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EDC Minutes 11/17/04

Vice-Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

2.      ROLL CALL

Members present:        Vice-Chairman Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Mark Lillis, James Murray, and Janis Murtha

Members absent: Chairperson Anthony, Terrie Kyc, and Marilyn Morrison

Alternates present:     Susan Burnham sitting for Marilyn Morrison
John Mitchell sitting for Terrie Kyc

Alternates absent:      Carolyn Egan

3.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION--(Addressed under Item #7)
Richard (Dick) Kelly


On page 3 under Item #6C Report from Liaison Joseph Carino: the answer to Question #1 should read as follows:  “The Water Pollution Control Authority approved all of the buildings in a single approval.  Additional approvals will take place for those individual stores that have special discharge requirements.

On page 3, under Item #6C question #2: the last sentence to the answer should read as follows: “Based on present zoning, the capacity of the Clark Street pumping station and all of the associated sewer systems are adequate to handle all of the developments using this system.”

Under Item #3-Public Participation- “Dr. Bob Grillo” was incorrectly typed as “Dr. Bob Grill.”

Motion to approve the minutes of October 27, 2004, as amended

Was made by Commissioner Murtha
Seconded by Commissioner Murray
The motion carried unanimously


Vice-Chairman Carino reported that on November 9, 2004 the Planning & Zoning Commission approved Wentworth Park for the construction of a 12-office condominium on 225 Oakland Road.

The Vice-Chairman submitted a copy of an article advertised in the “American Institute for Economic Research” report, which he considered of interest for everyone to read (See Attachment A.)  Also, he read to the members the invitation from the South Windsor Chamber of Commerce with the Town of South Windsor to attend the Annual Holiday Social and New Business reception.  It will be held at the Mill on the River Restaurant on December 16, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. with the cost at $15.00 per person.

The Vice-Chairman stated that Chairman Anthony suggested postponing the South Windsor Development Day that was scheduled for December 8th until spring.  Everyone agreed and a motion was made.

Motion to postpone the South Windsor Development Day event to early spring

Was made by Commissioner Mitchell
Seconded by Commissioner Murray
The motion was approved with 5 Ayes to 1 Abstention, on a Roll Call vote, as follows:

Susan Burnham           Aye
Joe Carino                      Aye
Edwina Futtner          Aye
Dwight Johnson          Abstained
James Murray                    Aye
John Mitchell                   Aye


a)      Report from Liaison - Planning & Zoning Commission

No report was presented.

b)      Report from Liaison-Inland/Wetlands Commission

Commissioner Mitchell stated that he attended, this evening, the Inland/Wetlands Commission meeting and reported that the application for River Walk Senior Residence Development located on 1235 Sullivan Avenue was approved for the construction of an 18-unit Senior Residence Development on 122 acres.  Also, the application for Brightman Circle Subdivision was tabled to the next Inland/Wetlands Commission meeting.

c)      Report from Liaison Joseph Carino–Water Pollution Control Authority

Vice-Chairman Carino reported that, at the last Water Pollution Control Authority meeting,
38 Ident Road was approved for connection to the Town’s sewerage system.

d)      Report from Marketing/Communications Sub-Committee

No report was presented.

e)      Report from Business Retention Sub-Committee

No report was presented.

f)      Report from Research Analysis/Recommendation Sub-Committee

No report was presented.

Craig Stevenson did not attend this evening’s meeting.  However, a copy of his updated Monthly Economic Development report was distributed to Commissioners.  The Commission revised the report and a brief discussion occurred.  For more information, please see Attachment B.

Motion to accept Public Participation (Item #3) at this time.

Was made by Commissioner Mitchell
Seconded by Commissioner Murray
The motion carried unanimously

Mr. Richard (Dick) Kelly was in attendance this evening to discuss his concerns with the Commission, based on Route 5 and the Industrial Park along Route 5.  Mr. Kelly is concerned about the number of open space buildings in the Town throughout this area.  He also mentioned that people are very concerned of how the area is beginning to look with all those empty buildings.  The question being asked is whether South Windsor a good place to locate, and some of them are saying no.  Mr. Kelly, along with the Chamber of Commerce, is asking for the Economic Development Commission to give serious thought of how to fill this empty space, and it was suggested that the Chamber of Commerce and the Town become involved.

Commissioner Mitchell mentioned to Mr. Kelly that the Commission is trying to have a South Windsor developing day, which has been rescheduled now for early spring.  This event will take place at Maneeley’s, and developers will be invited for the purpose of promoting the Town of South Windsor, and giving a tour of the area just mentioned as well as others.

Commissioner Futtner suggested that Mr. Kelly speak with Craig Stevenson, the Town’s Economic Development Consultant.




Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Mitchell
Seconded by Vice-Chairman Carino
The motion carried unanimously

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary