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EDC 2-26-2003
Members present:        Chairperson Marjorie Anthony, Vice Chairman Joseph Carino, Members, Terrie Kyc, Mark Lilllis, Jan Murtha, Clifford Slicer

Members absent: Edwina Futtner, Joseph DeMaio, Marilyn Morrison

Alternates absent:      David Fields

Alternates present:     Dwight Johnson, sitting Marilyn Morrison
John Mitchell, sitting for  Edwina Futtner
Daniel Rys, sitting for Joseph DeMaio


Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.






A motion to approve the minutes of the January 22, 2003, regular meeting, was made by Commissioner Mitchell, with the stipulation that Mr. DeMaio’s name be added to the Members absent section. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lillis and passed unanimously.


The Chair moved directly to old business.


Liaison Reports:

Report from Clifford Slicer, Liaison, Planning and Zoning Commission:
Mr. Slicer did not have a report this month..

Report from Mr. DeMaio, Liaison, Inland/Wetlands:
Mr. DeMaio was not present.

Report from Mr. Carino, Liaison, Water Pollution and Control Authority:
Mr. Carino reported that a party that he did not identify claims the commission needed to have a public hearing on a sewer issue and is taking them to court. They plan on contesting. The Chair read a letter to the commissioners from Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, P.C. which requested, under the Freedom of Information Act, all records from the EDC pertaining to Evergreen Walk. They have been requesting information approximately every two weeks.

Sub Committee Reports:

Report from the Research Analysis & Marketing/Communications Sub Committee:

b)   Report from Commissioner David Fields of the Business Retention Sub-Committee:
Mr. Lillis reported that a letter was written to both the Board of Education and the Chamber of Commerce asking them to submit questions they would like included in the next business survey being prepared.

c)   Report from Research Analysis/Recommendations Sub-Committee:
The Chair told the members that she had a meeting on the 6th with CERC to discuss their next project. The Town Manager has supplied some statistical information to them. The report is not complete yet. Mr. Lampson of CERC and the Chair have an appointment to discuss the Evergreen Walk video that will be produced.

The Chair asked the members if they were aware of a letter circulating that is discussing a possible boycott of the Buckland Hills Mall and other measures that town residents may take to prevent interference with South Windsor’s plan to develop Evergreen Walk.
Chairman Anthony plans on calling Craig Zimmerman to get more information. Commissioner Mitchell commented that there is also a letter out urging people to attend a March 4th meeting at the Community Center The Chair said she plans to attend that meeting.

The Chair announced that she has been working on trying to get another pharmacy into the Geisslers Plaza. She is investigating a number of leads. She would like to see a company such as Pelton’s develop some space. She will continue to pursue this matter as she has heard numerous complaints about the loss of our only independent pharmacy. Commissioner Lillis suggested the possibility that Geisslers be contacted to see if there is any interest on their part for a pharmacy. Commissioner Rys discussed Stop & Shops contract expiration and their ability to operate a pharmacy at that time.


A discussion took place regarding the tax abatement proposals for (3) area business. After review of the documentation submitted by town staff the following action was taken:

A motion was made by Commissioner Lillis to approve a tax rebate for Advanced Glass/Gator Associates, 26 Schweir Road. Commissioner Mitchell seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

A motion to approve tax abatement for Dynamic Materials Corporation, 283 Sullivan Ave was made by Commissioner Murtha, subject to clarification of the total construction cost. Commissioner Lillis seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

A motion was made to approve tax abatement for Parksite Plunkett-Webster, 455 Sullivan Avenue was made by Commissioner Lillis, seconded by Commissioner Clifford and it passed with one abstention by Commissioner Murray.

A work session then took place to review and adjust the Economic Development Incentive Program.
The Commissioners made some adjustments to the last draft of the document that they had prepared some time ago. The motion was made to recess the meeting by Ms. Murtha and was seconded by Mr. Lillis while copies of the document were being made for. After reopening the meeting and distribution of the copies, suggestions and corrections were made to the plan. Chairman Anthony will present the incentive program to the Town Council.

A motion was made by Commissioner Murtha to accept the revised draft of 2/26/03. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Slicer and was passed unanimously.




A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. was made by Commissioner Rys, seconded by Commissioner Murtha and unanimously passed.

Joan Beaudry
Recording Secretary