing the RFP to find a firm to design the sewer improvements.  

Murtha asked where the sewer line starts.  Stevenson stated that the sewer line is on Chapel Road now and does not run at all down Ellington Road.  The purpose is to put a sewer in place there.  

Stevenson stated that there is an end user that is seriously considering development in the I-291 corridor.  Stevenson said that he would give as much information about the project that he can give at this time.  Stevenson made the following comments:
"       It is a high tech training facility.
"       Main structure will be approximately 175,000 square feet.
"       Multi-building campus environment.
"       Looking to make it a Green facility and League Certified (Certified by having a certain percentage of their energy come from renewable energy sources.)
"       In addition to the training facilities they are looking at a 250 room hotel
"       2500 seat amphitheatre.
"       Indoor Olympic swimming pool in the facility and public will have the opportunity to utilize it for aquatic events when it is not being used for training.
"       A second hotel on the site.  One would be upscale and the other will be business class.  
"       It will be a National training facility.
"       In-house television studio.
"       Museum quality displays (tourist attraction).
"       Will have a specialized retail component servicing the industry being trained.
"       Investment amount is about 130 million dollars.
"       There are no other facilities like this in the country.
"       Will be a state of the art facility and will be the first of four throughout the country.

Stevenson stated that it is important to understand where this company is getting 130 million dollars from and to verify that they have the capability to move forward with the project.  Stevenson stated that the applicant has been asked to have CERC to conduct a study similar to the one that was done for Evergreen Walk to demonstrate that it is a viable concept with the ability to achieve the economic goals that they have established.  Stevenson stated that he has requested for information about the project to be provided to the Town Manager for review.  

Applicant stated that they have secured funding and are in the process of negotiating with the property owners.  

Stevenson stated that this will be a for profit company and fully taxable.  The applicant is looking for the town to transfer the 23 acres to them at cost.  Legislation empowers the towns to allow them to do that.  

Stevenson stated that if all goes well, they are hoping to break ground in March of 2008.  

Burnham asked if the business would support other business in the community and stated there was concern about the amount of continual traffic in the area and asked Stevenson if he had an idea as to whether the training would be a couple months at a time.  Stevenson stated that he believes that the training would be in one to three week intervals and given the magnitude of the project it would benefit other businesses in South Windsor.  

Burnham asked Stevenson if the company going to have control of everything or will they select control of the hotels.  Stevenson stated that they will maintain control over all of the training facilities and will lease space to the restaurants, retail and lodging.  

Burnham asked what the height of the buildings would be.  Stevenson stated that the height allowance for the gateway zone is 5 stories and stated that some of the businesses will take advantage of that.  

Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant Continued

Murray asked if the company is publicly held.  Stevenson stated that it is not publicly held at this point but there is a good chance that there might be a public offering in the future.

Neary asked about a reversion policy if the project doesn't go through that the land reverts back to the town and also that there are no tax abatement or tax incentives associated with this project.  Stevenson stated that they have not been offered anything.  However, if they were offered the land there would be a reversion clause and there would not be any tax abatement available.

Stevenson stated that the Aldi project is moving ahead well.  They have begun construction and some of the roadwork.  Currently they are waiting for the STC (State Traffic Commission) to hold a meeting to provide Aldi with a certificate before they can begin pouring the foundation.  

Stevenson stated that he has been working with them and that there is some difficulty negotiating some of the easements that might be necessary for road improvements.  Matt Galligan, Town Manager and Stevenson will be working on negotiations with the property owners.  July 18, 2007 the STC will meet and provide Aldi with their certificate to allow them to move forward.  They have also asked the STC to have a special meeting to look at their project.

Zone Changes
Stevenson stated that he presented the matter regarding increasing the allowable industrial height of a building to the Planning and Zoning Commission.  The Commission heard the case and is unsure whether it has been acted upon.  Stevenson stated that he doesn't believe that any of the Commission members had any real concerns.  Extra buffer for the taller buildings has been added.  Stevenson stated that he would be meeting with the Town Planner to find out the status.  

Stevenson stated that the project that was being contemplated for the zoning change is not going to move forward.  Stevenson said that in conducting their due diligence of the Kennedy Road-Sullivan Ave parcel it was discovered that there was significantly larger amounts of wetland soils on the property than originally thought.  It would take significant mitigation which would require approval.  

Stevenson said that he has been in contact with Design Professionals and they have some zoning changes/amendments that they would like to present.  Stevenson said that he would invite them to make their presentation at the next meeting.  

The first zone change is the Industrial zone to Restricted Commercial zone.  Current South Windsor tobacco farm building on the Northwest corner of Governor's Highway and Route 5 which is being developed by Bob Urso will present to the Commission.  

The second zone change is from Residential Restricted to General Commercial.  A piece of vacant land at 45 John Fitch Blvd and a zone change for Ken Corneau in the I-291 zone.  Stevenson stated that the current zone is I-291 Gateway.  It has explicit architectural requirements such as no outside storage of any kind.  It is difficult to mark the properties in that zone.  

Steven stated that the property owned by Corneau has had many interested users but they all require outside storage of some kind to support their business.  Mr. Corneau would like a modified zone change to allow storage for that area.  

Stevenson stated that there is a project that was submitted for an industrial bakery.  They are looking for a site in the Technology Center, which is the property owned by Dave Caron on Sullivan Ave and Route 5.  

Stevenson stated that a meeting is scheduled for July 18th at 3:30 at Bellini's.  The meeting will be about the corporate office opportunities at Evergreen Walk.  There is a 600,000 square foot pre-approved office site.  Stevenson stated that he will be inviting decision makers from around the State, people from the Metro Hartford Alliance, the State DECD, CERC as well as some key brokers.  If anyone is available to come to the meeting, they should notify him.  Murtha asked Marchesseault if she would represent her as she will be out of the State at the time of the meeting.

Jay's Landscaping will go before the Town Council on July 2, 2007.  Stevenson said he would be in attendance to speak in favor of Jay's Landscaping.  

Neary asked if there was a proposal from L.A. Fitness to increase their size by 25,000 square feet.  Stevenson stated that they have expressed an interest in expanding but is unsure as the exact square footage and whether or not they have filed any paperwork to expand.

Carino stated that the Commission should look into the issue of outside storage and stated that the zoning regulations and ordinance talks about certain things that you can have on the property that is not visible off the premises.  

Carino said that a case could probably be built to go before the Planning and Zoning Commission and tell them that the regulation not allowing any outside storage whatsoever is hindering the development in South Windsor.  Carino stated that he would review the regulations and ordinances and decide if there is enough importance to bring it to the P & Z.  

Elect a Commission Secretary

Motion to: elect Sue Burnham as Commission Secretary

Was made by Commissioner Marchesseault
Seconded by Commissioner Murray
The motion carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Grand Opening of Boundless Playground

Sue Burnham wanted to know if the Commission received an invitation for the Boundless Playground.  Murtha stated that she did not receive an invitation.  Burnham stated that she was unable to attend but felt that someone from the Commission should attend.  


Motion to: Adjourn at 9:00 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Neary
Seconded by Commissioner Lillis
The motion carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

        Respectfully Submitted,

Katherine J. Middleton
Recording Secretary