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EDC 4/28/2004
Members present:        Chairperson Anthony, Vice-Chairman Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Terrie Kyc, Marilyn Morrison, James Murray, and Daniel Rys.

Members absent: Janis Murtha and Mark Lillis
Alternates present:     

Alternates absent:      Susan Burnham and John Mitchell


Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.






A motion to approve the minutes of the March 24, 2004 Regular Meeting with corrections was made by Commissioner Morrison.  Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion and carried unanimously.


Chairperson Anthony reported that the Old Parkway beef building on Route 5 is no longer in process.  She stated that the town is requiring him to have so many parking space for the entire 10,000 square feet.  If indeed this was the requirement should be changed.

Commissioner Rys stated that the number of parking space that was required by the town was based on the entire square footage of the building, warehouse and retail portion.  The retail portion was a very small part. The town was requiring a certain amount of parking spaces, which was unable to be accommodated on that site without some significant renovations or improvements.

Commissioner Rys also stated that if the regulation on parking spaces is based on the entire square footage, it needs to be changed. If that is the regulation we should look towards adjusting that, so that retail square footage has x amount of spaces and warehouse square footage gets a certain percentage of that or less than that.

Craig Stevenson stated that the problem might be that the whole area is retail even though the use is a warehouse.  He felt that a change to the zone in which that property its located should be considered.  The zone can be changed from retail or commercial zone, to more industrial zone.

Vice-Chairperson Carino stated that the Planning And Zoning Commission should be approached to review the parking requirements, and if the parking requirements could be revised to be more consistent with the use of the property. He considers that for the benefit of all the town businesses and the developers.  There should be a parking requirement that it is more realistic to the uses of the building.  Everyone agreed.

Report from Liaison

a)      Report from Liaison—Planning & Zoning Commission
There is nothing to report.

b)      Report from Liaison-Inland/Wetlands Commission
        There is nothing to report.

c)      Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison –Water Pollution Control Commission
Vice-Chairperson Carino stated: we solved most residential properties and we are talking about the update of our facility on Nevers Road.  We have nothing significant on commercial to report.

Report from Marketing/Communications Sub-Committee
There is nothing to report.

Report from Business Retention Sub-Committee
There is nothing to report

Report from Research Analysis/Recommendation Sub-Committee
Chairperson Anthony stated that the Town Manager has presented a spreadsheet and a budget forecast to the Board of Education.  She also stated that the budget forecast is almost completed.  Chairperson Anthony presented the Board of Education to CERC.

Chairperson Anthony reported that Satellite Tools & Machine, located on Commerce Way is looking to get a tax abatement.  They were unaware that this was available and they already started the building construction.  Satellite Tools & Machine Co. submitted a letter requesting tax abatement to the Town Manager as advised.

Commissioner Murray stated that many businesses don’t know that tax abatements are available in the Town Hall.  He stated that prior to any construction a building permit is requested, therefore he suggested that on the application there should be a wording stating that tax abatements are available.  Chairperson agrees to the suggestion.
Chairperson Anthony asked the Economic Development Commission if tax abatement should be submitted to the Town Council from Satellite Tools & Machine after construction of the building has started.

A motion was made by Commissioner Johnson to send application for tax abatement to Satellite Tools & Machine. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Morrison and approved 5 Ayes to 3 Abstention, on a Roll Call vote, as follows:

Marge Anthony                           Aye
Joe Carino                                      Abstained
Edwina Futtner                          Aye
Dwight Johnson                          Aye
James Murray                                    Abstained
Marilyn Morrison                                Aye
Terrie Kyc                                      Aye
Daniel Rys                                      Abstained

An application for tax abatement will be mailed to Satellite Tools & Machine.


The Economic Development Assistance Fund will be discussed in the next meeting.

Commissioner Rys presented a report along with Craig Stevenson on Small Business Seminars.  Commissioner Rys stated that the East Hartford Economic Development in conjunction with East Hartford Chamber of Commerce is holding a business workshop.

Craig Stevenson added that the East Hartford Economic Development Commission and the East Hartford Chamber of Commerce is working along with the University of CT Small Business Development Center to provide business workshop seminars.

Craig Stevenson and the East Hartford Economic Development Commission is inviting the South Windsor Economic Development Commission to join them in offering the remainder of these seminars to South Windsor businesses.  If the program is successful Chairperson Anthony will contact the South Windsor Chamber of Commerce to join them in offering this seminars to South Windsor businesses this fall.


The Chairperson stated that Matthew Galligan, Town Manager was in attendance to present the tax abatements.

Mr. Galligan made a brief presentation on three tax partnership proposals for the review of the Economic Development and recommendation to the Town Council.  He also updated the members on economic development issues in Town.
Town Manager introduced the new Director of the Economic Development, Craig Stevenson to the members.

A discussion took place regarding the tax abatement proposals for (3) area businesses.  After review of the presentation submitted by Town Manager the following action was taken:

A motion to approve tax abatement for O & W Heat Treat was made by Commissioner Rys, seconded by Commissioner Morrison and carried unanimously.

A motion to approve tax abatement for Electro Methods, 519 Nutmeg Road was made by Commissioner Johnson, Commissioner Futtner seconded the motion and passed unanimously.

A motion to approve tax abatement for MassConn Distributors CPL, new construction-12 Commerce Way, was made by Commissioner Futtner. Commissioner Morrison seconded the motion and passed unanimously.

A motion to move to item #5-Communications and remarks from the EDC Chairperson was made by Vice-Chairperson Carino, seconded by Commissioner Johnson and carried unanimously.


A general discussion was made on the suggestion that Commissioner Murray made earlier in item #6-Old Business.  Commissioner Murray suggested having a text on the application for building permits stating that tax abatements are available in the Town of South Windsor.

A discussion was held before the motion was made in which the Commission decided that the Town Attorney, Barry Guiliano, should do the wording for the text.  The Commission would like to review the text at the next scheduled meeting.

Commissioner Murray made a motion that in the future, information should be placed on the application for building permits laying out that tax abatements are available in the Town of South Windsor.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Futtner and approved 6 Ayes to 1 Abstention, on a Roll Call vote, as follows:

Marge Anthony           Aye
Joe Carino                      Abstained
Edwina Futtner          Aye
Dwight Johnson          Aye
James Murray                    Aye
Marilyn Morrison                Aye
Terrie Kyc                      Aye
Daniel Rys                      Aye


A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. was made by Commissioner Rys, seconded by Commissioner Morrison and unanimously passed.

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary