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EDC Minutes 2/2/05

Chairman Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

2.      ROLL CALL

Members present:        Chairperson Anthony, Vice-Chairman Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Terrie Kyc, James Murray, and Janis Murtha

Members absent: Mark Lillis and Marilyn Morrison

Alternates present:     Carolyn Egan

Alternates absent:      Susan Burnham and John Mitchell

3.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION--(Addressed under Item #7)
Peter DeMallie, Design Professionals was in attendance this evening to discuss Governors Highway Industrial Park.  This is a currently 38-acre land located in the intersection of Governors Highway and Nutmeg Road.  Fifteen years ago, Mr. David Brown, owner, received approval to build on that site, but never built the buildings.  He did build a detention base in the middle to mitigate wetlands and achieve more developable lands.  Mr. Brown is now trying to market the area and Design Professionals have a contract to do the design.  The proposed subdivision will consist of 17 lots ranging in size from .5 to 4.38 acres.

Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant, stated that he has met with Mr. DeMallie and Mr. Brown and they discussed the tax abatement that the Town offers.  They discussed two types of tax abatements; one that will help Mr. Brown to set the cost of the infrastructure or the regular tax abatement, which can help market the property.  Mr. Stevenson feels that the regular tax abatement that ultimately will go to the business, would be a better advantage for Mr. Brown in helping sell his property.  He also stated the possibility of approving the project for tax abatement so that it could be advertised on Sitefinder.  With no further discussion, the Commission thanked Mr. DeMallie for attending the meeting and moved to item #4: APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING.


Motion to approve the minutes of November 17, 2004

Was made by Commissioner Johnson
Seconded by Commissioner Futtner
The motion carried unanimously


Chairperson Anthony submitted copies of three articles, which she considered of interest for everyone to read (See Exhibit A).  A brief discussion was made.


a)      Report from Liaison - Planning & Zoning Commission
No report was presented

        b)      Report from Liaison-Inland/Wetlands Commission
No report was presented

c)      Report from Liaison Joseph Carino–Water Pollution Control Authority
Commissioner Carino reported that, at the last Water Pollution Control Authority meeting, on February 1, 2005 only residential development approval for connection to the Town sewerage was discussed, no commercial or industrial application came in before the Authority.


Report from Craig Stevenson on the following items:
(For more information please see Exhibit B)

South Windsor Development Day:  Mr. Stevenson mentioned this event to Cate Evans of the Chambers of Commerce.  She is eager to help the Commission in advertising and promoting this event.  Commissioner Murray suggested to have the Rotary involved in this project.  The Commission decided that the event will take place on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 from the hours of 8:00 am to 11:30 a.m. at Maneeley’s Restaurant.  A continental breakfast will be served and a bus tour of different sites will follow.

Buckland Road Area Shuttle: This is a program to provide shuttle bus service to the Shops at Evergreen Walk and the Lowes/Target Plaza that has been proposed.  The Evergreen Walk Management has decided to wait until the current holiday season is completed before further exploring the idea.  Mr. Stevenson will be meeting with Elizabeth Page, Manager of Evergreen Walk; Bruce Snow, of Post Road Stages; and Steve Turco of Target, to discuss the feasibility and logistics.  This is now on pending discussions with Evergreen Walk Management.

OFS Corporation: As it was discussed in previous meetings, Al Hare is the owner of OFS Corporation, and he wants to expand the existing facility by 10k square feet.  The Redevelopment Agency has approved the sale of one (1) acre to OFS for the purpose of the expansion, but a mysterious parcel of land has been identified.  This land is located in between Al Hare’s property and the Town’s property, and in order to proceed with the redevelopment plan for the I-291 zone, the Town needs to acquire this property.  The owner is seeking to sell his interest, and the Town has sent him a letter to purchase the land.

Metals Testing Company: They have submitted a letter requesting tax abatement of real property improvements.  The Financial Advisor for Metals Testing is being provided with an informational tax abatement package and a tax abatement application.

