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Economic Development Comm. 6-16-2004

Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m.

2.      ROLL CALL

Members present:        Chairperson Anthony, Vice-Chairman Carino, Terrie Kyc, Mark Lillis, and Marilyn Morrison

Members absent: Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, James Murray, Janis Murtha, and Daniel Rys

Alternates present:     

Alternates absent:      Susan Burnham, Carolyn Egan and John Mitchell




There was no quorum for approval of previous minutes.


Chairperson Anthony reported on the following items.

Electro Methods, O & W Heat Treat, and MassConn: The tax abatement package was presented to the Town Council and approved by the Town Council at their last meeting.  Chairperson Anthony stated that she would send welcome letters to these businesses together with a copy of the resolution.

Satellite Tools: Chairperson Anthony noted that the Town Manager had been asked to present the tax abatement package to the Town Council.

Daniels Electric, 26 Sea Pave Road: They are constructing a 9,180 square foot office, service center, and warehouse facility on lot #13 Sandra Drive, South Windsor, CT.  A complete package has been presented to the Town Manager.  The Town manager and the staff committee will meet for approval and recommendations of this application.

Steel Tech: Chairperson Anthony stated that she visited this facility along with the Economic Development Consultant, Craig Stevenson.  They met with Mr. William Cohane and he gave them an overview of what the company does.  Chairperson Anthony stated that Mr. Cohane is also the President of the Chamber of Commerce, and that she mentioned to him the possibility of having Small Business Seminars in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce.  Mr. Cohane agreed that it is a positive idea.

Economic Development Showcase and Golf Outing: Chairperson Anthony presented a draft agenda to the members for input from.  She asked the members if they wanted to make contributions to any charitable organization of the Town.  Vice-Chairman Carino and Commissioner Lillis unsure if they want the Commission to make contributions to any charitable organization.  A brief discussion ensued and it was decided the topic would be discussed at the next Economic Development Commission meeting.

Commissioner Lillis suggested a bus tour of sites, so that everyone gets an idea of what development opportunities are available in Town.

Commissioner Morrison suggested that this event could be advertised in the newspapers so it can be better promoted.  All agreed to discuss this further at the next Economic Development Commission meeting.


a)      Report from Liaison - Planning & Zoning Commission

No report was presented.

b)      Report from Liaison-Inland/Wetlands Commission

  No report was presented.

c)      Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison –Water Pollution Control Commission

Vice-Chairman Carino reported that, in the last Water Pollution Control Commission meeting, the modification to a sewer line has been approved for Post Road Stages.  They are building a closed-in wash facility for their buses, and they asked for a movement of the drainage.

The Water Pollution Control Commission also approved the sewer connection for Daniels Electric, lot #13 of Sandra Drive.

Vice-Chairman Carino also reported that, in the last public hearing they held, it was decided to increase user fees from $210.00 to $216.00.  He stated that this was necessary because the increase in the cost of processing sewers is going up and the user fees needed to be increased in order to compensate.  The Vice-Chairman stated that the Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) presented to the Water Pollution Control Commission a reading of the system and $216 is for 92,000 gallons.  All of the Town residents will pay the same amount whether it’s with MDC or Vernon.

d)      Report from Marketing/Communications Sub-Committee

Chairperson Anthony stated that this item had been discussed in item #5, in regards to the EDC Showcase golf Tournament.

e)      Report from Business Retention Sub-Committee

No report was presented.  Commissioner Lillis stated that he is the only one in the Committee and, therefore, asked the Chairperson if she wished to dispense with the committee, as it no longer exists as a Committee.  Craig Stevenson suggested appointing new members to it, and then when he comes on board in July, the business presentation program can be expanded.

f)              Report from Research Analysis/Recommendation Sub-Committee

No report was presented.


a)              Economic Development Assistance Fund:

Chairperson Anthony asked for input from the Commission and then asked Craig Stevenson to give an example as to how this program can work.  

Mr. Stevenson presented Herman Schmidt as an example.  Herman Schmidt is located in the Town of East Hartford and is now purchasing an existing building in South Windsor that doesn’t need many improvements to be offered a tax abatement.  So, he had questioned what the Economic Development Commission would do for him in terms of an incentive.  He explained that other Towns have an Economic Development Assistance Fund, and some of them call it a Relocation Grant.  This allows the Town to pay the company the cost of moving expenses if they move from one particular town to their town.

Chairperson Anthony noted that this is a fund that would be provided to those who do not meet the criteria of a tax abatement but still need help.  Vice-Chairman Carino and Commissioner Lillis were uncertain about having this type of program and how this can be beneficial to the Commission.  Mr. Carino suggested having Mr. Stevenson bring more information and examples of what other Towns have done. Chairperson Anthony suggested the possibility of bringing someone to the next meeting from another Town that has an Assistance Fund to give their overview of the process. Mr. Stevenson thought that the Commission should consider this and it was agreed upon to have it for discussion on the next Agenda.




Vice-Chairman Carino stated that as it was discussed in Item #5; the Town Council approved three tax abatements and presented Resolutions.  Since Resolutions are public information, the Vice-Chairman suggested having them publicized in the newspaper.  He felt that by using a press release, it would be another way of communicating with the community and letting them know that the Town offers tax abatements.  He considered this a more positive way of letting people know that the Town offers a tax abatement than having a sentence on the Building permit application.  The Commissioners agreed.

Mr. Stevenson stated that other Towns publicize tax abatements that have been awarded.  He suggested having the next awarded tax abatement publicized in a press release so the community can see that South Windsor is a pro-business community that wants businesses to locate here.  Everyone was in agreement.

There was no further discussion.


A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. by Commissioner Lillis.  It was seconded by Commissioner Morrison and was unanimously passed.

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary