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EDC Minutes 10/27/04

Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

2.      ROLL CALL

Members present:        Chairperson Anthony, Vice-Chairman Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Terrie Kyc, Mark Lillis, Marilyn Morrison, James Murray, and Susan Burnham sitting for Commissioner Murtha

Members absent: 

Alternates present:     John Mitchell

Alternates absent:      Carolyn Egan

Peter DeMallie of Design Professionals, Inc. came in front of the Commission and reported on the following items:

South Satellite Road: Businesses on this road still cannot get broadband service.  Peter wrote a letter to the Attorney General and they responded back saying that it is out of their hands.

Leonard, 1000, 1006 Sullivan Avenue:  Savings Institute Bank and another building will be located on this site.  They will be going through the Inland Wetlands Commission; support for the project is needed.

South Windsor Technology Center: Dave Caron has started the construction.  The Commission would like to promote this business at the Realtors/Development Breakfast on December 8, 2004 and would like to invite Dave Caron to represent this site.

Generation 2: They are in the process of redesigning the building footprints to try to move the buildings farther away. They would be going to the Inland Wetland Commission on November 3, 2004; support for the project is needed.

Dr. Bob Grillo, Dentist: He moved to the Town from East Hartford.  He received variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals but is still working on the design of the building.

Visions Spa & Salon: The project is moving along.  They are working on the architectural design.  The next step is to go through the Planning and Zoning Commission process.

Berry Patch I and II:  They are under construction doing a 62 and older elderly apartments.  The first occupancies will occur this fall for Berry Patch I-with the first five buildings off of Oakland Road.
DBD Management-Hartford Truck Equipment: They are located off of Bissell Bridge I-291 east bound.  They are number one in Greater Hartford for plow blades.  However, they need help because after nine years of business, they received a letter from the Zoning Enforcement Officer stating that their business is in violation of the zoning regulations.  Also, they are overtaxed on the site right now, and they are going through a process to resolve this problem.


Motion to approve the minutes of September 22, 2004

Was made by Commissioner Futtner
Seconded by Commissioner Morrison
The motion carried unanimously


Chairperson Anthony reported on the following items:

Daniels Electric: Tax abatement is being approved and they are proceeding rapidly with their expansion.

Generation 2: They presented their project proposal at the last Economic Development Commission meeting, and they might have problems obtaining a tax abatement.

Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP)  grant: There was an article in the Journal Inquirer stating that the Town is being awarded, once again, a $500,000 grant under this program to implement the I-291 Development Project.

Evergreen Walk: Reminder of the Evergreen Walk festivity on Thursday, October 28, 2004.  Other activities will be taking place along with their grand openings.


a)      Report from Liaison - Planning & Zoning Commission
No report was presented.

Report from Liaison-Inland/Wetlands Commission
        No report was presented.

c)      Report from Liaison Joseph Carino–Water Pollution Control Authority

Vice-Chairman Carino reported that, at the last Water Pollution Control Authority meeting the following items were approved:

Metal Testing: They have been approved for connection to the Town’s sewerage system.

Vision’s Salon & Spa Corporation, 207 Buckland Road: They are going to be building s two-story salon and spa with an entrance facing Evergreen Walk.  They have been approved for connection to the Town’s sewerage system.

Johnny Rockets Restaurant-Evergreen Walk: They have been approved to connect a grease interceptor.

The Vice-Chairman answered the following questions that were asked by Commissioner Mitchell at the last EDC meeting.

Question #1: How does the Water Pollution Control Authority approve all of the department stores that are going to be located on Buckland Road? The Water Pollution Control Authority approved all of the buildings in a single approval.  Additional approvals will take place for those individual stores that have special discharge requirements.

Question #2: Will the Clark Street pumping station be adequate to handle all of the development that is taking place? Vice-Chairman Carino responded that, based on a revision that was made two years ago, the Clark Street pumping station will handle all of the Northeast section of South Windsor, as long as the Planning and Zoning Commission does not change any of the zoning.  Based on present zoning, the capacity of the Clark Street pumping station and all of the associated sewer systems are adequate to handle all of the developments using this system.

d)      Report from Marketing/Communications Sub-Committee
No report was presented.

e)      Report from Business Retention Sub-Committee
No report was presented.

Report from Research Analysis/Recommendation Sub-Committee
No report was presented.


Report from Craig Stevenson on the following items:
(For more information please see Attachment A.)

Metal Testing: They have submitted a letter requesting tax abatement for real property improvements.  However, they have not yet submitted the information to complete the Incentive Program package.

HPC FoodService Company/Hartford Provision Company: They are still interested in relocating here in Town, and they are moving forward with the property owner to negotiate a purchase and sale agreement.

Stowe Kitchen & Bath: They are moving forward with plans to purchase the site formerly occupied by Sunday Afternoons; they are very interested in creating a high quality state of the art demonstration facility for their products.

Mazak: They want to open a regional technology center in South Windsor.  They have presented the idea to the owner in Japan, and they like the idea of being located in the I291 gateway area.  Mazak has been presented with the idea of taking some acreage at 55 Corneau Way in Town.

Post Road Stages: It is a great project, but unfortunately because of the nature of the company, an abatement does not really help them since they are already exempt from a lot of their property taxes.

Abacus Mortgage: They are planning to expand from current 700 square feet to about 1.5k square feet; they may seek tax abatement.

OFS Corporation: At the last Redevelopment Agency meeting, the sale of 1 acre of land to OFS for the purpose of the expansion was approved.

Generation 2 and 225 Oakland Road: They came in front of the Commission at the last meeting to present their project proposal.  The project is facing a challenging Inland Wetlands Commission approval, and the next meeting is scheduled for November 3; support for the project is needed.

300 Pleasant Valley Road: In addition to their existing use of the property, they are considering a lease of the 25k available square feet at this site.

Rye Street 104 acres: A Springfield, MA broker has submitted the property for consideration by a distribution facility that would erect a 500k square foot facility.

42 Troy Road/706 Sullivan Avenue: The owner requested assistance in marketing this property and it will be listed on SiteFinder.

251-259 Sullivan Avenue: Richard Lavey has requested assistance in marketing approximately 3 to 6k square feet of available commercial space.  This will also be listed on SiteFinder.
Distribution company: This is a national company considering several sites in South Windsor for a new 100k square foot facility.  Also, I-291 Gateway and Sullivan Avenue properties are under consideration.

Software firm: A California company is considering a location to lease 60k square feet.

Realtors/Development Breakfast: Craig Stevenson contacted Maneeley’s Restaurant to get a list of dates that are available for this event.  The Commission decided that the event will take place on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 from the hours of 8:00 am to 11:00 a.m., and a continental breakfast will be served.

Community Cable Program: the next step is to meet with local staff to see what is the best way to start this program.

Incentives Promotional Brochure: The promotional package needs to be updated.  Craig Stevenson will work with Judith Hall, Assistant to the Town Manager, to bring the package up to date.  It would be computer based so that it can be printed, as it is needed.




Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Morrison
Seconded by Commissioner Mitchell
The motion carried unanimously

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary