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EDC 3/24/04
Members present:        Vice-Chairman Carino, Members Mark Lillis, Marilyn Morrison, Dwight Johnson, and Daniel Rys.

Members absent: Chairperson Marjorie Anthony, Members Edwina Futtner, Terrie Kyc, James Murray, and Janis Murtha
Alternates absent:      

Alternates present:     Susan Burnham sitting for Janis Murtha
John Mitchell sitting for James Murray.


Vice-Chair Joe Carino called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m.






A motion to approve the minutes of the February 25, 2004 Regular Meeting with amendment was made by Commissioner Lillis, seconded by Commissioner Burnham.


Vice-Chair Carino suggested the members review the Economic Development Commission Assistance fund that was brought in to the last meeting by Chair Anthony, and to develop the pros and cons of this fund for a discussion to be made.


Vice-Chair Carino made a reminder for members attending the Expansion Award Dinner on Thursday, March 25, 2004 at the Stardust/Sport Zone Restaurant located on Route 5.


At the last meeting, Commissioner Rys stated that Chair Anthony requested that he look into some business seminars that the Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Development Commission in East Hartford are putting together.  Commissioner Rys researched and brought copies of the information to members of the Commission and a brief discussion was made on this research.

Copies of the literature are going to be sent to absent members.  Vice-Chair Carino requested this information be put on the agenda as a discussion item for the next meeting.

Commissioner Rys suggested that the Economic Development Commission should approach the Planning & Zoning Commission, or any other agencies in Town, in regard to the difficulties that some of the developers have expressed. This would give an understanding to the Economic Development Commission of why businesses and developers are not interested in coming to the Town of South Windsor.


The general discussion was based on two important items.  The first item was “Abandoning the Mall”, a very interesting article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, March 24, 2004.  Vice-Chairperson Carino presented this article to members of the Commission and a brief discussion was made.

The second item is that Vice-Chair Carino informed members that according to the report from the Town Manager to the Town Council, there is money in the budget for an Economic Development Coordinator.

Commissioner Rys stated that it is unfortunate that the unhappy developers didn’t come to the Economic Development Commission early on and voice their concerns.  Also, he stated that there is an architect in the Town that would like to come and talk to the Commission; he believes that more people should be encouraged to do that.

Commissioner Burnham was concerned that if when someone is interested in doing business in the Town of South Windsor, that they know that the Economic Development Commission is available, and does anyone introduce himself or herself to the business or developers?

There was a lengthy discussion concerning how the Economic Development Commission will handle the situation with unhappy people, and how to give the message that the Economic Development Commission is available to help.

According to Vice-Chairperson Carino, the consensus of this meeting is that meeting with the Chamber of Commerce it is probably equal to or more significant than a meeting with the other agencies that have been planned.  Members of the Commission agreed with Vice-Chairperson Carino.

Commissioner Rys suggested that the Chairperson should extend an invitation to the Executive Director to be in our next meeting.  Commissioner Mitchell agreed with Commissioner Rys and also suggested that it should be brought to the Executive Director that the Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Development Commission should work together to do something for the Town of South Windsor.  Members of the Commission agreed to this suggestion.


A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 p.m. was made by Commissioner Mitchell, seconded by Commissioner Morrison and unanimously passed.

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary