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10-26-2005 Regular Meeting Minutes

1.                 CALL MEETING TO ORDER

               Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.

Members present:        Chairperson Anthony, Vice-Chairman Carino, and Janis Murtha

           Members absent: Susan Burnham, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Terri Kyc,
                          Mark Lillis, Marilyn Morrison (due to injury),  and James

Alternates present:     John Mitchell sitting in for Marilyn Morrison, Michael
                         Patitucci sitting in  for Susan Burnham.

Alternates absent:      None

Others Present: Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant

2.              ROLL CALL





A motion to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2005, Regular Meeting
Was made by Vice-Chairperson Carino,
Seconded by Commissioner Murtha,
The motion was approved with one abstention from Commissioner Mitchell due to non-attendance.


        a)      Report from Chairperson Anthony - Planning & Zoning Commission
                ·       Kement Horses-requests for approval of horses on property located on
                        Main Street.
                ·       DBB Management – request for an amendment to add Section to     
                        allow limited display storage of new seasonal equipment and a general &
                           commercial zone provided it meets specific criteria.
                ·       DST Output- request for a site plan and mortification and for 43,316 plus
                        square foot addition located on Ellington Road (Northerly side of Vernon).

Report from Chairperson Anthony-Inland/Wetlands Commission

        ·       DST Output-request for modification to existing permit to expand parking                                facilities on parcel located on Ellington Road.
                ·       DBB Management-conservation application request for a construction of an                        access drive and outdoor storage area on property located at 59 & 69

Report from Liaison Joseph Carino–Water Pollution Control Authority     

                 Nothing of significant to report.


Highland Park Market- will be opening November 6th or 7th.
Evergreen Walk- They will be having a celebration to kick off the holiday season.

7.              DISCUSSION ITEM

Report from Chairperson Anthony on the following items:

        ·       Rebecca Fusco & Daniel Galovich, request for a special exception to and             site plan of development for the construction of a barn and creation of an outdoor
                 arena  in the 100 year floodplain, on property located at 215 Main Street.
        ·       Nation Zoning Amendment Request-there was a brief discussion from members                       regarding this amendment.

Report from Craig Stevenson Economic Development Commission consultant on the following items:

Mr. Stevenson gave a brief discussion regarding Growth Opportunities in South Windsor.  He will distribute the report at the November meeting.
DST Output/DST Realty there is a correction to the Development proposal distributed
(Exhibit A).

8.              NEW BUSINESS

A motion was made by Commissioner Murtha to approve the recommend tax abatement as
suggested by the committee for DST Output/DST Realty.
                Seconded by Commissioner Patitucci,
                The motion was carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Commissioner Murtha to approve the recommend tax   
abatement as purposed by Electro-Methods, Inc.,
Second by Commissioner Patitucci, there was a brief discussion,
The motion was carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Vice-Chairperson Carino to approve the application of G&R Marine for tax abatement with the stipulation that the uniqueness of this request is that the building is really going to consist of 18,600 square feet.  We are approving 50% tax abatement for three years on 9,000 square feet with the condition that the additional 9,600 square feet will be built as planned.
Seconded by Commissioner Patitucci,
The motion was carried unanimously.



10.             ADJOURNMENT

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m.,
Was made by Commissioner Murtha,
Seconded by Commissioner Mitchell
The motion was carried unanimously.

Peggy S. Holcomb
Recording Secretary