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EDC Meeting- May 23, 2007
Members present:        Chairperson Jan Murtha, Susan Burnham, Joseph Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Mark Lillis, Krista Marchesseault, and James Murray

Alternates present:     John Mitchell sat for Marilyn Morrison
        Louise Neary sitting for Donald Mercure

Staff Present:  Matthew Galligan, Town Manager
Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant


Chairman Murtha called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m.

Murtha stated that she received a letter of resignation from Commissioner Mercure and appointed Louise Neary to sit in for him.  




Commissioner Neary stated that the word (by-laws) were spelled incorrectly.

Mitchell made a motion to approve the amended minutes of May 2, 2007.  Lillis seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


o       Proposed Zoning Amendment - Height of Industrial Buildings

Craig Stevenson, Economic Development had the following comments:

"       Discussion has been held with the Planning Department.
"       Amendment is necessary because there are potential users in the future.
"       Buildings presently are limited to 40' in height in the Industrial Zone by right
"       Commercial areas do have the ability to create multi-storied buildings.
"       Recommendations from the Planning Department involve buildings, 50' with 4 stories; building shall be 500' from a public road and from the nearest residential zone.
"       If the proposed building is between 50' and 75' the amendment will give PZC the ability to waive the height restriction to 75' and include 5 stories.
"       Criteria to meet will be that service areas/loading docks are appropriately screened from public streets (berming is natural and preferred to eliminate the areas/docks, etc.); taller buildings shall not disrupt the character of residential areas; and proposed height of the building will reduce the amount of coverage on the site.
"       Request for the Commission to endorse the amendment.
"       Public Hearing for this amendment is scheduled for June 12, 2007.

Discussion ensued among the Commission members with the following comments and concerns:  Replies will be Italics.

"       Changing Industrial Zones?  No.
"       Tallest building presently in Industrial Zone.  40'.
"       Clarification of proposed heights. Capping at 50' by right and a waiver will provide up to 75'.
"       Screening decided by whom?  PZC - they have the latitude to protect the quality of South Windsor.
"       Clarification of industrial areas proximity to residential.  None at this time.
"       Evergreen Walk buildings. Taller than what is expected in the Industrial Zones.

Mitchell made a motion to approve the change in zoning amendment to increase building height according to the document that has been provided.  Marchesseault seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote unanimous.

o       Presentation by Matt Galligan, Town Manager regarding Tax Incentives.

Galligan had the following comments:

"       In the past tax abatements have been offered to incoming businesses.
"       Abatements have been deliberated and calculated by the Finance Department, Economic Developer, and the Assessor - then presented to the Town Council.
"       This has not been a welcomed procedure with the Town Council because of rumors that were heard before the abatement was presented.
"       A fiscal analysis and probable employees is performed on interested companies by the Town Manager.

Discussion ensued among the Commission members with the following comments and concerns:

"       Advantages of executive sessions of the Town Council were discussed.
"       Dicussion of the challenges of recruiting larger companies.
"       A multi million dollar building is a 40 year deal because no one will move that many people - money involved. Local government does not have the power to keep them here.
"       What is the EDC role if decisions are previously made regarding economic development projects?  Opinions and ideas from EDC are welcomed by Galligan; that is why EDC is apprised of potential contacts.
"       Forwarding analyses of companies. No problem but should be noted that some companies request their information to be kept confidential.
"       Affordable housing needs to be available.
"       Clarification of the incentive program.  It should be noted that the market dictates what comes into South Windsor, e.g. Buckland dictates retail; Rye Street dictates industrial; I-291 will dictate something else, etc.  Retail does not receive abatements. Most tax abatements that EDC recommended were for manufacturers.

Stevenson noted that his practice has been to apprise EDC of any company interested in South Windsor.  Companies insist on confidentiality at an early process in the procedure.  At this point he is seeking feedback from EDC because he is representing EDC.  Stevenson conveys the concerns and vision that EDC expects.  


o       Jay's Landscaping - Tax Incentive

Murtha and Mr. Mitchell recused themselves from deliberating or voting on this item.  Marchesseault chaired the meeting.

Stevenson introduced Jay Murtha.  At the level of Murtha's investment he qualifies, under guidelines and State law, for a 50% abatement for the first 3 years.  Value of the property is estimated to be approximately $681,000, assessment will equate to approximately $353,000 which would cause Murtha to have an annual tax on his property of $11,492.  Foregoing are estimates only because there could be a change in the mill rate.  Murtha's abatement would amount to $5700.00 annually and the Town could collect approximately $9700.00 annually - if the mill rate remains the same for the next 3 years.