A Food Distributor: This is a family owned food distribution company.  They are considering relocation from western Connecticut, because they need more space.  They are interested in the former US Food Service facility at 625 Nutmeg Road North.  They currently have 115 employees and the expansion and relocation would result in 50 new employees over the next five years.  Mr. Stevenson contacted the owner and reported that the owners found a facility in Vermont that fits the requirements.

Stowe Kitchen & Bath: As it was discussed in previous meetings, they purchased the Sunday Afternoons site on Sullivan Avenue, and they are moving now with the renovations of the building.  They are proceeding with the planning of phase two, which is an expansion to the building.

Mazak Corporation: They are currently located on a regional technology center in South Windsor.  The center functions as a training facility, sales office and development center.  They are seeking to upgrade to a more modern facility.  Their first choice is to relocate in the I-291 gateway area, and their top priority is Interstate frontage.  The location will be presented to the owner in Japan for approval.

Post Road Stages, Inc.: Because of the nature of their business, they receive some tax abatement automatically.  Therefore, Mr. Stevenson feels that there is no need to offer the owner a Town Tax Abatement.

Scott Leonard-George Lee: They are moving forward with the plan to develop the site of the former Sunnyside Market.  This project will include a Savings Institute Bank, a small 1500 square. foot restaurant, and a retail establishment.  The Conservation Commission and the Planning & Zoning Commission approved this project; the project is moving ahead.

Abacus Mortgage: Tim Moriarty, owner, is interested in building an office building.  There is also space for possibly three or four other businesses.  He may seek Town Tax Abatement.

M & S Paving and Sealing Inc: Mr. Stevenson met with the owner.  The company is seeking to purchase a lot to construct a 5k square foot building and have a yard for outside storage of equipment and materials.  The owner is looking at the Commerce Way site.

Construction Firm:  This is an existing company is South Windsor.  Mr. Stevenson is assisting in finding a 2 to 3 acre parcel for a construction company.

I-291 Gateway: Mr. Stevenson will be meeting with DECD officials to discuss the subject.

250k Square Foot Retail Establishment: They are considering the property fronting on Wheeler Road.  Mr. Stevenson provided them with aerial shots, maps, and a proposed road system of the site.  The company is still evaluating possible Connecticut locations.

42 Troy Road/706 Sullivan Avenue: Mr. Stevenson has been contacted to assist in marketing this property.  Various conditions make this a difficult property to develop.  This property is listed on SiteFinder.

Distribution Company: They are considering several sites in South Windsor to site a new 100k square foot facility.  I-291 Gateway and Sullivan Avenue properties are under consideration.

Call Center: Mr. Stevenson is working with the Metro Hartford Alliance.  He submitted the property at 60 Bidwell Road to a firm seeking to site a 15k square foot call center.  An appointment to tour the facility occurred on December 21st, 2004.

Medical Device Manufacturer, Distributor: This is a 14 year-old company that has outgrown its current facility and is considering the construction of a new facility on South Satellite Road or an alternative South Windsor location.

PickleWorks Deli: They want to build a building on Sullivan Avenue, where they can expand their current business and have the capacity for people to come in.

A brief discussion was made on the property presented by Mr. DeMallie.  Chairperson Anthony believes that the concept is great.  However, she states that it should not be listed on Sitefinders until it is approved for a tax abatement.

Mr. Stevenson stated that he sent a letter to Mr. Brown offering him both kinds of abatements, but he has not formally responded. If Mr. Brown decides that he likes the idea and that he wants to pursue the tax abatement process, Mr. Stevenson will draft a proposal.  This proposal will be based on the amount of lots that he wants to do, based on the average of the type of building that might be there, and make some projections about what the revenue could be.

Chairperson Anthony agreed, and asked Mr. Stevenson to bring the proposal to the next meeting and then if it got the conceptual plan in place, then it can go to the Town Manager.




Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m.
Was made by Commissioner Murtha
Seconded by Commissioner Kyc
The motion carried unanimously

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary