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EDC 04-23-2003
Members present:        Chairperson Marjorie Anthony, Members, Joe Carino, Terrie Kyc, Marilyn Morrison, Clifford Slicer

Members absent: Joseph DeMaio, Edwina Futtner, Mark Lillis, James Murray, Janis Murtha

Alternates absent:      

Alternates present:     David Fields, sitting for Jim Murray
                                   Dwight Johnson, sitting for Joseph DeMaio
John Mitchell, sitting for Janis Murtha
Daniel Rys, sitting for Edwina Futtner


Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.






A motion to approve the minutes of the March 26, 2003, regular meeting, was made by Commissioner Mitchell. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Carino and passed unanimously.


The Chair noted that the Town Manager, Matthew Galligan, was a visitor to the meeting and that a portion of the meeting was being video taped for the video. She then moved directly to old business.


Liaison Reports:

Report from Clifford Slicer, Liaison, Planning and Zoning Commission:

Mr. Slicer attended two Planning and Zoning meetings on April 8th and April 22nd to follow the
application on Sandy Brook Senior Residential Development. The plan for 16 units on 20 acres was approved unanimously at the April 22nd meeting.
      Mr. Slicer also stated that the application for the Expo Design Center vote was tabled pending       
      clarification from the Town Attorney concerning Intervenor action.

     Commissioner Mitchell expressed his concern regarding the residential homeowner selling his
    home and acreage to the Intervenors. He wondered if this would impact the potential for court
     actions and delay actions. The Chair asked for Mr. Galligan’s opinion. He stated that as abutting
     property owners they do have more rights but didn’t feel that there was too much they could do
     about the Expo Center now. He has spoken with the developers who feel this if more of a
     restraint of trade, rather than an environmental issue and they are going ahead as planned.

    The Parkside Plunkett-Webster plan should be breaking ground in two or three weeks.

Report from Mr. DeMaio, Liaison, Inland/Wetlands:
Mr. DeMaio was not present.

Report from Mr. Carino, Liaison, Water Pollution and Control Authority:
Mr. Carino stated that they did some fine-tuning on the Commercial business sewer rates. There may be some questions on the meters used at the facilities.

Sub Committee Reports:

Report from the Marketing/Communications Sub Committee:
The Chair told the members that she was considering a fifteen-minute video, but after viewing a five-minute video, decided to go with the five-minute video instead. It will be long enough and will  also save money. The Chair suggested to Mr. Galligan showing the video at the Town Council meeting – Mr. Galligan thought that was a good idea.

b)   Report from Commissioner David Fields of the Business Retention Sub-Committee:
Commissioner Fields had no report. The Chair located an old business survey and gave Commissioner Fields a copy of it to look over.

c)   Report from Research Analysis/Recommendations Sub-Committee:
The Chair and the Town Manager had a meeting at CERC regarding the 25-year study on where we were and where we’re going. Mr. Galligan then spoke about the study’s projections. He stated that we needed to get everybody focused on where we want to be. On May 22nd, he will be holding a Strategic Planning Roundtable discussion to talk about Economic Development. In order to get more revenue, we need to bring in more business.

The Chair then spoke about the Review of the Economic Incentive Program. She met with the Town Manager, the Town Attorney and the Mayor. They did make some changes that will be discussed at the next meeting. It will then go before the Council on June 16th.


The Town Manager visited the commission to discuss the Fiscal Impact Analysis. A few of the Commissioners had questions and comments for Mr. Galligan before his discussion began. Commissioner Morrison thought a post office would make good use out of the vacancy left by the Pharmacy in Geissler’s Plaza. Commissioner Fields suggested a UPS store or a MailBoxes, etc. The Chair is still hoping for another Pharmacy.

Commissioner Carino brought up a problem with DST and East Hartford not allowing them an entrance on Burnham Street. Mr. Galligan has been looking into this matter.

Mr. Galligan then discussed the Fiscal Impact Analysis and how it creates formulas and scenarios based on a regional or national level. They do a community profile in which they put in figures like the Town’s assessment rate, the mill rate, the total assessment of all the properties in town, waste water treatment usage, household income, and how many children per household are enrolled in the school system. When all information is keyed in,  it kicks out what the effect will be  on police and fire services, education,  and how many people are expected in move in based on the census track-data. It then calculates the tax & cost estimates.

 Mr. Galligan stated that ECHN has filed with Wetlands and they are happy with the changes they made. Lifestyle Center has plans going to Planning and Zoning in May and the Expo is ready to pull their permits, pending final site plans. He is hoping to see L.A. Fitness permits in June or July. Mr. Galligan has spoken with the President from Casual Corner who is looking to put four or five different stores at Evergreen, possibly including a Bistro. He also spoke with someone who is interested in putting in an upscale wine and cheese store. Talks are also underway for a Cultural Arts Center.

The Chair brought up the question of a Regional Dispatch Center, Mr. Galligan stated that the funding keeps getting cut.

The Chair thanked the Manager for coming.

The Chair and the Commissioners all agreed that the discussion with the Town Manager was a very informative, great two-way communication and would like to have him visit on a quarterly basis.


A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:13 p.m. was made by Commissioner Rys, seconded by Commissioner Morrison and unanimously passed.

Debbie Kocher
Recording Secretary