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EDC-9/22/04-Regular Meeting

Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

2.      ROLL CALL

Members present:        Chairperson Anthony, Vice-Chairman Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Terrie Kyc, and Janis Murtha

Members absent: Mark Lillis, Marilyn Morrison, James Murray, and Daniel Rys

Alternates present:     Susan Burnham sitting for Commissioner Morrison
John Mitchell sitting for Commissioner Lillis

Alternates absent:      Carolyn Egan

Chairperson Anthony read Commissioner Rys resignation letter.

Motion to accept Commissioner Rys resignation

Was made by Commissioner Futtner
Seconded by Commissioner Murtha with great deal of regret
The motion carried unanimously


Motion to move to Item #8

Was made by Vice-Chairman Carino
Seconded by Commissioner Futtner
The motion carried unanimously


Developer presentation:

Chairperson Anthony introduced Jeffrey Sawyer and David Mitchell of Generation 2 Inc., who were in attendance to present their project and proposal.  The project will be called Wentworth Park, located at 225 Oakland Road and a copy of the proposal was submitted to the Commission (see Exhibit A). The project proposal is to build twelve, 3,000 square foot, two story office condominiums.  These office condominiums will be sold versus leased or rented.  Mr. Sawyer stated that their intent is to engage with South Windsor construction companies as sub-contractors.  They have already hired Hunter Reality Group as their broker for the land, Stowe Kitchen & Bath to handle all their millwork needs and Design Professionals to handle all of the civil engineering. The site has been tested to have unsuitable soils, it is required to remove these soils and bring in soils to meet environmental requirements.  Also, the entire site needs to be elevated so it can be above the existing flood plain.  The site does not meet the town

Motion to approve the minutes of July 28, 2004 with corrections

Was made by Commissioner Mitchell
Seconded by Vice-Chairman Carino
The motion carried unanimously


Chairperson Anthony mentioned that WFSB-Channel 3, decided to stay in Hartford, CT.  As discussed in the previous meeting, they were looking to relocate and a letter was sent inviting them to the Town of South Windsor.  They responded back stating that the site in the I291 corridor was very appealing to them and it would it fit their needs, but they decided to stay in Hartford, CT.


a)      Report from Liaison - Planning & Zoning Commission

No report was presented.

                b)      Report from Liaison-Inland/Wetlands Commission

        No report was presented.

c)      Report from Liaison Joseph Carino
Vice-Chairman Carino reported, in the last Water Pollution Control Authority meeting the following items were approved:

LA Fitness Center of Evergreen Walk: They have been approved for connection to the Town
Kasheta Farms, John Fitch Blvd - They are adding a building on the north side of their property to be used for maintenance of farm equipment.  They asked for sewer connections and it has been approved.

Vice-Chairman Carino also reported that as the Evergreen Walk is developing quite rapidly, he has initiated an activity with the Water Pollution Control Authority to put a short line across Buckland Road to the East Side before it is resurface.  He feels that if a ditch is place in where all of the utilities are going to be placed, that would be a logical place to put the sewerage line as well.  The Water Pollution Control Authority wants to get ready on the east side with the connection and then work with the other Town Agencies to decide exactly where the east side short line is going to go.  Commissioner Mitchell asked if the Town is approaching near capacity as far as the full area from the pumping station and going down to Main Street.  Vice-Chairman Carino responded that it is not approaching full capacity because the lines are design for much more development than just Evergreen Walk.  He also offered to get from Fred Shaw an estimated percentage, so that the Commission have it and understand whether the Town is reaching any capacity or not.

d)      Report from Marketing/Communications Sub-Committee

No report was presented.

e)      Report from Business Retention Sub-Committee

No report was presented.

f)      Report from Research Analysis/Recommendation Sub-Committee

No report was presented.


Economic Development Showcase and Golf Outing
Commissioner Mitchell suggested having instead, a South Windsor Economic Development Showcase where developers can show and give an overview of their project and their proposals and realtors can give an overview of their available properties.  He also suggested getting assistance from the South Windsor Chamber of Commerce, and everyone agreed.  Commissioner Murtha suggested composing a sub-committee to help with this event.

Mr. Stevenson also reported on the following items:

Post Road Stages: interested in putting up a new facility where they can maintain and clean their vehicles.  It would be an indoor facility and it is substantial investment on their part.  Craig Stevenson met with the owner and discussed a tax abatement.  They are in the process of gathering information needed to complete the tax abatement application.

Stowe Kitchen & Bath: they have purchased the old Dairy Queen Restaurant and Miniature Golf on Sullivan Avenue.  They are interest in putting a state of the art kitchen and bath showroom.  They are also interested in tax abatement if appropriate.

Mazak Corporation, located on Route 5: They are looking to upgrade and expand their facility.  Their fist choice is to relocate in the I-291 gateway area and Evergreen Walk, LLC has been informed of their interest.

Craig Stevenson stated there is a company that is interested in the I291 Gateway Area.  However he is not at liberty to disclose the company name. He showed them the property and provided them with detailed maps of the area.  This will be a very significant retail destination project.  It is the number one attraction in some of the states that they are located in.  The DECD was excited and interested with the idea of this company coming to Connecticut.  It will be the next highest attraction in the state and will literally bring millions of people to Connecticut each year.

8.      NEW BUSINESS-(Already Addressed)


Commissioner Mitchell asked Mr. Stevenson to give an overview on the infrastructure of I291.  Mr. Stevenson stated that there are challenges in the property.  One of the challenges is that there is an electrical line that runs through the middle of it.  In addition, the Redevelopment Agency had the land appraised and it was reported that is not just an easement through the property, Northeast Utility actually owns that property that runs through the I291 area.  Also, there is no water sewerage on the site and roads needs to be constructed.  The Redevelopment Agency is in the process of entering into the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act, which requires a study of the area to be done before State money is used.  This study will show where it can and cannot be develop, and what is the best layout for the road and sewerage system to go.  Mr. Stevenson noted that the Redevelopment Agency applied for a second STEAP grant.  There would be a Bond Commission hearing on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 where the State is going to authorize all the STEAP funds and there would be an announcement of the Towns that have been awarded with the STEAP grant.

Commissioner Futtner asked Mr. Stevenson how is Evergreen Walk doing with the sales of property.  Mr. Stevenson feels everything is sold with the exemption a few spots left where the Home Depot Expo Center was going to be.  With no further discussion the meeting moved to adjourn.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:57 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Murtha
Seconded by Commissioner Mitchell
The motion carried unanimously

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary