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Minutes 11-16-2005

1.                 CALL MEETING TO ORDER

               Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.

Members present:        Chairperson Anthony, Vice-Chairman Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Mark Lillis, Janis Murtha and James Murray.

           Members absent:      Susan Burnham, Terri Kyc, Marilyn Morrison.

Alternates present:     None

Alternates absent:      John Mitchell, and Michael Patitucci.

Others Present: None

      2.                ROLL CALL





        A motion to approve the minutes of the October 26, 2005 Regular Meeting
Was made by Commissioner Murtha,
Seconded by Commissioner Johnson,
The motion: was carried unanimously.

     5.                OLD BUSINESS

       a)      Report from Chairperson Anthony - Planning & Zoning Commission
                ·       There was a public hearing for Executive Court for the resubdivision of 38 plus acres on Governor’s Highway.
                ·       There was also a public hearing also for DBB Management, LLC – conservation application request for a construction of an access drive on McGuire .
                ·       Imperial Oil is requesting site plans on Sullivan Avenue.
                ·       KF Properties, LLC – is looking for a variance to allow an office conversion on Wheeler Road.
                ·       Burman & Russo is requesting a variance to allow an addition from the front property line located on Clark Street.
                ·       Dr. Gregory Haroian – has purchased a building at 1169 Ellington Road and is completely redoing the building,, it was formally owned by Mr. Grigorian.
                        ·            Chairperson Anthony had formally presented a letter to the Zoning Board of Appeals and was asked to present it in person.  The letter from EDC which had been                                          previously faxed stated that EDC strongly supported the Grillo Family, the Board had not made a decision by the time Chairperson Anthony left.  Chairperson                                                        Anthony also spoke in favor of Mitchell Property Group, LLC they are looking for a variance to allow a communication antenna on Ident Road.
                ·       Jan & Elizabeth Lukasick –are looking to put a connector between the existing building and the new building.

        Report from Chairperson Anthony-Inland/Wetlands Commission

Nothing to report.

                        Report from Liaison Joseph Carino–Water Pollution Control Authority     

         Nothing it was a very short meeting, there was one residential connection.


                Mr. Stevenson was not in attendance.

        Report from Chairperson Anthony on the following items:

Geisslers Plaza- the new owners gave a little history and background as to what has been going on in the past.  They will not be doing anything with the plaza; they
will be sitting on it for a while.

Chairperson Anthony will be sitting down with the Town Manager in the near future.

                There was a discussion on Electro Methods & DST Output.

                        Everyone received an invitation to Highland Park Market’s open house at the meeting.

7.              DISCUSSION ITEM


     8.                NEW BUSINESS


A motion was made by Vice-Chairperson Carino to change Old Business to Committee Report making Old Business number six.
The motion was carried unanimously.

10.             ADJOURNMENT

        A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 PM,
Was made by Commissioner Murtha,
Seconded by Commissioner Lillis,
The motion was carried unanimously.

Peggy S. Holcomb
Recording Secretary