Murtha had the following comments:

¢       Owns a landscaping business.
¢       Proposal is to build a 64,000 sf metal building at 473 Sullivan Avenue.
¢       Presently there are 30 employees with plans for expansion.
¢       Proposing also retail by providing mulch, stone, etc.
¢       Façade will feature a brick front office and building will have a burgundy colored roof.
¢       Parking lot will be paved and appropriate landscaping will be provided.
¢       Equipment will be stored in the rear and screened by trees.

Discussion ensued among the Commission members with the following comments and concerns:  Replies will be in Italics.

"       Trucks and equipment. Trucks will be garaged at the site except for those that drive trucks home for another jobsite; some equipment remains on the jobsite; all equipment is housed and registered in South Windsor.
"       # of employees? If all goes well the business will be adding a third crew (20 employees and $100,000 in equipment).
"       Clarification of net revenue. The Town will make up monies through the Building Department ($168,000.00 to operate the Building Department and generates approximately $900,000.00 in revenue); revenue is not based upon work load, based on the value of the property; most of the revenue screen is spent in South Windsor.

Futtner made a motion to approve a 50% tax abatement for property located at 473 Sullivan Avenue for 3 years.  Carino seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Murtha returned to chair the meeting and requested that 'New Business' be moved to Item #7.

Mitchell made a motion to move 'New Business' to Item #7.  Futtner seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


o       Availability of Recording Secretaries

Matt Galligan, Town Manager had the following comments:

       Comp time for secretaries covering night meetings is demanded by the Union.
       Minutes for Land Use Commissions are in demand first because lawyers are looking for the minutes within 48 hours along with FOI (note that Land Use Commissions are governed by State law).
       Difficulty arrives when there are too many meetings and not enough staff to cover them.
       Capitol Projects and Redevelopment Agency (sub-committees of Town Council) tape their meetings then Galligan's Executive Secretary types the minutes and comp time is not received.
       It is desired that EDC follow the same procedure.
       The Economic Developer will attend EDC meetings and take notes.
       Galligan's office can be used for posting meetings, etc.

This item will be placed on the next agenda.


a.      Report from Chairman Murtha - PZC, ZBA, and IWA/CC

Minutes from these Commissions were distributed to the members along with a report from the Chamber of Commerce.

b.      Report from Joseph Carino- Water Pollution Control

There was no report at this time.


a.      Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant

His comments were as follows:

"       PZC has acquired the ability to approve 200 units of multi-family housing at Evergreen Walk - trial capacity.
"       Zone change is on the PZC agenda for property owned by the Down East Developers - located next to Joann's Fabrics on Pleasant Valley Road; proposal is for a Hilton Gardens hotel/motel on the Manchester side (33,000 sf).
"       Developer came in with a plan designed for the Commercial Zone, not the Gateway Development Zone (zoned presently GDZ).
"       GDZ does not allow a 33,000 sf development.
"       PZC is questioning whether or not that piece of property belongs in the GDZ however they want to keep restrictions on the property to ensure the highest quality of development is available for South Windsor and to protect the nearby residential areas.
"       PZC raises concern regarding amount of impervious coverage and inability to have a retail establishment with more than 22,000 sf devoted to groceries - this will hamper future proposals.
"       Kennedy Road/Sullivan Road project has wetland issues (whether or not they are federally designated wetlands).
"       Aldi's is progressing as proposed.  The State will grant a million dollars to the Town for reimbursement to Aldi's for road improvements.
"       Discussion took place regarding the I-291 Corridor Zone and future proposals.
"       A public hearing will take place on June 11th at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers for purposes of a Cepa Study (Connecticut Environmental Policy at Study) in the I-291 Corridor; this demonstrates that the State is not violating its own public policy; requested by a petition of residents who live on Chapel Road, Muriel Road, Ellington Road, and Long Hill Road.
"       It is desired to have developments of corporate offices, high technology, business class hotels, restaurants, and retail to service this corporate campus.
"       A national level project (130 million) is interested in this area - ambitious and visionary; no rebate because they are seeking to have South Windsor donate the acreage they own at cost (value of land is approximately two million dollars).


Lillis made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:42 p.m.  Mitchell seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

        Respectfully Submitted,

Phyllis M. Mann
Recording Secretary